I have a few Penguin Classic Deluxe Editions, but I want them ALL! #gimmegimmegimme #ABBAinAugust
I have a few Penguin Classic Deluxe Editions, but I want them ALL! #gimmegimmegimme #ABBAinAugust
#gimmegimmegimme back Misery Chastain! is all Annie Wilkes wants from Paul Sheldon. 😨🔪
I frequently see a photo of bookshelves on Instagram or Litsy that have me thinking #gimmegimmegimme over a new collection of books that I suddenly NEED in my life. Currently having a moment with those mint green Penguin Classics 😍 where can I find them?!?
When I was a pre-teen I was like #gimmegimmegimme all the Dear America books. #ABBAinAugust
#gimmegimmegimme I recently started collecting these Harper Perennial Olive editions. I love the striped spines and how they look on my bookshelf. 😊 Four of these I was able to find on Book Outlet during one of their last sales! Now I just need to get some more. #abbainaugust
... books to read 📚
... a comfy chair to read them in 🛋
... time to read them ⏱
... coffee and cake to eat while reading ☕️🍰
I don‘t think l‘m asking for much really!
My heart is happy! Drinking my coffee and watching a golf cart of kids stop at my #LFL. #gimmegimmegimme #abbainaugust
#Gimmegimmegimme more beautiful summer nights! #currentlyreading #25infive #ABBAinAugust