Unsurprisingly, the least read of my 2019 books is a textbook I read for a transmedia class! The most popular book I read was a new YA fantasy. #2019inbooks #yearinbooks #textbook #transmedia #nonfiction #readnonfiction #fantasy #yaliterature
Unsurprisingly, the least read of my 2019 books is a textbook I read for a transmedia class! The most popular book I read was a new YA fantasy. #2019inbooks #yearinbooks #textbook #transmedia #nonfiction #readnonfiction #fantasy #yaliterature
Goodreads counts individual comic issues as books, so my shortest reads for 2019 look surprisingly short indeed! #2019inbooks #yearinbooks #comics
These are some of my favorite books that I read this year. I'd say that The Prince and the Dressmaker might be my favorite even of these. #2019inbooks #2019 #yearinbooks #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtliterature #collage #bookcollage
I started the year's reading with Christmas-gifted #comics, finishing Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things first, and ended with #YALit novel Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Many of these 62 books were audio books and single comic issues, but I'm pleased with my total. #2019 #yearinbooks #2019inbooks #2019yearinbooks
Thanks to #BFC, #MayMadness, #BBRC and #Libby my numbers are through the roof! I‘m definitely not mad about these stats 😉 #My2019 #2019inBooks #BookStats #ReadingStats
#MayMovieMagic #Day6 #DontStopMeNow #StarTrekSummerMay #Clues Don‘t stop me now, my year of reading so far hasn‘t been my most prolific, but it‘s certainly been my most eclectic I think. I don‘t think there‘s many clues to my personality in these 45 books, they‘re much too varied for that. Lots of graphic novels so far, plus more non fiction than I usually read & the most SciFi I‘ve read in a few years. What‘s your #2019InBooks like so far?