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Castle Gripsholm | Kurt Tucholsky
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For the last two hours, I've been asleep, sitting on a fashionable novel. It's the only part of the body you can read it with.

#catsoflitsy #Bert

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Leftcoastzen Awwww!😻 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Must... resist... urge to boop... 3mo
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Human Matter: A Fiction | Rodrigo Rey Rosa
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A novel based on real events, written in a non-fictional manner. It begins as a journalist‘s research notes from a visit to a newly surfaced archive of secret police records. But as the narrator digs deeper into the files, his access is denied and it becomes a journal of his continued investigations, leading to the discovery related to a traumatic event suffered by his mother. I didn‘t get the revelation, because I didn‘t pay attention the names.

Liz_M 3⭐ #Guatemala

Someone would not let me take a picture without him in it. #Bert #CatsofLitsy
Ruthiella 😹😹😹 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Leftcoastzen 😂😸👏 5mo
BkClubCare Cool pic 📸 🐈‍⬛ 4mo
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You Exist Too Much | Zaina Arafat
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A typical coming-of-age story with an atypical narrator. A bisexual Palestinian-American, she is unable to please her mother. An outsider both in America and during summers spent in the Middle East, she sabotages mundane relationships by pursuing idealistic, impossible ones. A breakup sends her into treatment, which doesn‘t solve her “love-addition” but interrupts her behavior enough to (eventually) make choices rather than following compulsions.

Liz_M The novel reminds me a lot of the tagged – it‘s a counterpoint to that novel‘s coming-of-age daughter-of-Turkish-immigrants protagonist that was too much in her head, overthinking and philosophizing and not making emotional/physical connections. 6mo
Liz_M 3⭐ #TBRtarot : Book that starts with “You.“
#Bert #catsoflitsy
(edited) 6mo
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 6mo
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BarbaraBB Lovely photo Bert! 6mo
Bookwormjillk 😻😻😻 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
Liz_M @rubyslippersreads, @BarbaraBB, @Bookwormjillk Bert appreciates all the admiration (he can never get enough). 6mo
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The Great Believers | Rebecca Makkai
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I did not get much reading done in September, but this probably would have been the best book of the month regardless. All the feels.


Andrew65 Looks a good read. 😁 7mo
CatLass007 You have a lovely reading buddy. What‘s his/her name? 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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CatLass007 Then you have a very handsome reading buddy.😻 7mo
BarbaraBB Hi Bert 👋🏽. Enjoyed that book too. 7mo
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Doctor Thorne (Revised) | Anthony Ed Trollope
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#12booksof2023 May saw the reunion of the #BandofTrollopes with a loose buddy read of the third book in the Barchester series. The language takes a minute to get used to, but then it is a joy to sink into these gentle comedies.


#CatsofLitsy #Bert

IndoorDame Hi Bert! 😻😻😻 7mo
Ruthiella I adore Trollope! 7mo
Andrew65 Some great classics. 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Another book chosen for its location, but this was also brought to my attention from the many Litsy reviews. Loved the unusual protagonist and the portrayal of how her illness dictated her days.

#12Booksof2023 @Andrew65

Tamra I have thought about this one since I read it earlier this year. (edited) 7mo
Andrew65 Looks a good choice. 7mo
BarbaraBB I loved this one too and her next one even more, have you read that one too? 7mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
Liz_M @BarbaraBB No, I haven't read her other book(s)! Something to look forward to 7mo
Liz_M @Tamra I can see that; it is thought provoking! 7mo
BarbaraBB Absolutely! 7mo
32 likes8 comments
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My reading seems to have slowed down lately, I can't figure out why....

😹😹😹 #CatsofLitsy #Bert

Tamra 😆 1y
LeahBergen Aww! 😘 1y
Leftcoastzen 😄😻 1y
batsy Awww! Little floof ❤️ 1y
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Doctor Thorne | Anthony Trollope
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BEFORE the reader is introduced to the modest country medical practitioner who is to be the chief personage of the following tale, it will be well that he should be made acquainted with some particulars as to the locality in which, and the neighbours among whom, our doctor followed his profession.


And I'm off, on an early start #Trollopeing through Barsetshire.

Billypar Gotta love an opening line that includes both "in which" and "among whom" ? 1y
Liz_M @Billypar It takes a minute to adjust to the language! I might have fallen asleep in the first chapter. 🤣 1y
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BarbaraBB Wow 🤩 1y
quietjenn Yay! Hoping to finish up my current book so I can start all the May reads soon! Also, hello kitty! 1y
Cathythoughts Oh ! Looks good, are we started ?! I better get organised ♥️👍🏻 1y
batsy Oh, whoops! I forgot that it's our May read 😆 Plus, 🐱😍 1y
Liz_M @Cathythoughts @Batsy I think mid-may was discussed, I just started early 😆 1y
Liz_M @rubyslippersreads, @quietjenn, @batsy #Bert appreciates the attention. He is clearly suffering due to my the abandonment when I to go to work. 😹 #catsoflitsy 1y
LeahBergen Oops, I forgot about this one, too. 😆 1y
CarolynM I‘m looking forward to this, but it will be a week or two before I get started. 1y
Leftcoastzen Oh , it slipped my mind. But I shall find a copy & join in !😻 1y
Freespirit Love that first line!! 1y
39 likes14 comments
Migrations: A Novel | Charlotte McConaghy
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I had seen many glowing reviews and was delighted that it appeared on my matches NewYearWhoDis list. It was spellbinding.

#catsoflitsy, #Bert

RaeLovesToRead Bert is so handsome! 😍 2y
batsy Bert's a supermodel! 2y
Liz_M @RaeLovesToRead Yes, he is.
@batsy you guessed my strategy!
29 likes3 comments
Celestial Harmonies: A Novel | Peter Esterhazy, Judith Sollosy
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This chunkier doesn't have an electronic version, so starting a new morning routine to read a dozen pages each day.

Graywacke Cute kitty! 2y
Liz_M @Graywacke #Bert (😹) agrees. (edited) 2y
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