This book was cute. A gender swapped retelling of Count of Monte Cristo.
I am going to have to get the sequel now!
This book was cute. A gender swapped retelling of Count of Monte Cristo.
I am going to have to get the sequel now!
This is a duology, and even though I liked it probably won't read the next book. It's YA, fantasy, romance and a gender - swapped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo.
Awful, this book is just awful. The only reason I finished it is because I wasted an Audible credit on it. Bad writing, boring and over written story, stupid characters, drags on and on, and huge plot holes. It is an insult to call this a rewrite of the Count of Monte Cristo, but if it‘s based on a Disney movie and not the book I guess it makes sense. Stupid girl seeks revenge on a foolish spoiled boy at the behest of a creepy old man. 0/5 stars
I love a good revenge story, but some of the writing in this book is just plain ridiculous. “Subtle like a knife seen under a coat”?! What kind of BS sentence is that?
It‘s the Holy Grail of YA fantasy: a series starter that actually DOES deserve to be a series! Enjoyed this quite a bit, really looking forward to the sequel. Love gender-flipping a revenge story b/c a young woman wanting to end a MFer for abusing her is much more believable & entertaining. Appreciated how Amaya & Cayo grappled w/turmoil, & that villains were awful but not cartoonish. Couple moments where I was legit shocked. Very fun read. 4/5 ⭐️
His mind was a viper‘s nest—every thought he grabbed at turned out to be venomous.
She was dressed all in black today, her bodice low-cut and form-fitting, with long tapered sleeves smudged with dust and glitter. Her skirt was plump with tulle and torn lace, her boot heels so sharp they could likely kill a man. In fact, Cayo was willing to bet they had.
[Helloooooooo, Nurse! 😍]
A queer, gender-bent retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo certainly sounds like it‘ll at least be entertaining!
A girl on a ship who is on a mission to avenge her family and also her own lost childhood.
Today‘s read pulled from the emergency pile of library books from the before times stashed in the ottoman. And, yes, I am still behind on all of them. (Except for the Russian history honker at the bottom that was for a play that will now be produced 2021 and I will gladly take back to the library when able.)
The was a fun revenge plot. I quite liked the characters and it was so casually diverse. The world building was good though not fully brought to the page. The ending was a bit rushed with multiple reveals that weren't properly forshadowed. I did enjoy this but probably won't pick up the sequel.
7/10 💫
Wow okay, I really loved this. The Count of Monte Cristo has always been a favourite (even though I haven‘t read it in a while) and I really liked how the author adapted the story! I‘ll definitely be picking the the sequel.
Really enjoying this one so far! It‘s a Count of Monte Cristo retelling, so I have a vague understanding of the story already, but I‘m excited to see how it pans out. Also this spine art is 🤩
Starting Scavenge the Stars! I'm so pumped to start this. I'm glad that this book came in my January Owlcrate.
I don't think I've actually read the Count of Monte Cristo but I'm familiar with the story's outline. The gender-swapped roles made it more interesting to me as I'd rather read about a ruthless female taking her revenge than another male. I also like that it's YA retelling. All in all, it was good. It's only half the story though so there was a lot of building to what now is a waiting game 'til the next book in the duology comes out.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️
DNF. I wanted to like this book, but it was really slow and felt like there were two different mega plots going on at the same time that took away from enjoying it. It felt like I was reading two different books at once. It has a good premise, but isn‘t for me, which is why I gave it two stars instead of one.
#litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile
#21 and this one so far is cool I‘m about 7 pages in. There‘s evil pirates and enslaved children and fish guts and I can already tell the girl, Silverfish, will make the bad people pay something fierce 💪
A gender bent retelling of Cont of Monte Cristo, with the sword fights and pirates and lying to boot! I enjoyed this story having never read or seen the original source material so it‘s for fans and for someone new to the story. I loved Amaya and her emotional battle through slavery to semi-royalty, then finally to herself in the end. I liked the side characters and the multiple POVs opening the story up with more details. I‘m glad I picked it up!
This saying in this novel really hit hard. You can be on top of the world and feel secure, but it can all be gone in an instant. Financially this is great advice to not play all your cards at once and to always save for a rainy day; life isn‘t always going to be smooth sailing. #currentread #tbr #owlcrate
A few library holds came in today! Just in time for the weekend! I love it when that happens! 😁📚💕 #librarybookhaul #librarylove
For our Tuesday post this week Emily shared her January 2020 #owlcrateunboxing. Just to change things up!
So proceed at your own risk!
Check out her thoughts and share hers in the comments.
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My newest loot from Owlcrate! So excited about the Hobbit map!
Today on the blog Haley shares her library haul (both physical and digital) in another Stocking the Stacks post!
Check it out and let us know what books you added to your collection this week!
#bookhaul #newbooks #stackingtheshelves #stockingtheshelves
#bookblogger #bookbloggershub #libraryhaul #locallibrary #professionalbooknerds #readingglasses #stacksonstacksonstacks
Today on the blog we're hosting another Thursday tea time and debating the pros and cons of book buying bans.
Come on over and share your thoughts!
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Okay fam holy characters I loved them all. World building could have been a little more unique but overall I liked the story and am anxious for a sequel.
I don‘t know if I just read so many books that I don‘t notice things anymore or what but little hints that lead to plot twists still get me every time even if you can see them coming from a mile away
Last minute reading an ARC but here we go! The digital copy of the ARC is terribly formatted though but beggars can‘t be choosers you know
The rule is that you don't buy yourself anything the month before Christmas. Nothing was said about freebies.