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Cuilin Having a lark ✅ being wild ❎ runnng down hills also ❎ I also can‘t decide if the thieving of the glove is creepy or not. 3mo
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mcctrish @Cuilin it is kind of or mean, considering they are expected to wear them but the March‘s don‘t have money for new ones very often. I love that Jo is published but I‘m mad about the lack of payment! They don‘t pay newbies or they don‘t pay girls?! (edited) 3mo
dabbe @mcctrish Based on the seediness of the place, I'd say both. #grr 3mo
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish reminds me of today‘s unpaid internships 3mo
Cuilin @mcctrish I didn‘t even consider the financial aspect. Yes. 3mo
julieclair I‘m thinking Brooke picked up the glove so he‘d be able to return it to Meg and look like a hero. Which is still kind of creepy. I‘m waiting to see what he does next before I give him a creep-o-meter score. 3mo
mcctrish @julieclair you are right, he wants to be gallant and is just waiting for the opportunity to 3mo
julieclair I‘m so proud of Jo for having the guts to submit her stories to the paper. But I‘m angry that she‘s not being paid anything - not even a tiny amount. Good - but disturbing - comparison to today‘s unpaid internships, @Bookwormjillk . 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly Yes, I‘m mad that the newspaper won‘t pay Jo, and she doesn‘t question it or shop her stories around to other papers! 3mo
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Me, when a library has some of the books in a series on Overdrive, but not all of them. #Grrrrr

Reggie This used to be Netflix. They would have seasons 1, 4, and 7 of something. Lol 6y
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Small Great Things | Jodi Picoult
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Never have I struggled so much with reading Picoult's work... but the father in this story makes me so angry that I have to break from it! #jodipicoult #smallgreatthings #grrrrr #wordsarepowerful

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