Whenever I fly to NY I listen to The Stand. The group has made it to CO, Mother Abagail has gone off into wherever she goes, and Nadine has gone to live with Harold. #favoritebookever
Whenever I fly to NY I listen to The Stand. The group has made it to CO, Mother Abagail has gone off into wherever she goes, and Nadine has gone to live with Harold. #favoritebookever
Isherwood makes something breathtakingly beautiful in this account of a man's everyday life after loss. Reading George's sorrow is ultimately comforting, and utterly human.
this might be my #FavoriteBookEver
I'm a sucker for anything from the Victorian era, but I especially love Jane Eyre. Gothic romance rocks, being both creepy and romantic and Jane was always so independent and stubborn. She reminds me a bit of myself. #FavoriteBookEver
New Android Litten here from Wisconsin - So freaking happy to be here! My tastes in books are all over the place, but I'll confess that I am a total Janeite at heart. #FavoriteBookEver
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Because @Kenny had a great idea, tell us your most #FavoriteBookEver on your feed and use the hash tag so we can find you.
So, because choosing just one is impossible, and I'm a teacher, I'm going to tell you my favorite book to teach. Holding is a great way to sneak horror, my all-time favorite genre, into the classroom. The students really enjoy it, and it's a great opportunity to "scare" up deep conversations about the nature of who we are. (see what I did there?)??? #FavoriteBookEver #toteach
Hi, brand new Android device-owning Litsy users. We like books here. Talk to us about books.
I'll start. My favorite book ever is Never Let Me Go. What's yours? Tell me here and tell the world on your own page. Maybe we need a hashtag.