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Jane and the Year Without a Summer
Jane and the Year Without a Summer | Stephanie Barron
10 posts | 4 read | 3 to read
"If you have a Jane Austen-would-have-been-my-best-friend complex, look no further . . . [Barron] has painstakingly sifted through the famed author's letters and writings, as well as extensive biographical information, to create a finely detailed portrait of Austen's lifewith a dash of fictional murder . . . Some of the most enjoyable, well-written fanfic ever created."O Magazine May 1816: Jane Austen is feeling unwell, with an uneasy stomach, constant fatigue, rashes, fevers and aches. She attributes her poor condition to the stress of family burdens, which even the drafting of her latest manuscriptabout a baronet's daughter nursing a broken heart for a daring naval captaincannot alleviate. Her apothecary recommends a trial of the curative waters at Cheltenham Spa, in Gloucestershire. Jane decides to use some of the profits earned from her last novel, Emma, and treat herself to a period of rest and reflection at the spa, in the company of her sister, Cassandra. Cheltenham Spa hardly turns out to be the relaxing sojourn Jane and Cassandra envisaged, however. It is immediately obvious that other boarders at the guest house where the Misses Austen are staying have come to Cheltenham with stresses of their ownsome of them deadly. But perhaps with Janes interference a terrible crime might be prevented. Set during the Year without a Summer, when the eruption of Mount Tambora in the South Pacific caused a volcanic winter that shrouded the entire planet for sixteen months, this fourteenth installment in Stephanie Barrons critically acclaimed series brings a forgotten moment of Regency history to life.
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Crinoline_Laphroaig 1️⃣ Very Darcy Proposal.
2️⃣ Cassandra. Such a defender of Jane. Sisterhood was such a big part.
3️⃣ Cass got my all time favorite Austen quote:
“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a novel, must be intolerably stupid."

Crinoline_Laphroaig 3️⃣ Cass got my all time favorite Austen quote:
“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a novel, must be intolerably stupid."

"I may have thrown caution to the winds. I may have danced with joy and energy.....and I may have so far forgot myself as to smile entirely too much, and persuade myself I was a decade or two younger, with a lifetime of enjoyment before me." (Another Standout Moment.)

Crinoline_Laphroaig And Snarky Jane:
“Where do these women absorb their radical ideas?” “The writings of Mary Wollstonecraft,” I supplied. “They are most consoling to those of us with untried wombs.”
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Crinoline_Laphroaig 4️⃣ Thanks to my Instagram friend C https://instagram.com/clairedrinkstea?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== for the great WYR question! I fear I would not be able to keep 3 glasses of Montpellier's Well water down, thus spoiling my day dress. And if I did, there's the need to remain close to a chamber pot. No. I'll take breakfast with THE Garthwaite‘s. At least I'll get a decent cup of tea. ⬇️
Crinoline_Laphroaig 5️⃣ I'm conflicted on this question. And I came up with it! If Jane had married in most likelyhood she wouldn't have had time to write but this is HEA and those are never realistic. So on the one hand, I can see Jane and Raphael being the darlings of the Ton - he the famous painter and her the famous novelist.

But I love Lord Harold. He's unconventional enough to say 'Jane MUST write', and make that happen. With breaks for spying of course.
Crinoline_Laphroaig 6️⃣ This was my second time reading but on my first read I knew nothing about England's Year Without a Summer.

7️⃣ Even knowing that the "humours” of the uterus was a thing back then, as a Childfree by Choice woman it had me yelling obscenities at Dr. Hargate.⬇️
Crinoline_Laphroaig And now on to Jane and The Final Mystery! Publication Date is October 24th. As part of https://instagram.com/austenprose?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Virtual Book Tour I have Advanced Readers Copy. But I'm made myself not read until I posted Jane and the Year Without a Summer discussion. I know it's going to break my heart but I'm confident Stephanie Barron will make Jane proud. 12mo
TheBookHippie I didn‘t have feelings about Cassandra much before reading this and now I adore her. The feminist nods were just wonderful. 6. I didn‘t know until NOW. 7. I yelled hollered and UGHHHHHHHHHHHH 🤦🏻‍♀️ 12mo
TheAromaofBooks I am NOT keeping up with these 😂 and thought I might catch up, but for now, could you please take me off the tag list? Thank you!!! 12mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @TheAromaofBooks no worries. Will do. 12mo
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After playing a few games with Husband and Niblings I retreated to a quiet table and finished reading Jane and the Year Without a Summer.

Evening knowing what's coming. 😭 #janeandtheexcellentreadalong

(While I enjoy Pinball they LOVE Pinball.)

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#Pemberlittens While I have Advanced Readers Copy of Jane and the Final Mystery, I'm not rushing through the Penultimate book in the series.

Jane and the Year Without a Summer starts off a bit quieter. Which is fitting because Jane is having health problems. It's lovely seeing Jane and Cassandra having adventure of their own.

Discussion Post up September 30th.🎩 📖📚


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Hard to believe this is so close to the end of the series. I have enjoyed following Jane‘s adventures and Barron‘s weaving of tales around Jane‘s real life events. The end of this one brought some tears and I‘m kind of dreading the release of the last book in October. 4.5🌟

#SummerEndReadathon #SeriesLove23 #JaneAndTheExcellentReadalong

TheSpineView Well done! 13mo
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 13mo
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The latest Jane Austen mystery takes place in 1816, as Jane grapples with a #sickness she cannot quite shake. Even filling ill, she is ready to solve a crime. Cannot wait to read this one! #200PnPCovers

Bookwormjillk I just saw that at the library yesterday but didn‘t pick it up because I already had a stack. I look forward to seeing your review. 3y
CrowCAH Oh wow, very true to life with Jane being ill. 3y
mabell Great choice! 3y
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Finished this morning & LOVED it!
#Pemberlittens this is such a good series. Well researched & fits into the Timeline of Jane's life. This is Book 14. Takes place year before she dies.

I was curious how author would handle that. She does a wonderful job. Yes parts are sad but other parts made me so happy. It has all the things I love. Jane's Wit, Good Mystery, and interesting Historical Setting.
💛💛💛💛💛 #beingajaneaustmystery

Crinoline_Laphroaig I watched a Facebook Live with Author. Apparently there is to be one more in the Series. 3y
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Happy #BookBirthday Jane!!! I've a Barnes & Noble Gift Card I've been saving for the new Beinga Jane Austen Mystery. 😊

#Pemberlittens I love this series!

janeycanuck That series sounds so fun! 3y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @janeycanuck this is Book 14 and it's a Year before Jane Austen's Death. Author says she going to do one more. So while I think that one will break my heart, I do like that she plans to end series rather than continue on indefinitely. 3y
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