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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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"TRUST EXERCISE meets THE INTERESTINGS in this story of ten teenagers brought together by a high school production of THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK-which will influence the rest of their lives. In an Evanston, Illinois magnet high school in 1982, a group of high schoolers meet to audition for the spring play, excited for the chance to escape the difficulties of their everyday lives. Declan, a senior and an experienced actor, is confident he'll get his first-choice role, but when the capricious, charismatic drama director instead casts Franklin, an unknown underclassman-and the two are seen alone at the director's house-the traumatic series of events that will haunt the cast for years begins to unfold. Thirty-four years later, the actors have moved on with their lives. Some are wildly successful, some never left their hometown, and some just want to be left alone. Everything will change, however, when one former member of their cast comes forward with an allegation dating back to the time of the play. The consequences of this public revelation will be far-reaching and complex, reverberating through all of their lives in unexpected ways. CYCLORAMA is a deeply insightful and compelling story of ordinary people, and Adam Langer's down-to-earth style brilliantly cuts to the core of what makes us who we are and how our pasts-both personal and global-resonate into our present and future. With remarkable tenderness and humanity, Langer reveals how the traumas of our youth continue to echo throughout our lives, in our politics, in our careers, and in our selves"--
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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I really enjoyed this, although it‘s not going to make my favourites of the year. Set initially in the 80s we follow a group of high-school students, and their drama teacher, who is known to ‘misbehave‘ with students as they stage a play of The Diary of Anne Frank.

We then rejoin them as Trump takes power to see how what happened back then has affected all their lives. I did struggle to figure out who was who in the first half, as there ⬇️

squirrelbrain …we‘re a lot of characters to get to know. I preferred the second half, even though some of the characters were a bit one-dimensional. Thanks for sending this to me Cindy @Cinfhen - on its way to you in a couple of weeks @TrishB ! 14mo
BarbaraBB This is so weird. I remember almost nothing about this book even though I read it just a few months ago 🤦🏻‍♀️ 14mo
TrishB 👍🏻 thank you 14mo
Cinfhen I loved it when I read it but I‘m not sure it would make my favorites of this year! That‘s how it goes…glad you enjoyed it, Helen. 14mo
Megabooks I loved this. I‘m glad it was a pick for you! 14mo
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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I read this awhile ago. I had to look at reviews to remind myself of what happened, despite the fact that I enjoyed the book. It definitely had a shade of Trust Exercise, but it was so much more. Using a high school play of The Diary of Anne Frank in the 1980‘s and then moving forward to follow the actors in 2016, witnessing similar examples of inhumanity, it was well done. Is Anne Frank correct to believe that people are really good at heart?

BarbaraBB That is a good question. 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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I‘m sad I have to get out of bed, move into this extremely cold day, and leave this book behind. I‘ve moved into the later years of these characters and really interested to see who they are now.

Ruthiella I read this but didn‘t post about it. It‘s really compelling. I think, like some other Littens, I will continue perusing the 2023 TOB longlist for gems. 2y
sarahbarnes I loved this one, too. Sad it didn‘t make the shortlist. 2y
squirrelbrain I‘m going to read this one soon… glad you‘re enjoying it! 2y
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Megabooks I loved this! 2y
Suet624 @Ruthiella I think I might do that as well... 2y
Suet624 @sarahbarnes I think it may have been a comment you made on a post that tipped me off to the fact I should check this book out. Thank you for the suggestion. 2y
sarahbarnes I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it. 😊 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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#unpopularopinion While this was a propulsive read and I flew through it, I found the characters to be one dimensional caricatures which really made it difficult for me to connect. #toblonglist

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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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I‘d completely forgotten about this so it was a lovely surprise today Cindy @Cinfhen ❤️😘

Hubby has his eye on the sweets already, and the hand cream smells delicious. (I‘ve just run out too, so perfect timing!)

@TrishB - this will come to you once I‘ve read it, but January is fairly well ‘booked up‘ with books already so it may not be immediately. 😁

TrishB No worries ♥️ I may find a few to tide me over! 2y
BarbaraBB @TrishB 🤣🤣 2y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll enjoy the book Helen! 2y
Cinfhen Wow 🤩 that got there pretty fast….which makes me even more nervous for your package @BarbaraBB Enjoy, Helen 😘 and @TrishB 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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#bookmail This is a completely #blameitonlitsy purchase!

BarbaraBB I know 😊 2y
Megabooks Enjoy! One of my favorites this year! 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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"We don‘t need the Nazis to destroy us; we‘re destroying ourselves”. Otto Frank said it in WWII, but it is as true in America in 2016, when Trump gets elected. It‘s the central message of this book, that is centred around Anne Frank‘s diary. The first half is set in the 80s, when the diary is turned into a high school play by the kind of sexist teacher that was quite normal in the 80s. We follow all cast members. ⬇️⬇️

BarbaraBB The second half is set in 2016 when we learn what has become of the cast in a USA where Trump could become president, racism is nothing to be ashamed of, walls are being erected, illegal immigrants are betrayed and #metoo is something new. An interesting premise and a very readable book. No five stars but definitely a pick! (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Great review & photo😘 2y
Megabooks You and the photography B!! Just beautiful! 🤩 this definitely belonged on the shortlist. 2y
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squirrelbrain Gorgeous picture, and glad you liked the book! 2y
BarbaraBB I‘d have preferred this one to various others on the shortlist I think! And the photography is easy, center of Amsterdam is quite photogenic! It is close to where Anne Frank stayed as a matter of fact. @Megabooks ❤️ (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain It is a good one, I hope you‘ll enjoy it too 🤍 2y
IuliaC Great photo, I love the contrast! 2y
BarbaraBB @IuliaC Thank you 😊 2y
jlhammar What a perfect picture! Just gorgeous. You all are really making me want to give this one a try. 2y
CarolynM Lovely picture, as always🙂 My daughter is in Amsterdam right now, I‘m looking forward to seeing her photos. 2y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM She is? I hope she‘s having a good time, despite the weather 🥶 2y
CarolynM She's been travelling around with some friends, they've only just arrived in Amsterdam. She says its very cold and they can't get used to it getting dark at 4pm😆 They're loving the snow and all the Christmas lights. 2y
Cathythoughts Lovely picture 💫 2y
Freespirit Wow..Amsterdam is so picturesque ❤️ 2y
Suet624 I thought your review of this was spot on. 2y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Thank you so much, that means a lot 🤍 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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#WeeklyForecast 51/22

Four books I can‘t wait to read! I am in the middle of The Book of Goose and enjoying it. I hope to finish it soon but of course there is the soccer finals later today.

Three more days of work and then I have time off until the end of the year. Plenty of time to read these beauties and some more that I‘ll take with me on a vacation across Germany and Switzerland to France where we‘ll be skiing for a week 🙏

Cinfhen Your covers look gorgeous together 💗 excited to read all your reviews 🫶🏼 2y
JamieArc Have fun! I lived in the French Alpes for a year and it was a dream ❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB @JamieArc Really? I believe you! Where did you live? We‘ll be staying in Chatel, which is very close to Switzerland 2y
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Megabooks I hope you enjoy Cyclorama and Touch!! And you‘re so close to vacay! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 2y
Suet624 I kind of love your life. 2y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I am lucky I know. I have always chosen to work just to be able to travel. 2y
Suet624 What a great plan. 💕💕 2y
JamieArc @BarbaraBB Your recent ost of the Alps reminded me I never responded. I lived in Voiron, between Grenoble and Lyon, so not exactly right where people ski, but it is still part of the Alps. I had a balcony and loved staring out at the mountains. It felt a bit of a sun that I wasn‘t a skier 😂 I hope you are having a wonderful time! 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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From the #ToB23 longlist and how I wish this book was moving on. Spring 1982 - a group of HS theatre kids ( think Breakfast Club) lead by a charismatic drama teacher are cast in the school production of Anne Frank (already im hooked!!) The teacher is “known” by students & faculty to behave “questionably” but it‘s the 80‘s and nobody speaks up - it‘s dismissed as flamboyant/ eccentric/ theatrical. Fast forward 2016 - think Trump & #MeToo 👇🏽

Cinfhen This book was a page turner with fabulous writing, setting, details & deeply crafted characters and storylines. Definitely top contender of 2022 and my favorite from the #Tob23 longlist!! 2y
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RebelReader I was surprised this didn‘t make the shortlist. 2y
sarahbarnes Great review! I really wanted this to make the shortlist, too. Safe travels! 2y
Bookwormjillk That sounds so good! Safe travels. 2y
squirrelbrain I‘m so looking forward to this after both yours and Meg‘s stellar reviews! @Megabooks 2y
SomedayAlmost Wow! Sounds so good. This former theater kid is interested! 2y
BarbaraBB Can‘t wait to read it! And guess what, I found a copy in the bookstore today! So I couldn‘t resist and am adding it to my vacation stack! @squirrelbrain you can share your copy with @TrishB 💕 2y
squirrelbrain Oh that‘s amazing @barbarabb ! 2y
batsy Sounds intriguing! Especially drawn to theatre kids/Breakfast Club references. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s totally worth the splurge @BarbaraBB !!! I just don‘t want to overhype this book but I really think/ hope you‘ll love it too!! If you were a theater kid, I bet this one will bring you straight back to HS @SomedayAlmost !!! 2y
Cinfhen I thought this really deserved to make the shortlist @batsy @squirrelbrain @sarahbarnes @RebelReader oh well!! I‘m just glad it was on the longlist because otherwise I don‘t think I would have found it. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @Bookwormjillk im home and avoiding the unpacking, which is never as fun as packing!! 2y
Ruthiella Sounds good and definitely going on my TBR! I‘m also here for that‘80s nostalgia and looking back, realizing how effed up things were! 2y
Cinfhen 💯 @Ruthiella if you were a teen in the 80‘s you KNOW!!!! 2y
Megabooks Great review!! This definitely needed to make the shortlist!! 😡 Also: your package from Miami came. I started to open it, but then I thought: I should wait until Christmas, so I stopped. 💜💜💜🎄 you are 💯 the best! 2y
Cinfhen Im glad it arrived but it‘s nothing special - you can open it now or wait - up to you xx also I saw the book from Amazon/ BD arrived 🥳 @Megabooks 😘 (edited) 2y
Megabooks Also, I am so glad you still love your booksleeve (aka iPad sleeve)!! That pattern just screamed Cindy to me. I might open the package before Christmas then, but I‘ll wait until I need a pick-me-up. 💕💕 thank you so much for thinking of me!! 2y
LeahBergen Breakfast Club, you say?? 👍 2y
Cinfhen LOVE the sleeve @Megabooks !!! And yessssss, total Breakfast Club vibes @LeahBergen 😎 2y
KarenUK I can‘t wait to read this! 2y
Hooked_on_books This is one of the longlist books that jumped out at me immediately. I‘m so excited for it! (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Loved it @KarenUK and I munched on your granola throughout the flight 😁 2y
Cinfhen It‘s really great @Hooked_on_books can‘t wait to hear your thoughts once you get to it. 2y
CarolynM Well, I will have to stack it then🙂 2y
CarolynM Oops, already stacked🙄 Bumping up the priority list, then🙂 2y
Cinfhen I‘m pretty sure this book is in your groove @CarolynM ❣️❣️❣️ 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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This book has ALL the potential to be my FAVORITE read of 2022!!!! Loving it 😎#PoolSideReads

TrishB Another stupidly expensive one here! Will keep my eye out. 2y
squirrelbrain I *think* this may be coming my way eventually @TrishB so I can send it on to you afterwards. Maybe by next Christmas if the postal strikes continue in the same vein?! 🤣 2y
BarbaraBB What a lovely spot to be reading such a good book! 2y
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TrishB Cool 😁 or via a Litsy meet up! 😘 2y
Megabooks I knew you‘d love it!! 🤩🤩 2y
Cinfhen This is coming your way @squirrelbrain but I think we offered it to @BarbaraBB after you…. Sorry @TrishB #LoveYouAll so I‘m sure it!‘ll find it‘s way to everyone 😘😘 2y
Cinfhen YOU WERE RIGHT @Megabooks !!! I can‘t find any fault with it but I still have about 75 pages to go 🤞🏽 2y
BarbaraBB Never mind @squirrelbrain you can send it to @TrishB as well! I‘m sure I ‘ll get to it one way or another! 🤍 2y
squirrelbrain Ah, I thought it was the other way round @Cinfhen - @BarbaraBB first then me, which is why I said I could send it to @TrishB - why not do it that way round now anyway? 😘 (edited) 2y
TrishB No probs! Other way round fine- I know you want to read soon @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain 2y
Cinfhen Im worried about the delivery to Netherlands @squirrelbrain - I mailed @BarbaraBB a package for her birthday and she still hasn‘t gotten it 😩😢🤬for some reason when I send to the UK it usually arrives quick 🙏🏼so im just concerned to send this book because it‘s very possible it won‘t get there!!! Thoughts ? 2y
squirrelbrain No probs - send it to me as agreed then I‘ll send it on to @BarbaraBB. 2y
BarbaraBB It is so frustrating, the mail. I‘ll be patiently waiting 😇😉 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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squirrelbrain I hope it‘s good!🤞 2y
Cinfhen So far I‘m LOVING IT @squirrelbrain @Megabooks was on point!!!!!! 2y
Megabooks Girl…this was so good! I hope you love it too!! 2y
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Hooked_on_books I‘m really looking forward to this one. It really grabbed me when I read the longlist descriptions. 2y
KarenUK Stacked! 💕 2y
Cinfhen I‘m only 40 pages in but I can tell this has potential to be 5 JUICY STARS @KarenUK @Hooked_on_books @Megabooks @squirrelbrain Im dying to read more but life!!!!! Ugh - #NoTime4Reading 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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I loved the multiple ways this book linked past and present. Similarly to the ways we as individuals do and don‘t move forward and evolve, the same is true for us as a collective. I also loved the way Langer used theater to show the ways we blur the lines between what is real and not, and how we can fail to grasp the reality of situations right in front of us. A great book. #ToB2023

BkClubCare Stacked 2y
Ruthiella It seems to me (based on Litsy reviews) that the longlist is particularly strong this year! 2y
merelybookish Wow, sounds good! 2y
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Cinfhen Very excited for this one!!! Excellent review 💖💖💖 2y
squirrelbrain Fabulous review! I just wish I could get hold of this one in the UK…. 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘m so excited for this one! I picked it up as an ebook and hope to get to it soon. 2y
BarbaraBB Can‘t wait to read it! 2y
sarahbarnes @merelybookish I feel like you would like it! 2y
sarahbarnes @Ruthiella I completely agree - I am impressed! 2y
sarahbarnes @BkClubCare @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB I‘ll be anxious to hear your thoughts! And @squirrelbrain that‘s a bummer - ugh! 2y
Cinfhen Don‘t forget @squirrelbrain I‘m sending this book to you after I read it!!! 2y
squirrelbrain I know @Cinfhen and I‘m very grateful! I just get annoyed that all of the well-reviewed #tob books are the ones I can‘t get! 😁 2y
Cinfhen I know!!! It‘s frustrating @squirrelbrain 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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The last book I finished for #novelNovember. I didn‘t get as many books read as I had hoped because Covid finally caught up to me.
This book was a pick for me. All the characters are flawed in some way and I liked getting their backstories as teens and then finding them again as adults. At times it dragged a bit, but was compelled to keep reading. New author for me too with a backlist @Cinfhen @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @Andrew65

Cinfhen Ohhhh, I hadn‘t thought about backlist possibilities!!! Sorry about Covid - hope you‘re feeling better xx 2y
squirrelbrain Great review! Hope you‘re feeling better now. 2y
Megabooks I hadn‘t thought about a backlist yet either, but that‘s exciting! 2y
Andrew65 That‘s brilliant. Thanks for playing along 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂😍 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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This is one of the most brilliant books I‘ve read this year! I‘m still thinking about his chessboard plot and the subtle ways he moved characters to great reveals. 5⭐️

Kids gather for a 1982 production of The Diary of Anne Frank. The parts they play and the twisted drama teacher end up having a far-reaching affect on their adult lives. Fast forward to 2016 and they‘re still playing roles in their adult lives only the stakes are much higher! #tob

BarbaraBB Three reviews of TOB books in a row and you make me so creedy!! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m very excited for this one!!! 2y
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AmyG Ooooooooo 2y
sarahbarnes Wow, this makes me want to move this one to the top of the pile I have right now! 2y
squirrelbrain You‘re flying through the list! 😘 2y
Ruthiella Oh man! This sounds fantastic! (Just put it on hold at the library.) (edited) 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 😁😁 I can‘t wait to read more reviews from you! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I think you‘re going to love it too! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 2y
Megabooks @AmyG I definitely recommend this one! 2y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes this is definitely now one of my top choices from the list and will make my top 22 of 22. I hope you enjoy it! 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain yes! 😁💜 I‘m listening to this now. 2y
Megabooks @Ruthiella enjoy!! I hope it comes soon! 2y
Chelsea.Poole High praise! I‘ll have to find this somewhere now… 2y
Cinfhen @Chelsea.Poole it was in the Target BoGo 1/2 off special online - just in case you‘re feeling the itch😉 2y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole I think @Cinfhen has a good idea! Wherever you find it, I hope you enjoy it too. 2y
Cinfhen Sorry @Chelsea.Poole deal is over but maybe for Cyber Monday ?? 2y
Cinfhen I just finished Search / I loved it!! A bit longer than I anticipated but SOOOO GOOD!!!!!! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen oh fantastic!!! So glad you enjoyed it!! 2y
CarolynM Fabulous review! Stacked for sure🙂 2y
Megabooks @CarolynM Thank you! I hope you enjoy it! 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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If you‘ve seen my posts today, you know I‘ve been struggling to find an #audiobook to listen to, and I‘ve finally found a winner from the #toblonglist! This story starts in a Chicago high school around a 1980s production of the Diary of Anne Frank but later flashes forward to now. I‘m two hours in and loving the way he‘s setting up the characters and their relationships. @Cinfhen I think you‘re going to be glad you ordered this!

Megabooks @squirrelbrain so sorry you can‘t get this as an audiobook in the UK because I think you‘d enjoy it too. ☹️ 2y
Ruthiella 👏👏👏 2y
Cinfhen I‘m a little sad that I didn‘t go audio!!! But I‘m excited to read this one which I‘ll be sharing with @squirrelbrain and @BarbaraBB so that makes me happy 😃 2y
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Megabooks How kind of you Cindy!! I think both @squirrelbrain and @BarbaraBB will love it!! The 80s high school vibes will take you down memory lane for sure. @Cinfhen I‘m now 05:44 in and it‘s going to be hard to go to sleep. (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB Thank you so much @Cinfhen❤️❤️ and I am really curious about this book!! 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds fabulous! I‘m so looking forward to reading it @cinfhen ! 😘 Who knows, it may come out on audio eventually in the UK? 2y
RebelReader I just picked it up from my library due to all the buzz @Megabooks @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh that‘s the BEST @RebelReader You get to borrow from your library 🙌🏻🤗please tag us with your review 🧡 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain 5⭐️!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I really enjoyed this! I hope you do too. 2y
Cinfhen So are you already finding favorites off the long list ??!! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yes! I‘ve added 2 more 5⭐️ to the 3 I already had. You know the tob list is full of surprises! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB I am having a terrible allergic reaction rn and my lips are numb. 😵‍💫 I think it‘s to this new anti-itch cream I tried for my eczema. I‘ve taken 2 Benadryl and washed my arms 5 times. I really don‘t want to have to go back to the er. 😬 going to head to bed…or at least try to. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
Cinfhen Ffffff!!! That sucks! I feel terrible that you can‘t catch a break. I hope you‘re able to sleep and have a restful thanksgiving 🧡💛 (edited) 2y
Cinfhen How are you feeling, Meg!!!??! Been thinking about you all day 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen much better today! Thank you for checking in!! It was really scary last night, but the Benadryl worked (and gave me some really deep sleep 🤣). Today is just Turkey day. We‘re having two separate meals (for me and the meat eaters) so lots of cooking! 2y
Cinfhen Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🍽 glad you‘re feeling better today 🧡 2y
BarbaraBB Happy thanksgiving Meg! I missed your post about the allergic reaction. It sounds horrible. I am glad you are feeling much better now ❤️ 2y
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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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You guys….I caved!!! Target has BOGO 50% off on all books today!!! 🤭🤗🤓😜I only bought two because @Megabooks already shared that Search is available on Audible 😉and honestly, I need to SLOW DOWN!!!!

Cinfhen And I‘m happy to share these two books with all you lovely people!!! 2y
BarbaraBB So good!! I bought ocean state as well but Cyclorama is very expensive here. I think I‘ll wait a bit! 2y
squirrelbrain Gah! I want Cyclorama *stamps feet*! I can get Ocean State on Scribd though - yay! 2y
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Cinfhen I‘m happy to send you Cyclorama @squirrelbrain if you‘ll pass it along to @BarbaraBB after 😁 (edited) 2y
squirrelbrain Oh Cindy, that sounded like I was demanding it, and I wasn‘t, I‘m just jealous that you can get it and it‘s silly money over here on both Amazon and BD! 2y
Cinfhen No, im happy to share @squirrelbrain xx 2y
CBee DANG IT Cindy - I just bought two books 🤷‍♀️🤪😂 @Cinfhen (edited) 2y
Cinfhen #SorryNotSorry @CBee just one enabler to another enabler xx 2y
Ruthiella The struggle is real! 😂 I am vicariously enjoying your splurge! 👍 2y
CBee @Cinfhen that‘s what book friends are for and I‘m here for it (obviously as I ran right over to Target‘s website) 😂😂 (edited) 2y
squirrelbrain Thank you Cindy! 😘 2y
Megabooks I‘m going to hold off still, but thanks for the tag! 💯 enjoying C Campbell narrating Search!! Really good so far! 2y
Cinfhen I can send you Ocean State @Megabooks and good to know about Search !!!!! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen oh that would be so nice! Thank you! 😘 Side note: I was going to do an audiobook for you for Hanukkah since I wasn‘t sure where you were weight limit-wise as far as heading back to Israel. (I‘m guessing your upcoming trip is a holiday one??) But I‘d love to get you a print book if you‘d prefer that. I‘ll still send a card with something small too. 😘 2y
Cinfhen That‘s soooo sweet @Megabooks xx at this point one more book isn‘t going to make a difference but either option would be greatly enjoyed 💖💖💖 2y
Megabooks Okay! I have some thoughts! 🤔🤫 2y
Megabooks I ordered you one from the longlist that I don‘t think you‘ve read/own! Can you send me the address of where you‘ll be for Hanukkah in an email?? 2y
Cinfhen Thanks so much, @Megabooks I‘ll email you xxx 2y
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