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Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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This was a fun book. It‘s written like The Core of an Onion, in that it‘s half history, half recipes. I love butter and love to try all kinds. This book tells you how butter has been made through the centuries, its values, and significance in religion. It‘ll have you thinking about just how special it is every time you grab a spoon of it!

Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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The Great Butter Rebellion, which took place at Harvard University in 1766, was the first recorded student protest in the United States. Since the opening of Harvard‘s gates in 1636, food service had been an issue and the quality of the butter was exceptionally poor. Apparently one meal with particularly rancid butter led Asa Dunbar (the grandfather of Henry David Thoreau) to jump upon his chair and proclaim: “Behold, our butter stinketh!—⬇️

JenniferEgnor give us therefore, butter that stinketh not.” The cry was adopted by fully half the student body as they rose together and exited the Commons in protest. They were subsequently suspended. Eventually the students were readmitted, but it‘s unclear whether the butter continued to stinketh or not. (edited) 2mo
JenniferEgnor HILARIOUS!!!! 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
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Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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Friends, I think our furry family members have been holding out on us🤣I need my husky and two Bostons to start making some butter for me!

Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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3 buddy reads #adventuresinphilosophy #camplitsy24 #Butter #hastagbrigade #littlewomen #librarybook #audible #readyourkindle
Trying to start Prodigal Summer as it is in my TBR for #litsolace #midsummersolace
🎉🎉🎉🎉Yay! Tomorrow I am out of school for the summer!!!!!!!

Megabooks Excited to have you join the discussion Saturday! 4mo
squirrelbrain Looking forward to Saturday‘s discussion! 4mo
kspenmoll I am hoping to finish because we are having a heat wave in CT predicted for Tuesday-Saturday- in the 100s. So I plan to hibernate in our air conditioned living room/dining room area.we do not have central air- old house @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB (edited) 4mo
TheBookHippie Yay!!!!!!!! Summmmmmer!!! 4mo
AllDebooks Woohoo! Summer break x 4mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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#Butter sounded great, and it did make me very hungry. However, I somehow got lost in the middle and my interest dwindled. Also, some sentences were so awkwardly formulated, I don‘t know if that‘s because of the translation or the original?

#review #read

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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My mom found this old book and included it in our Xmas box of goodies this year.

Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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Damn, this was fascinating. There were a few bits where it felt a bit slow but generally, a really enjoyable micro history that made me hungry and desperate to buy higher quality butter (but I‘m delighted that one of the butters she highlights in the book is fairly local to me!)

Book 4 of 15 for #15books15weeks

readingjedi Butter! Makes life worth living! 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy How fun 😁 4y
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Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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As I was trucking around, collecting books for my #JulyTBR, EDP said to me “That‘s a lot, even for you.” He‘s not wrong. So many leftovers from a bad June, a couple of #HeyCarrots reads to catch up, my #GirlyBookClub and #FlaviaBuddyRead books for July, the #Potteraday, a bunch of #15Books15Weeks to get me back on track, a couple of #PemberLittens books and one that I added to the stack cause why not?!

kspenmoll 😂Why not indeed?! 😅 4y
Linsy You sound like me! A few months of not quite meeting my goals and I have very high hopes for my July. 😅 4y
janeycanuck @kspenmoll I just keep telling myself it‘s because I like to have options. 4y
janeycanuck @Linsy It‘s good to set the bar high, right!! 4y
Linsy @janeycanuck Very true! 4y
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Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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Just a couple of books short of some tasty treats.


LauraJ Cute! 5y
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Butter: A Rich History | Elaine Khosrova
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Butter lovers alert! This history of butter will make you want to slather it on even more. From Neolithic times in Ireland to Buddhist butter meditation in Asia, butter-making tools around the world, dietary science squabbles, and finishing off with some tantalizing recipes in which butter is boss.

(Photo: I should know better than to leave the butter dish on the stove when the oven is on. 😬)

Lindy Full descriptions & recipes are given for the French mother sauces (beurre blanc, hollandaise, béarnaise, béchamel, mornay, velouté, bercy), which was lacking in the book about sauces I read awhile back: 5y
AceOnRoam Stacked. Thanks :) 5y
Cathythoughts Sounds interesting... I always remember my mother got so excited when the “ country butter “ was on sale in town. It was sooo salty, we loved it ! 5y
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Megabooks Sounds interesting! #stacked 5y
Lindy @Cathythoughts I prefer salted butter too. 😊 5y
TrishB My Mum got me hooked on butter....I got my kids hooked on it! Terrible parents 😁 5y
Lindy @TrishB Butter is good for you. Better than margarine, at any rate. 5y
batsy You can't keep me away from salted butter! (or most other flavoured versions 😆) 5y
Lindy @batsy 👯‍♂️ 5y
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