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The Inimitable Jeeves | P. G. Wodehouse
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I forgot to take a picture of the book before I sent it, but I thought this cover was appropriate with all of Jeeves and Bertie‘s sartorial differences in this one!

So much fun! And as usual poor Bertie lands in the soup multiple times due to the machinations of his nearest and dearest!

It‘s on its way to you @Chrissyreadit ! I‘m so sorry it‘s so late!!!

Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 9mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 9mo
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TheAromaofBooks I'm looking forward to this one!! I could always use some Bertie and Jeeves!!! 9mo
mabell @TheAromaofBooks Isn‘t that the truth! I listened to it and read it, because I love Jonathan Cecil‘s narration so much! It‘s so cheerful - even when Bertie is in the soup 😀 I forgot to mention, I received your book, too! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Also, Mary Rose got your amazing box!!! Thank you SO much!!!! 9mo
mabell @TheAromaofBooks Oh yay!! ❤️❤️ 9mo
julieclair This one will be fun! Love Jeeves! 9mo
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Whose Body? | Dorothy Sayers
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It took me a long time to reread this - because of life - but I finally managed to complete this, several months past the #GoldenAgrCrimeClub discussion of it! I like Peter Wimsey‘s humor and his deduction practices. He kind of reminds me of Christie‘s Tommy and Tuppence for his spunk and go-get-them attitude, but I admittedly like him more than Tommy and Tuppence. It‘s my goal to continue reading the series! #192025 #1923

Morr_Books I was just thinking of reading this one as well, since it popped up on my #Roll100 this month. 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement I read all the books that have Harriet Vane. Really enjoyed them. 10mo
Librarybelle @Morr_Books If you have a chance, definitely try it! I‘m anxious to hear what you think. 10mo
Librarybelle @CogsOfEncouragement So good to know!! Thanks! 10mo
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Emily of New Moon | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I enjoyed this first book in Montgomery's Emily series. There are definitely similarities to the Anne books, but I find Emily a more realistic and relatable character.

12 hours of reading and third book finished for the #20in4 readathon. @Andrew65

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #1923 @Librarybelle

Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 1y
Librarybelle Good choice! It‘s been ages since I‘ve read the Emily series! 1y
Octoberwoman I love the Anne series but haven‘t read any of the Emily books yet. Someday! 1y
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the encouragement! 1y
kwmg40 @Librarybelle @Octoberwoman I'll definitely continue with the other Emily books. I've been an Anne fan for such a long time (even took my kids to PEI for a vacation) that I can't believe I've not read this book until now. 1y
Sapphire This is one of my #192025 selections too, but I stalled about a third of the way through. I need to pick it up again soon and hope it catches this time. I loved Anne when I read her as a girl. 1y
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A book about the life in the forest, from Bambi is born until his adult years. This is different from the Disney version and probably gives a truer picture in how life in the forest is. I must admit that I did miss Thumper and Flower though.

#ChildrensClassicRead2023 #1923 #192025
5th book for #JoyousJanuary
@TheBookHippie @Librarybelle @Andrew65

tpixie Great review. Yes- you can call me flower 🌺 🦨 🐰 1y
Librarybelle Awesome - I did not realize this was published in 1923. 100 year anniversary this year! 1y
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AnneCecilie @Librarybelle I didn‘t even think about that. Great time for reading it then. I noticed the year when I read the blurb here on Litsy. (edited) 1y
Andrew65 A wonderful classic. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle I didn‘t either …duh 😅🤣 1y
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I love a good mystery! I'm not sure how I've never read any Agatha Christie before!? #ReadingThroughTheYears192021 #1923

kspenmoll I hope you enjoy the Queen of the English mystery! 5y
DrexEdit My mom recently cleared out some attic space and she said she found a whole box of Agatha Christie's. I'm like "how many?" "what condition?" lol! I'm not good at subtle! ? 5y
Scochrane26 I didn‘t read any of hers until about 3 yrs ago. Now, I‘ve still only read a small amount but working on them. 5y
CaroPi I have only read 3 of her books but planning to read as much as I can. My favorite so far is (edited) 5y
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Cane | Jean Toomer
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This short book took me 10 days to read! It includes poems, short (fictional?) pieces on different women (which I found annoying because that doesn't give you a full picture of a place), and then 2 short stories that were rather confusing--I think they would be better performed, it would certainly make following the dialogue easier. But I'm done! #1001books read 173. #192019 #1923

megnews Glad to hear I'm not the only one who felt this way. 7y
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#Tattered and #torn. Found this #gem at work. #1923 copyright. I know it's in terrible condition but it was too #precious to pass up! #lmmontgomery #lucymaudemontgomery #emilyofnewmoon #canadian #booklove #bookstagram #books #collection #bibliophile #oldbooks #oldbooksmell

LeahBergen I have an edition with this cover, too. 💗 8y
tasha @LeahBergen I'd love the whole series in these covers! They are my favourite! 8y
misswendyd Hello, kindred spirit! I don't often come across people who love both classic children's lit AND gory serial killer books, hah. 8y
tasha @misswendyd hahah I am definitely that combo! Love classic children's lit and the goriest of gore!! 🤓📚🔪🌺☠ 8y
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