Little does he know...
Little does he know...
Paul Ryan said it Littens: Obamacare is the law of the land!!
My next book. My hope is that it will inspire me, and not leave me inconsolable with despair for what we have lost.
Today is going to be a hard day for me. Since I can't day drink and stay in bed, I'm going to add some more books to my tbr, courtesy of President Obama.
Reposting the link to his book recs as president... this needs to be a challenge!
I am really going to miss this man. 😥
If you're wondering just what our 1st black president has accomplished this book will lay it out for you in thorough & systematic fashion. This is its greatest strength & weakness for though comprehensive it sometimes gets a bit too formulaic & tedious.
To be clear this is a partisan account but Days keeps the facts on his side. He makes a good case that Obama has been a truly transformational figure in American politics.