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The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing
The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing | Melissa Bank
22 posts | 77 read | 29 to read
After following the advice from a manual called "How to Meet and Marry Mr Right", Jane learns that in love there is neither pattern nor promise. This is a funny collection of connected stories and a portrait of Jane, a woman manoeuvring her way through love, sex and relationships.
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I remember when this book was published in 1999 & how it was hyped as the next Bridget Jones's Diary.
I'm glad I waited till 2024 to read it.
It's not like BJD beyond having a young, single woman narrator. Jane is witty, smart, & uncertain, dating & working in NYC. It's more Sex & the City ➖ the fabulous wardrobe ➕ a bit more depth. Reading the stories while visiting Halifax, the city where I spent my early 20s, probably enhanced my enjoyment.

batsy I read this ages ago and remember liking it. You're making me want to revisit it 🙂 5mo
Ruthiella I remember being disappointed by this. I guess as a then 20 something I expected to relate more. Also this was a million years ago, when writing style meant nothing to me. 5mo
merelybookish @batsy I really liked it! I found it easy-ish but with substance. Maybe a bit nostalgic. 🙂 5mo
merelybookish @Ruthiella It was very hyped at the time! I quite enjoyed it. Might be interesting to revisit a story or two and see what you think now. 5mo
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Eggs WOW 😯 💜 🥰 13mo
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I read a lot of bad reviews for this book & I almost didn‘t read it but I‘m glad I did. I thought it was funny with some pretty okay writing. Also, very witty. It‘s not the greatest book ever, but I enjoyed it. Also, I think people are confusing hating the main character over the topic at hand, which is how people expect a woman to be and how it completely fucks with us all throughout life. You either get it it or you don‘t. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
Today is day 2 and day 3. I missed yesterday. #bookstoread #TBRpile

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We‘re not put on this earth to be happy. We‘re here to experience great things 🎣

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This disjointed mess of a story was not funny OR sexy as the advanced praise on the back cover would have you believe. The portrayal of men and relationships in general is dark and made bile rise in my throat most of the time. Jane is a stupid little girl trapped in a twenty-thirty something body with the lifestyle of a granny. How she lets literally everyone walk all over her for her entire life with absolutely no character arc is ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm mind-boggling. The chapters don‘t connect, the timeline is out of wack and it goes from using “I” to “You” in between one of the chapters, then right back to “I” again for the rest of the book. I say chapters when really each one is more of a vignette. I‘ve read vignette style fiction before and loved it, so it‘s not the style that threw me, but Bank‘s approach to it. The title/cover art catfished me; the only hunting and fishing addressed in ⬇️ 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm the book is in the very last vignette and it‘s talking about fishing and hunting for someone in the dating world. A depressing read that I will happily take to the used bookstore to make room for a worthwhile book. I at least can mark a spot off my August #BookSpinBingo card already... (edited) 4y
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What kind of older brother gives this kind of advice to his little sister? She calls him with real concerns about her boyfriend cheating on her, whether it‘s emotionally/physically doesn‘t matter.
I‘m 56% of the way through and there‘s been 0 reference to the title, which between that and the blurbs on the back from reviews claiming it was a “laugh-out-loud comedy” and “sexy”, I feel like I‘ve been catfished. More like disjointed and cringeworthy.

TheAromaofBooks I really hate the narrative of “all men are cheaters, some of them just haven't cheated yet,“ which I see more and more frequently in fiction these days. Such a hopeless (and untrue) attitude! 4y
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I‘m reading this because I love plaid. Just kidding! (I do love plaid) Hopefully another fast read to finish my year-end goal.


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May 17 - May 19 @ Wisconsin State Fair Park. I took the day off to browse and buy.


One of my favorites

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Last week I re-read one of my favourites, The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank. It's such a great comfort read! 💕 What's on your reading list at the moment? This was book 2 of 2019's #readingchallenge, part of my #resolutions

Crazeedi Welcome to litsy!!! 6y
bookseller_cate Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
akckitty Mine is currently 6y
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akckitty But my 2019 tbr list is a loooooooong one 😅😅 6y
readinginthedark I just started A Man Called Ove, finally. It's really good so far! 6y
TheBookAddict I am currently reading Alias Grace and am listening to Bird Box, but I just got a few holds from the library (because I need more books...not), and I also joined a buddy read...😔. I have so much to read and not enough time. @akckitty one of my favorite series, I hope you enjoy it! @readinginthedark I loved it! 6y
tammysue Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻💞 6y
readinginthedark @TheBookAddict A lot of people have recommended it to me. Not sure why it took me so long! 6y
Cweeeevs Thank you, @Crazeedi , @duthie_yyc , @whatshesreadingnow ! 🤗 @akckitty I haven't read that series, it sounds so good! I hope you're enjoying it. My tbr list is very ambitious also 🤣 @readinginthedark I've heard such good things about that one! @TheBookAddict omg the Bird Box film was so stressful, I don't think I can handle the book! 🙈 I'd be so interested to hear what it's like though! 6y
readinginthedark It's really good so far! 6y
RadicalReader @Cweeeevs such a beautiful blanket I got a Harry Potter one for Christmas and I have never found a stronger reason to enjoy the considerable comfortably of a soft bed 6y
Cweeeevs Thank you, @RadicalReader , I actually bought it as a gift for the bf and have somewhat reclaimed it now that we're living together 😅 6y
RadicalReader @Cweeeevs congratulations on moving in together wishing you both the best. He should join Litsy as well so many wonderful amazing books to discover 6y
Cweeeevs @RadicalReader thanks so much! He's not into social media so I think it's a no-go unfortunately 😅 6y
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Super disjointed and completely frustrating characters. Just not a fan of the writing or the story. But, it was short, which was a bright side to it. Just not for me.

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"...Archie asked me if I knew Dante's definition of hell..."Proximity without intimacy," he said."

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70 pages in and it has nothing to do with hunting or fishing, I guess I should've read the back cover..still a good read though!!

BeckyRoy I remember thinking the same thing when I read that book. 7y
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This book had no story line and confusing characters, yet it was a light, easy read that I enjoyed lol.

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This is a nice light, easy read after the last book I didn't care for lol

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Up next, my first book of November 😄

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Goodwill haul of the week 😁

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