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In Her Shoes
In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
20 posts | 108 read | 21 to read
Rose Feller is thirty years old, a high-powered attorney, with a secret passion for romance novels, an exercise regime she's going to start next week, and dreams of a man who will slide off her glasses, gaze into her eyes, and tell her that she's beautiful.Meet Rose's sister Maggie. Twenty-eight years old, drop-dead gorgeous and only occasionally employed, Maggie is a backing singer in a band called Whiskered Biscuit. She dreams of fame and fortune -- and of getting her dowdy big sister to stick to a skin-care regime.These two women with nothing in common but a childhood tragedy, shared DNA, and the same size feet, are about to learn that their family is more different than they ever imagined, and that they're more alike than they'd ever believe. The brilliant new novel by Jennifer Weiner, Who Do You Love, will be released in August 2015.
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner

This was a reread for me. I read this in my early twenties and now reading in my late 30‘s and it was a different experience. Held up really well and one of my favorite novels by Jennifer Weiner.

Scochrane26 I like this one, too. Haven‘t reread any of hers in awhile, but there‘s a few I love. 4y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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In true 2020 fashion, I broke my knee at work a few days ago.

behudd Oh nooo!! I hope you‘re feeling like yourself again soon!! 4y
AmyG Hope you feel better soon! Oy, 2020 needs to end already. 4y
Eggbeater Ouch! I'm so sorry! I hope you heal quickly! 4y
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TrishB Ouch. Hope you‘re on the mend soon. 4y
Godpants Broke your knee!!! Sending you well wishes. 4y
bookaholic1 Ouch!! Wishing you well soon 4y
Scochrane26 Hope you heal quickly! 4y
Sleepswithbooks Just reading that makes me want to faint! Have lots of ice-cream to numb the pain ✨ 4y
TheSpineView Oh no! Hope you get better soon!😊 4y
Lcsmcat Ouch! I hope it heals quickly and completely. 4y
readordierachel Yikes, I'm sorry! Hope you're up and about soon. 4y
sprainedbrain Oh no! 😞 feel better soon 4y
marleed Get well soon! 4y
Cupcake12 Oh dear.....hope you have a speedy recovery. Xx take care ❤️ 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sending you my best for a speedy recovery!💛 4y
Elizabeth2 Oh no! Wishes for a speedy recovery! 4y
Oblomov26 Ouch that is not good 4y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner

No my fav Jennifer wiener book

In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Right after I started this job I cracked some bones in my foot. Which means I have mostly been in sketchers for the last two years. But I love shoes. And most look like the ones pictured. Yesterday was national Dress@day and I ordered 4 new dresses. And I have wonderful shoes to go with them. So today I shall try the ones pictured. I've warn some of my medium wedges but not a full heal for a while. We shall see how it goes.

LibrarianRyan FYI. Abbey Dawn for Iron Fist vegan shoe 6y
FantasyChick Sooooo pretty. I collect shoes like I collect books! 😍😍😍😍 6y
Craftylikefox Good luck!!! Those look gorgeous 6y
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LibrarianRyan @FantasyChick you and me both. I have a shoe closet but it's hard to see right now as my real closet is still in the old house. But it should be here this weekend and I can clean out my shoe closet. 6y
julesG Wish I could wear such shoes. They are beautiful. 6y
mabell Good luck! I only wear heels about once a year now. They don't go with my yoga pants 😆😂 6y
LibrarianRyan @mabell I so get that. This is a more casual place. When I was still a director I kept a wall of shoes in my office so that I could change at a moments notice. 6y
4ravens @LibrarianRyan I love the idea of keeping shoes in the office, I think I need to do this 👠 6y
LibrarianRyan @4ravens even now there are at least 4 pair of shoes in my office. We have to trek a bit from our parking spots that sometimes flood so I like to have dry shoes if need be. Or comfy shoes if I have to spend hours in the stacks or on the loading dock. Stellitos and diamond plate steel do not go well together. 6y
blithebuoyant Super cute! 6y
Christine11 They‘re so gorgeous! 6y
MommyOfTwo Cute, I don‘t wear heels often but I love them. It‘s harder to wear them when you usually have kids with you. 6y
LibrarianRyan @MommyOfTwo that I can see. I had to hoof it down 5 flights of concrete stairs after the elevator stopped working. The heels made it one flight. 6y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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This is my book that has been made into a movie that I have already seen for my #popsugar18 challenge.

Also my 3/20 for my #MountTBRchallenge @DivaDiane

DivaDiane Woot! Two birds with one stone! 6y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Very good. Enjoyed reading this after watching the movie many times even though to start with I was comparing the characters and the scenes to the film, I learnt to see the book for what it was and that was beautiful, entertaining and romantic in its own right.


Robothugs I didn‘t know this was a book! I adore the movie. I‘ll have to get this now. 6y
Birdsong28 @Robothugs I didn't till I saw it in a charity shop a few years ago cos I thought there is a film with the same title and on the top of the copy it said now a film so I knew it was the same thing so I just had to read it! 📚📖 6y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Wish I had done this with the tagged book as I am currently reading it and I can see the actors playing the characters and the story is so different getting to the scenes in the film. So even though I am enjoying it there is a slight tinge of disappointment📚📖

Purrfectpages Yes! 👏 6y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner

Really well written and nuanced characters. Both sisters are poles apart and yet you would understand their relationship. It's a beautifully written tale of how the fact that you are siblings will usually overpower any shit you put each other through, solely because you've been there for each other through the shit that life put you through. The beginning may be a bit polarising, but read past it even if you don't like how it starts. So worth it.

UwannaPublishme I loved the movie...looks like I must read the book now. 😊 7y
Ohjustbooks @UwannaPublishme oh absolutely! The storyline differs a bit from the movie but I still prefer the book ❤️ 7y
LizzyNanney I've never read this but I love love love the movie! 7y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Still reading this, and I'm torn between disliking Maggie and feeling bad for her. Liking Ella and waiting for her to enter their story. I'm surprised I remember hardly anything even having read it before. Really well nuanced characters = huge plus.

In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Halfway through reading this - I've read it before a few years back but I've totally forgotten the gist. Reading an ePub file on my kindle. Well fleshed out characters, I'm actually curious about figuring out 'what next?'

BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome to Litsy! 📚📚👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 7y
Ohjustbooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage thank you so much! ❤️ 7y
Purrfectpages A belated welcome to Litsy! 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Welcome to Litsy! I think you'll really enjoy it here. It's a great community. 👍🏽 7y
Ohjustbooks @Purrfectpages @PurpleyPumpkin thank you so much! You guys are so sweet ❤️ 7y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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TheBookDream Cute! 7y
PacingTheCage @TheBookDream Thanks! I ❤ them! 7y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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Day 9 #JubilantJuly #shoesoncovers Five books that I've read with shoes on the cover, plus one (The Witch's Daughter) from my #TBR stack. 👠📚👢📚👡📚👟

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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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There are a surprising number of books with #ShoesontheCover including all of these. #jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading

Cinfhen Good finds! 7y
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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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I will always have a soft spot for this story (set in Philly) as it was the first time I read "I Carry Your Heart With Me" by e.e. cummings. The poem made such an impression on me that it was read at our wedding several years later (along with the lyrics to "Grow Old With You" from The Wedding Singer ?). #rockinmay #philadelphiafreedom #shinethelight #ifearnofate #iwantnoworld

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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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A pretty predictable book, but I really liked how everything wrapped up in the end. #LitsyAtoZ #I

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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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I love books mentioned in a book. I also love Their Eyes Were Watching God! It's time to add it to my reread list!

In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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I saw this on Facebook. So true! 😆

In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner
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I haven't had many chances to pull out the snow boots this winter, but they're coming out for today's prompt Books & Boots!
#lilbookishjanuary #booksandboots

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In Her Shoes | Jennifer Weiner

How many things can change the way you view a relationship with a sister? This is one.

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