When authors reference pop culture things that I love. #jimbutcher #dresdenfiles #princessbride
When authors reference pop culture things that I love. #jimbutcher #dresdenfiles #princessbride
My library's copy of Miniatures by John Scalzi was signed by the author! So cool!
A classic for a reason. I'm disappointed in myself for not having read this sooner.
Short and terrifying. My first Lovecraft, but I can guarantee that it won't be my last.
I don't know what I was expecting from this book, and I will totally admit that a large part of why I read it had to do with the fact that Lin Manuel Miranda read the audio book. But I needed this. I needed this book so much more than I knew. It's just so sweet and wonderful and the characters are perfect and....I think I could sing its praises for days.
They taught this to me in elementary school, but I'm sure we never read the book. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by it. I really only remembered that there was a headless horseman, and something about a Jack o lantern. In reality, this was a clever little ghost story with an ending that's open to interpretation. An American classic for a reason, and a great read for Halloween.
The plot is a little weak. I love Wilkie Collins, and this was okay, but not his best.
I think in the hands of a slightly better writer, this could have been amazing. The story is horrifying and compelling, and I don't think I'll forget it for a while, but I would have liked some more definition of the characters so they were less one dimensional. That said, I can still recommend this.
Wow. I'm going to try really hard to make my review something other than like 200 "broken heart" emojis in a row. This book hurt me and hurt me and hurt me. It shredded my insides and then ground the shreds into a powder. And then set the powder on fire. I almost bailed on it for being too good. I'm glad that I didn't, but I'm going to need some recovery time from this one. Five stars aren't enough. This book is a masterpiece.
All ready for 7am! @DeweysReadathon #readathon
Is it just me, or does this sound like the best hot, boozy way to get through this winter? Have any of you Littens tried this before? #wilkiecollins #booksandbooze
I can't believe I've lived this long and read this many books and I'd never read this one. Seriously, this is brilliant. Stop reading this review and go read it already.
Finished an audio book less than an hour ago, and bam! New library hold comes in. #nerdyvictory #itsthelittlethings
There are 26 "issues" of this on #serialreader , which means that starting it today, I'll finish it on Halloween ?
A cute little fable, but as an omnivore, I never appreciate being preached at, and The Message was a little heavy handed.
If the narrator is a cow, does this still qualify for#LitsyAfterDark ? 😂🐄
Blustery, gray Saturday mornings are made for dog snuggles, new crochet projects, coffee, and your favorite book on audio book. #janeausten #crochet #peaceful
I can't make words about this. It broke my heart into a million little pieces. It reminded me a little of John Steinbeck at his best, which is some of the highest praise I can give.
Ok, so I can't say that this was a quote-unquote GOOD book, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
"I incline to Cain's heresy," he used to say quaintly: "I let my brother go to the devil in his own way."
It may not be winter yet, but the chill in the air today matches the feel of this book. #edithwharton #audiobook #thisstorymakesmeneedablankie
Eh. I've read and loved other works of Mrs. Gaskell, but this one was just okay.
It's obviously not Shakespeare at his best, but I really liked this one.
I think I might be a little bit too visual for Shakespeare on audio book.
Poetry is hit or miss for me. This is beautiful and powerful and unforgettable.
I have my mother's mouth and my father's eyes; on my face they are still together.
Best of the series thus far. I love all of these characters so much, and I'm glad I got hooked into this series.
The best thing about spending the night at a friend's house who is a reader: no shortage of reading materials when you wake up before your hosts!
The fiance and I are driving to Indiana today. I think this might be the way to get him on the audio book bandwagon. #roadtrip #audiobook #zombiefic
Short, demented, and enthralling, but I would definitely avoid this one if you are easily offended. Decidedly against my latent feminist sensibilities....almost shockingly so.
New Android Litten here from Wisconsin - So freaking happy to be here! My tastes in books are all over the place, but I'll confess that I am a total Janeite at heart. #FavoriteBookEver
The only way I'll get through this afternoon at work. #audiobook #Tolstoy #friday