Anybody remember these? I used to read these at my Grandparent's house back in the day. I didn't realize they were published in the 40's.
#MarchMunchies #cherrypie @jenniferw88
Anybody remember these? I used to read these at my Grandparent's house back in the day. I didn't realize they were published in the 40's.
#MarchMunchies #cherrypie @jenniferw88
#MarchMunchies #CherryPie 🍒Cherry pie is a specialty of Charlotte, the MC of this WWII historical. I like unique perspectives in WWII novels & this one takes place in a Wisconsin farm community where German POWs were brought in to work the harvest. Some heavy themes & I didn't find Charlotte too likable, but an absorbing story & an interesting look at the war from the home front. I'm not a pie maker so I paired my review with fresh cherry sauce.
A search for books with #cherrypie in the title turned up more beefcake than baked goods (not that there‘s anything wrong with that), so I decided to go with a classic instead for today‘s #MarchMunchies prompt. Meanwhile, at this time of year the mention of cherry trees usually refers to the blossoms around here. I hope the snow doesn‘t delay the blooming! Sorry #notsorry if this post isn‘t bookish enough!😜
Throwback to this past Thanksgiving morning. I'm always the one who's makes all the pies for my family that day. One year I made eleven pies! We had a big crowd that year though. Happy national Pie/Pi day! #MarchIntoReading #PiPie #Baking #Pie #CherryPie @RealLifeReading
#November 25 #CurrentlyReading - I don't think any if these were on my #TBR for this month - but that's typical of my #reading style 🤓📚 #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #cherrypie #AlistairMacLeod #ToEverythinfThereIsASeason #GenevieveGraham #SoundOfTheHeart #JeffLindsay #DarklyDreamingDexter #book #cantreadjustone