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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
'There is no Light without Darknesse and no Substance without Shaddowe.' So proclaims Nicholas Dyer, assistant to Sir Christopher Wren and man with a commission to build seven London churches to stand as beacons of the enlightenment. But Dyer plans to conceal a dark secret at the heart of each church - to create a forbidding architecture that will survive for eternity. Two hundred and fifty years later, London detective Nicholas Hawksmoor is investigating a series of gruesome murders on the sites of certain eighteenth-century churches - crimes that make no sense to the modern mind . . . Cover art by: Barn 'whether the book addresses graffiti explicitly, evoke a city from the past, or are considered cult classics, the novels all share the quality - like street art - of speaking to their time.' Guardian Gallery
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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#WeRemember Day 28: I just realized I put #StephenSondheim for Day 26 😅 - so here is my belated Day 26 where I featured #DavidBowie‘s book club booklist organized according to themes: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hq7

Eggs It‘s all good! Lovely photo and food ☺️ 2y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Unfortunately neither the physical or audio book is working for me, so 44 pages in and bailing.

1/2 🌟

@TheAromaofBooks #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!!! 3y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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I didn‘t like this as much as I hoped but didn‘t hate it. I didn‘t have much of a problem understanding the ‘early modern‘ (ish) writing style but I felt like the writer was being purposefully obscure at times which gets a bit exhausting when you feel like someone‘s determined to work you that hard. I liked the plot and the ideas but wish it hadn‘t had to be so dense.

quietlycuriouskate I read it about 25 years ago! I used to love his novels ("Chatterton" was my favourite) but, largely for the reasons you've mentioned here, I'm not sure I'd have the patience for him these days. 5y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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A Woman is a deep Ditch, said he, her House inclined to Death and her Paths unto the Devil.


This is my new 💯💯💯 fave description of what womanhood means. No assigning gender at birth here, you just need your house inclined to death and your paths leading to the devil.

rockpools I‘ll be interested to see your review for this one. Think I‘d struggle with it right now, but I‘m curious! 5y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Happy Friday! Reading on the train to a weekend on the coast with my whole extended family - it‘s a few family members‘ birthdays so I‘m hoping it‘ll be a lovely weekend. It‘s nice to get some time to read on the train after work as well 😊

Leftcoastzen Hope it‘s fun! 5y
rwmg If I lived in London, I would be so tempted to go church crawling after reading it 5y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. Tagged book, The Enigma of Arrival by VS Naipaul and The Secret Barrister

2. Hmm probably The Testaments which I pre-ordered ages ago but I was charged for it this week but I‘m counting that!

3. Warm for September! Autumnal in colour but summery temperatures, I walked to the gym in just a sports bra and leggings

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Same book, same dogs, different day.
Good grief, they are big babies.

DGRachel Pibbles are awesome. Mine is currently snoring with her head shoved into my armpit. 😂 5y
Aimeesue @DGRachel Does your pibble radiate heat, too? I swear, it‘s like having a heating pad on my legs. Which is nice in winter, but… 5y
DGRachel Yes, she does a good job of keeping me warm (or making me sweat, depending on the air temperature) 😂 5y
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Aimeesue 😂😂😂 5y
Crazeedi ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
TheSpineView Yes they are big babies! ❤🐾 5y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Just your typical Saturday night excitement- Hawksmoor and lazy dogs.

AlaMich Lazy dogs are the best dogs! 🐶❤️ 5y
ChristyM I really enjoyed Hawksmoor. Ackroyd is an incredible author. 5y
Aimeesue @AlaMich Keep my feet warm, too! 5y
Aimeesue @ChristyM I‘m impressed with his differentiation of voice between the old/new sections. A lot of times it feels forced and fake. This doesn‘t. 5y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd

Scenes from Nicholas Dyer's building of London churches under Queen Anne have strange resonances in the life of modern detective Nick Hawksmoor, investigating a series of murders in Dyer's churches. A strange, compelling book.

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Libby1 This one is creepy. 6y
rwmg @Libby1 The only other novel of his that I have read was ...... unsettling 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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I did it! Finally finished the first selection of the #davidbowiebookclub chosen by his son Duncan Jones. Waited months for my reserve to arrive, and forced myself to finish. (I owed it to David. 😉) But let me say, it was torture! The author is a graduate of Cambridge and chose to write the majority of the book in the language of the early eighteenth century. I just knew it was eventually going to click with me, but it never did! 🙄

Tonton A lot of work but liked it 6y
DivineDiana @Tonton Glad it worked for you! 🙂 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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My boyfriend‘s v generous parents insisted on lending me these before they went on holiday! Excited to read them next, I love being recommended books and these are some vintage beauties.

rwmg It took me a while to get used to the style of Hawksmoor, but loved it once I did. 6y
Emilymdxn @rwmg I‘ve just started another Anita Brookner one they lent me because it was on top of the pile but I‘m very excited for Hawksmoor 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Finally! @ValerieAndBooks I have had this book on reserve for six months! Only one book available in the system. It was the first choice for the #davidbowiebookclub organized by his son, Duncan.

ValerieAndBooks Finally!! After all that time! I hope you like it more than I did 😏 6y
DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks Fingers crossed! 😊 6y
DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks Started this! It turns out that I can not even renew it! I see what you mean. Archaic language. Small print. Not a page turner. 😬 6y
ValerieAndBooks Exactly 😜! I‘m surprised that you can‘t renew it at least once (if you wanted to, that is 😂)! 6y
DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks I think because of holds. Determined to power through! 🙄 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Time to call it a bail on Hawksmoor. It just was too much of a chore to try to read. I think I know why it went out of print. Ugh. It got republished after Duncan Jones picked it for the #bowiebookclub.

So far I‘m not doing well with this reading challenge. I liked Baldwin‘s The Fire Next Time (gave it a pick) and the next two are still TBR.

If May‘s pick looks questionable, I‘ll probably just abandon any effort to read every book picked!

ValerieAndBooks Note: Hawksmoor is also a #1001Books 😬 6y
Liz_M I didn't want to discourage you when I saw you were reading this, but I really didn't enjoy it. 6y
Suet624 Well now I know not to try Hawksmoor! Thanks for sparing me. 6y
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ValerieAndBooks @Liz_M did you actually read through to the end? I got to about 1/3 when I decided that I had no idea what was going on each time I tried reading 😂. I hope his other books are better, as some of them are also #1001Books 😒 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 please don‘t 😂! It never made any sense! 6y
DivineDiana Good to know! I‘m still on the reserve list at the library! 😂 6y
ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana I wonder how many before you are scratching their heads wondering “we had to wait this long for THIS?!” 😂 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Starting this for my #1001Books and #BowieBookClub (January 2018 selection). I hope I can get used to the writing style soon 😰!

Suet624 Yikes! 6y
rwmg You do get used to it, and IIRR, the book alternates between chapters in 18th century English and chapters in 20th century English 6y
Liz_M Good luck with this one! 6y
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ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 it does require close attention!! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @rwmg I haven‘t gotten far enough yet to get to the modern parts, but am slowly acclimating to the “older” language. I‘m not quite sure where this novel is going yet 😬. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Liz_M thanks! Have a lot of quiet time this afternoon/night to focus on it 🧐! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @rwmg I finally got to the first modern-day section...on page 28! It‘s been really slow-going for me... 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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'no Light without Darknesse
no Substance without Shaddowe'

So proclaims Nicholas Dyer, assistant to Sir Christopher Wren, with a commission to build seven London churches to stand as beacons of the enlightenment. But Dyer plans to conceal a dark secret at the heart of each church - forbidding architecture that will survive for eternity. 250 years later, detective Nicholas Hawksmoor is investigating a series of gruesome murders on the same sites.

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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@GatheringBooks @DivineDiana Hawksmoor finally arrived! I ordered it as soon as I learned from you guys that it was back in print. I‘m still on hold for it from the library 😂. I found February‘s book, The Fire Next Time, at the used bookstore today! It‘s like new!

DivineDiana Fantastic! Still on waitlist for Hawksmoor, but I did get the Baldwin book from the Library! 😀 (edited) 6y
ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana I can‘t believe I‘m still waiting. I should cancel, but am actually curious how much longer it would take 🤔. The Baldwin book is short, so should be a quick read. 6y
BarbaraBB Is it back in print? I need to get it then! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB yes, back in print 😊. I forgot, it is also a #1001books! 6y
OrangeMooseReads I just listened to the Baldwin and it is excellent. (edited) 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Reading on a plane. #BowieBookClub

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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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#ReadingResolutions Day 5: This is the perfect book and quote for #Darkness - devil worship, human sacrifice, unmitigated misery, and the inevitable descent into madness. #BowieBookClub - we had a fairly vibrant discussion over at the FB page hosted by Elizabeth Hamilton. Not a book I would have picked for myself but I feel accomplished that I have endured and slogged through it, regardless. Plus, it is fascinating, in a moribund kind of way.

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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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#QuotsyFeb18 Day 2: Not sure if this is more a #Decision or a Realization of the main protagonist about his life. However, along with that flash of insight comes a quiet decision to accept his descent to oblivion and madness.

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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For the #BowieBookClub - Duncan's 1st pick of the year. It was truly fascinating to read. Loved the language, themes, and time differentials and parallels. I wish PBS made this into a series - It would be fab. Recommended if you love to read something off the usual path. Based on Lud Heat by Iain Sinclair - which is now on my TBR.

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Working from home and breaking for lunch. Hope to finish the last three chapters today. Avo toast on sprouted bread with herbed salt and Sriracha!! #Book&Lunch #BowieBookClub

DivineDiana Yum! Still waiting for my library reserve! ☹️ 6y
BarbaraBB Looks delicious. How is the book? 6y
Quasifesto I‘ll have what she‘s having. 6y
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julesG Yummy. You know what, I saw the mug and thought that I bought just such a one some time ago. 🙈🙈🙈 6y
LittleWonder @BarbaraBB It's odd, freaky, intriguing - I can see why Bowie loved it. Some phrases are familiar to his lyrics - it would have made a great PBS miniseries! 6y
LittleWonder @julesG It's one of my favorites!!! ☺️ 6y
LittleWonder @DivineDiana It will be oddly worth the wait. 6y
BarbaraBB Sounds real good. Stacked! 6y
Meredith3 Omg YUM! That looks amazing! 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Read this for the David Bowie book club after seeing an article on his son who is continuing his fathers appreciation of reading. A mystery thriller set in London with a historical twist, old churches and secret societies. #davidbowiebookclub this is on Bowie‘s list of top 100 books he loved.

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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So, #Hawksmoor is a pretty strange and disturbing read, thus far. First chapter was laborious, but second chapter kept me riveted. Here‘s hoping I can finish it before 01 Feb. #BowieBookClub

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd

First book of the #bowiebookclub quite the interesting tale

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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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‪Did you know that there is a #BowieBookClub hosted by David Bowie's son, filmmaker @ManMadeMoon. Here is the first book which you are supposed to have finished reading by 01 February - so there's still time #ReadingIsBrainFood. - anyone from Litsy joining this? Get your own copy of the book here: http://bit.ly/HawksmoorBowieBookClub‬

DivineDiana I have it on reserve! And I know @ValerieAndBooks does too! I know I‘ll be running a bit behind, but still going to try and follow along. 😀 (edited) 6y
GatheringBooks @DivineDiana i joined an FB page that is also a #BowieBookClub and following along Duncan‘s choices too. I find Twitter way too distracting. I hope there is a Litsy discussion on 01 Feb!! 6y
DivineDiana @GatheringBooks I‘m going to look for the FB page! Thank you! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana thanks for tagging me. Looks like they put this book back in print! Still waiting for my turn to come up from the library. @GatheringBooks I definitely will take a look at the Facebook page. I‘ve never been into Twitter. I may just go ahead and order this 😊 6y
GatheringBooks @ValerieAndBooks we could also have a Litsy discussion! i hope there are a few more doing the #BowieBookClub :) - and yes, they put the book back in print! :) 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Finally diving into my copy of Hawksmoor. It's going to be a very interesting ride. #BowieBookClub

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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Package received from the U.K.! To be read by February 1st. A $5 hardback print in good condition. #BowieBookClub ⚡️

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd

Duncan Jones, David Bowie‘s son, has started an informal book club in honor of his Dad, and the first selection is Hawksmoor. Here‘s a link to DB‘s list of 100 books:

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Have you guys heard about the Bowie Book Club? It was started by his son to read Bowie's 100 favorite books. Unfortunately, he unknowingly started with a book that is out of print and hard to find. I am interested in reading the club books but I think I will start with February and come back to this one when the price is reasonable.

TrishB Can get paperback on amazon uk for Qe.39! Wonder why there‘s such a difference. Hubby is doing this read along. I‘m sure I can send you when he‘s read it if you want? 6y
Bloomingjen that would be amazing if he doesnt mind. i can pay a reasonable amount for it!!! 6y
rubyslippersreads It looks like Open Library has the ebook, though there's a waiting list. 6y
Bloomingjen Awesome. I found a copy at the university where I work so I am working on getting that copy. 6y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Follow Duncan Jones (ManMadeMoon) on Twitter for the Bowie Book Club (David Bowie). This is the first book that they are reading.

blondie Such a cool cover! 7y
Suelizbeth @blondie I know! And the book sounds so good! 7y
BookwormM I enjoyed this one 7y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Is anyone joining the #DavidBowieBookClub that his son Duncan Jones started? First book is Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd, you can follow the ordeal on Twitter or Instagram! We‘re gonna go through a few of his favorite 100 books! #DavidBowie #manmademoon #DuncanJones #Bowie100

Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd

Apparently David Bowie‘s son, Film director Duncan Jones, is starting a book club based on his dad‘s favorite books: http://www.openculture.com/2018/01/the-david-bowie-book-club-gets-launched-by-hi...

BarbaraTheBibliophage Holy crow. I just went looking for a copy. They are priced ridiculously high! It must be out of print. 😮😮 7y
CaseyMoore @BarbaraTheBibliophage I saw that. Doesn‘t look like my library has it either. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CaseyMoore Mine doesn‘t either. Plus I checked all the online booksellers I could think of ... 7y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Duncan Jones, David Bowie's son, is starting a read along book club/group of his father's favorite books.

This is massive news for me being a lifelong fan and avid reader.

The first pick is Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd to be read by February 1st.

#bowie #bowiebookclub #bowieforever 👩🏻‍🎤

BarbaraBB Wow, i‘ve got to check that out. Great picture too 😍 7y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Not sure if I love him, but Hawksmoor has to have the darkest, creepiest, most evil (fictional) villain I've ever met in a book.

Myhusbandhatesreading I like dark, creepy, and evil...is the book any good? 7y
Libby1 I LOVED it, @Myhusbandhatesreading . I'm not usually into creepy, but this is historical fiction heavy on the historical. Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to chat more about it. 😊 7y
Hobbinol I've had this book forever and never read it.😔 7y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd
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Wanted to read a few books from "1001 books". Started with this one, but oh lord! First chapter is written in 17th century language! Very hard to get into. My solution is to read semi-aloud, using the dialect of the town I grew up in. Works surprisingly well, lots of words make more sense now...

Libby1 Did you finish it? The language was difficult but I hope it got better for you! 7y
Songsofhome @Libby1 no I didn't. I could not get into it at all... 7y
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Hawksmoor | Peter Ackroyd

It is one of the greatest Curses visited upon Mankind, he told me, that they shall fear where no Fear is: this astrological and superstitious Humour disarms men's Hearts, it breaks their Courage, it makes them help to bring such Calamities on themselves.

DeborahSmall A great book. Peter Ackroyd is one of favourites 👍🏼📚❤️ 8y
Anupriya @jannat seriously! 8y
jannat @Anupriya nice! 8y
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