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Cherish Farrah
Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
21 posts | 16 read | 11 to read
Seventeen-year-old Farrah Turner is one of two Black girls in her country club community, and the only one with Black parents. Her best friend, Cherish Whitman, adopted by a wealthy white family, is something Farrah likes to call WGSWhite Girl Spoiled. With Brianne and Jerry Whitman as parents, Cherish is given the kind of adoration and coddling that even upper-class Black parents cant seem to affordand it creates a dissonance in her best friend that Farrah can exploit. When her own family is unexpectedly confronted with foreclosure, the calculating Farrah is determined to reassert the control shes convinced shes always had over her life by staying with Cherish, the only person she loveseven when she hates her. A troubled Farrah manipulates her way further into the Whitman family but the longer she stays, the more her own parents suggest that something is wrong in the Whitman house. She might trust themif they didnt think something was wrong with Farrah, too. As strange things start happening at the Whitman householddebilitating illnesses, upsetting fever dreams, an inexplicable tension with Cherishs hothead boyfriend, and a strange journal that seems to keep track of what is happening to Farrahits nothing she cant handle. But soon everything begins to unravel when the Whitmans invite Farrah closer, and its anyones guess who is really in control. Told in Farrahs chilling, unforgettable voice and weaving in searing commentary on race and class, this slow-burn social horror will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page.
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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I approached this book with a little trepidation solely because it hadn‘t exactly received rave reviews. Well, lucky for me that I don‘t give much credence to reviews. For at least the first 85%, I was intrigued, but completely confused. But, once the author, let us in on what was going on, everything fell into place. Great job keeping up the suspense. The horrifying parts were pretty horrible but nothing I couldn‘t get past. ⬇️

suvata ⬆️ Read in October 2023 for Litsy Markup Postal Book Club #LMPBC Round 18 - Group H (is for Horror) • 3.5 rounded down to 3 on Goodreads (edited) 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement I read this last October and enjoyed it. So different from anything I had come across before. 11mo
suvata @CogsOfEncouragement yes, it definitely is different. It didn‘t take me long to read it because I couldn‘t put it down. 11mo
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suvata I know it‘s VERY early but I got it early and really wanted to see what it was all about. So, I‘m dropping it in the mail tomorrow (lest I forget later). Thanks for a wonderful round!

#LMPBC Round18 Group H @Maggie4483 @vonnie862

@suvata has mailed a book to @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks
(edited) 11mo
vonnie862 I just received The Grace Year. I'll start on it soon. 11mo
suvata @vonnie862 no rush 11mo
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Soft pick: 3.5 stars
This had me questioning and wondering what the heck was happening. And the ending just had me super confused. However, I couldn't stop reading it. It was disturbing

#BookSpinBingo #BookSpin #12

#LMPBC #groupH #round18
This will be going out soon to

@BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Maggie4483

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 12mo
suvata Received it today. Thanks. 11mo
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Just letting my team know that I got the next book.

LMPBC #groupH #round18
This will be going out tomorrow.
@suvata @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Maggie4483

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Day late post:

This was hard to get into, and I don‘t feel like I fully understood it, but I do think it‘s an important read. The characters were also VERY well written.

@vonnie862 - I put this in the mail for you yesterday. It should arrive on Tuesday!


@suvata @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks

vonnie862 Thanks! I'll be on the lookout. 12mo
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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I spent about 80% of this book confused and annoyed by the overuse of the word “control,” but I think Morrow had a lot to say with this social horror novel about two Black teenagers growing up in a white, upper-class neighborhood. Very dark and twisty with themes of race, class, wealth, and female friendship, but it just didn‘t click for me. I added a star for the powerful ending, but I wish I would‘ve enjoyed the ride to get there more. 3⭐️

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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#LMPBC Round 18 - Group H
@BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Maggie4483 @vonnie862 @suvata

I think this is where we stand right now. Any corrections/additions?

Maggie4483 These all sound great!!! I was thinking of the tagged book, but I know it was fairly popular, so if anyone has read it already, or otherwise objects, I'll go home and look through my shelves for some other options. Either way, I'm looking forward to starting spooky season a few months early!!! 👻 1y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @maggie4483 I‘ve read Universal Harvester, but can just skip it if others really want to read that one! 1y
Maggie4483 @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks not a problem at all - I have plenty to choose from. I'll pull some options this evening! 1y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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This was a sloooooooooow burn. I liked it a lot though. Had some complicated relationships that were all just power dynamics. Pretty explosive ending.

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Just started this one! Read her siren YA book and enjoyed it. Don‘t quite know what‘s going on yet in this one.

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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One block away from home and I realized I left my new year‘s meal behind at my sister‘s. So I picked up a light snack at the Cheesecake Factory to go with my first book of 2023. What are you reading today?

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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I heard about this from Book Riot and found the audiobook on Cloud Library. Truly horrifying. #scarathlon

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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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This book has left me with all kinds of emotions, of course that's a sign of good writing but this one was... Hmm. There are parts of the concept that are really cool that would've been interesting but a lot of it didn't make sense. It did keep me listening though which is why I selected pick instead of so-so! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ✨ I'd be interested to hear what y'all thought about this one.

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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This took a long time to heat up and once it did, it didn‘t stick the landing for me. It was clever use of modern horror (a la ‘Get Out‘) but so much was left unsaid, vague & confused. I‘m mostly wondering what‘s going on with Farrah‘s mother - did she know? Was she there? The codependency of all of this was simply too much.

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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This book was twisted. Almost DNF'd because the beginning was slow and I didn't like the narrator but it picked up toward the middle and I breezed through the rest of it. I wasn't disappointed but it's not my typical genre. 3.75⭐️

Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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I have really enjoyed other books by Bethany C. Morrow, but this one didn‘t stick the landing for me. This was a creative idea but Farrah‘s inability to see what was happening & her lack of curiosity bothered me. I‘ve seen it compared to The Other Black Girl, but I enjoyed that one more.

AWahle I also took exception with The Whipping Boy being called an antique when it was published in 1986. 2y
Megabooks Then I‘m older than antique!! 😂😂 didn‘t care for this one either. 2y
AWahle @Megabooks I was sad I didn‘t like this more because I was so excited when I first heard about it last year. At least it was interesting enough that I didn‘t DNF it. 2y
BookLineNSinker I'm older than it too!! The idea of a modern day whipping boy has so much potential but it was done so poorly and was so unclear. It's also hard to believe Farrah's parents were that checked out but I guess I shouldn't be in this day and age. I had many issues but I kept turning the pages! 2y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Eh. This #SocialHorror book was a slow build, but even with the interesting ending, I‘m still not sure it was worth the effort.

Farrah always tries to stay a step ahead of everyone, especially her mother and her best friend Cherish. When her once wealthy parents lose their home, she fights to live with even more wealthy Cherish‘s family. But when a series of “accidents” befall her, she slowly questions if everyone is who they seem. 3⭐️ #pop22

BarbaraBB Your review makes it sound good actually 😂 3y
squirrelbrain Oh dear, sorry it was a bit meh…. I‘ll unstack it! 3y
Cinfhen Agree with @BarbaraBB but I‘ll trust your instincts and hold off on this one for now. #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 💜 3y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen yeah, I think it was a bit of finding Farrah very annoying and that being a big deal because of the slow pace. Think The Other Black Girl but with teenagers. Maybe it‘s a thing now?? (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t like The Other Black Girl either so I know now not to get this one. 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 👍🏻 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Starting my #pop22 #SocialHorror book. It sounds interesting. 👍🏻 it was helpful that the blurb outright said social horror! 😂

I have three reviews to write. Hopefully they‘ll come later today. I‘m going through one of those times where life just catches up with you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully things will improve soon! 😁

#audiobook #librofm

Cinfhen Super curious to hear your thoughts on this one!!! It‘s totally new to me 3y
AmyG I am curious to hear how this one is, too. 3y
squirrelbrain The blurb of this is fascinating - awaiting your thoughts! 😁 3y
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BarbaraBB How do you find these books?! Fascinating 😀 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen @AmyG @squirrelbrain about 20% in and still deciding how I feel. The book starts in the middle of the story, so I‘m still gaining traction. 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB lol! I browse audiobooks the way people browse in a bookstore. 😂😂 work with what I got! 3y
Suet624 I think I might be @BarbaraBB ‘s shadow - I was wondering the same thing. You find and read so many books I‘ve never heard of. 3y
Megabooks @Suet624 thanks! Yeah, I just like browsing on the internet because we have no bookstore in my town. Plus audiobooks don‘t take up space! 😂 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 My shadow? You‘re mostly my influencer 😀😘 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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This is a social horror/thriller novel which is new to me. It's a slow burn similar to Araminta Hall's Our Kind of Cruelty. The thorough understanding of Farrah is necessary for the rest of the book to come together. Cherish & Farrah are two friends who are deeply interconnected & bound together. Farrah believes that this bound is her decision, that she is in control. As the world she knows begins to fall apart what secrets will be revealed?⭐⭐⭐⭐

FelinesAndFelonies #arc expected release date 2.08.2022 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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My favorite kind of books! Free! Looking forward to reading this ARC about race and class and social inequality! Pub date February 2022.

Cathythoughts Adorable socks 🥰 3y
FelinesAndFelonies @Cathythoughts haha! Thank you! My mommy got them for me. 🤗 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #cherishfarrah #bethanycmorrow #bookbeast #bookjoy #netgalley #bookbuds
What are you reading? 😊

BoleyBooks @EvieBee cool, stacked it! 😊 3y
EvieBee Just read the blurb…sounds like my kind of book. 3y
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