I read this quickly, but ended up feeling it was a bit silly. 3 stars.
I read this quickly, but ended up feeling it was a bit silly. 3 stars.
Another book haul this weekend Iv been buying far too many 😣 just lately but couldn‘t resist this - look at those pages 🥰#suckerforaspecialedition 😆 book 📕 buying and loitering in book 📕 shops is alittle light relief from the reality of the world at the moment
Flowery prose & soulmates across time are at the heart of this. Arden &Evelyn are fated 2be together in every lifetime; however, they‘re also destined 2 kill each other in each one.
The past lives were interesting & varied, but the callback 2them in present time made it a little redundant to the past lives chapters.
I enjoyed the mystery of why they had 2die before their 18th bday & only wish the reason would have been a little more fleshed out.
My four latest reads. All due out (in Australia 🇦🇺) in March 2025. #marchrso2025. All electronic. All different. Two middle fiction. Two for older readers. #readingandreviewing #holidayreading #summer reads
I‘ve updated my Netgalley tracker now with the newest books I just requested from Netgalley. Sometimes if you see an opportunity on Netgalley to request something you want to read, you have to take it or the opportunity will pass you by. I tried not to request more books because I have plenty of ARCs to read but the choices were too good to pass up.