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Finale: The Conclusion to The New York Times Bestselling Hush, Hush Saga | Becca Fitzpatrick
22 posts | 173 read | 35 to read
Fates unfurl in the gripping conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Hush, Hush saga.Nora is more certain than ever that she is in love with Patch. Fallen angel or no, he is the one for her. Her heritage and destiny may mean they are fated to be enemies, but there is no turning her back on him. Now Nora and Patch must gather their strength to face one last, perilous trial. Old enemies return, new enemies are made, and a friend's ultimate betrayal threatens the peace Patch and Nora so desperately want. The battle lines are drawnbut which sides are they on? And in the end, are there some obstacles even love can't conquer?
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Does anyone remember this book, the series it belongs to?

Finale was released nearly 11 years ago, and I've only just read it. 🤯

It took me a while to find a copy of this, and I breezed through it within a few days. It felt good to be back in this world.

When it comes to fallen angel stories, this series remains my personal favorite.

Now I find myself looking for more fallen angel books to read. 🤔

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They really need to get a new narrator for this book. I can‘t tell if it‘s the writing or the acting that made it so difficult to get through this series.

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This! I think this is part of why I'm not totally in love with the books. Besides being so alpha male all the time, he keeps so many secrets from her. He only tells her stuff when she begs-and not all the time I like that she's finally able to take care of herself in this book because I hate the damsel in distress 24-7 thing. But she's kind of annoying and the constant doubting of each other is tiring. This series could be so much better.

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Book 7 of #24B42020 It is with great sadness that I say I finished this series. I fell so madly in love with the story of Nora and Patch, while I loved the ending, I wish it would have went on and on. Then again maybe it is good that it was only four books, because it was perfect the way it was. I can not express how much I would recommend this book series. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

#WinterGames #MerryReaders

Andrew65 A great total, well done. 🥳👏👏👏🙌🎯 5y
Clwojick 16 pt 5y
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My final check in for #bfcr4 I have absolutely smashed this round! Read the 20 books I planned, lost 15lb and walked over 5 miles everyday ❤ Hope everyone has enjoyed this challenge as much as I have 🙂
@Emilymdxn @jessinikkip @Melmar @LauraJ @wanderinglynn

ljuliel Wow, look at that weight total ! Really good job. ✨✨✨ 5y
Crazeedi You did absolutely fantastic! Congrats!!👏👏🎉🎉 5y
Karisa You're an inspiration! 💃💃💃 5y
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wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻🎉 Fantastic 6-weeks! 5y
suzie.reads @ljuliel @Crazeedi @Karisa @wanderinglynn thanks everyone I feel great 😊 5y
Melmar That‘s awesome! 5y
suzie.reads @Melmar thank you xx 5y
Emilymdxn You‘ve done so incredibly! I‘m in awe of you keeping your motivation so consistent over 8 weeks that‘s amazing! 5y
suzie.reads @Emilymdxn thank you so much I am extremely motivated at the moment and this challenge really helped me along the way 😊 5y
LauraJ Perfect! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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"Other than making it slant slightly, it was a perfect specimen of a thriving tree." This is a line where I stopped reading and finally today picked back up. It may not seem this important, but it is to me.

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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Fantastic 📚💕 5y
TrishB Wow 😮 awesome! 5y
Cinfhen Wow!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗 5y
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Cathythoughts 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻♥️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻😳🎈📚💞😘 5y
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IM NOOOOOOOT OOOOOOOKKKKKAAAAYYY IM NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!!!!!!!! < Just going to leave it at that. TBH I REEEAALLY WANTED A PATCH AND NORA SEX SCENE AT THE END. Have ya'll heard theres going to be a Hush Hush movie?!?! So excited!!!

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Hour. 48. And that‘s a wrap! Thank you everyone for joining us for #24in48. We‘ve got a few more door prizes up on 24in48.com and instructions for entering proof for reading a full 24 hours, plus dates for January‘s event. A few stats for you to close this up: 1912 readers, 1696 distinct titles logged (so far), 44% of you were first-timers.
[image description: open book on a bar counter next to glass of beer. Text overlay: Fin. Hour 48]

Readerann SO much fun. Thank you!! 6y
sprainedbrain As always, so much fun! Thanks for all that you do. 😃 6y
mrp27 Great time, thanks for hosting! 6y
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Jess7 Awesome!! Great job! I really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for your time and efforts putting this on! 🤗📚 6y
Lizpixie Thank you so much for what you do to make this experience so much fun, all of you. I can‘t wait for the next one!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (edited) 6y
Librarybelle Thank you for everything you do to make this such a fun weekend! 6y
24in48 @Librarybelle @Lizpixie @Jess7 @sprainedbrain @Readerann @mrp27 Thank you all for joining us!! Hope you had a great time and we can't wait to do it all again in January! 6y
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"I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep beside you each night,” Patch told me gravely. “I want to take care of you, cherish you, and love you in a way no other man ever could. I want to spoil you — every kiss, every touch, every thought, they all belong to you. I‘ll make you happy. Every day, I‘ll make you happy.
#hushhush #fallenangel #nora #patch #nephilium #forbiddenlove

AngelErin I love this series! 6y
McFlo @AngelErin Me too!!! 6y
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This book was the first book to ever make me cry, not the Harry Potter series, or divergent or hunger games did the trick. But this did. Fantastic.

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🌟I have to say I'm already tired of the cold weather and having to bundle up with my hat, scarf, and gloves. Brrr. ❄️I want summer back.🌟

Reviewsbylola So sick of it too. And having to also bundle up two small children makes it that much worse! 8y
AngelErin @Reviewsbylola Thata is true! That's also not fun. 😕 8y
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Unbelievable. Great ending! I didn't see it coming. At all!

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On the final book of the Hush Hush series! I just need to find more time to read 😑

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Aww was so sad when this ended, but I think it had run its course, and was the right time for it to end.