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Daughters of the Deer | Danielle Daniel
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Posting this for Truth & Reconciliation Day…this is without a doubt one of my favourite reads all year, I couldn‘t put it down. Set in mid 1600s in Algonquin territories at the beginning of French settlements, this book is so powerful and heartbreaking. I love that women and two-spirit characters are at the forefront in this one. #integrateyourshelf

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This book is going to be one of the top of this year. I haven‘t thought this much about, well, everything… in a long while. #integrateyourshelf #diversifyyourreading

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Powerful, intelligent, relatable. This was a great read that will stay with me for a long time. Great on #audio ! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #integrateyourshelf

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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As we're getting close to the end of the year and looking back on 2021, one of my goals for next year is to read more diversely. I've done some this year, but I'd like to make it more of a priority and bring more awareness to my choices.
There are a lot of reading challenges for 2022 planned but nothing with this focus. So I was thinking of starting my own and I wanted to see if my favorite litsy community would like to join me on this journey ⬇️

peanutnine I was thinking of having each month of the year dedicated to a certain heritage or culture or minority. The goal each month would be to read at least one book with an author and/or main character of that background.
I will post the list of monthly prompts ahead of time so you can plan your year if that's your thing. Let me know if you would be interested in joining a challenge like this! I'd love your feedback
#DiversifyYourReading @LitsyEvents
CallMeIshmael I‘m in 3y
Laughterhp Oh I would be interested! I‘m always looking to diversify my reading, but find it tough to do. 3y
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PageShifter I am in. I read quite diversely already - but this still sounds like an adventure. 3y
xicanti I‘m always in favour of diversity challenges, but to be honest, I‘m leery of the “author and/or main character” stipulation. I feel like that leaves a lot of wiggle room for people to read, for example, a novel about Japanese characters written by a White American instead of a similar book by a Japanese writer. I‘ve seen a lot of that in the geography-focused challenges and to me, it doesn‘t fit the brief. 3y
peanutnine @xicanti that's a really good point. I was thinking about character representation in the story in addition to supporting diverse authors. But you're right, the "or" can make things icky with reading books that aren't own voices. I'll change that, thanks for bringing it to my attention! 3y
megnews @peanutnine I can‘t promise to participate every month but I will try to some. 3y
alisiakae I think this is a great idea, and I agree with @xicanti that I would prefer a focus on #OwnVoices books. That‘s what I do with the geography challengeas, I only choose books published by an author from that country, and look for works in translation as much as possible. 3y
Amiable I love this idea! Like @megnews I am not sure I could keep up with every month, but I would love to participate and see the prompts and follow along with what everyone else is reading to get ideas and suggestions to diversify my choices. (edited) 3y
Liz_M I love this idea! I couldn't quite keep up with the #integrateyourshelf prompts this this year, but really enjoyed seeing everyone's recommendations, so a monthly challenge should be just about right! (edited) 3y
leah152 I'm in 😊📚 3y
tokorowilliamwallace The annual Read Harder challenge, I believe, tries to provide this for readers, too---to add background and representative diverse reads to TBRs and on reading culture's radar. I'll try to join you where I can! 3y
jessjess @tokorowilliamwallace was also gonna suggest Read Harder challenge 3y
Maria514626 Late to this but I‘m in! Thanks for posting! 2y
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The Only Good Indians | Stephen Graham Jones
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My goodness. Deeply disturbing, this book is dark. Firmly in the horror camp which I don‘t read often. The writing is crisp, authentic, and fantastic. Just amazing! Parts are really hard to get through-raw and vivid and so upsetting. Violent, harm on the page to people and animals-this one is tough, y‘all. But the story? Simply amazing. And good on #audio
#integrateyourshelf #firstnations #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Readergrrl This was one of my favorite books of 2021. I‘m still thinking about it! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Attended an author talk tonight with a few friends by Anton Treuer. His book was chosen as our city‘s 1 Book 1 Community read and I finished it Sunday.

The book was excellent. Treuer addresses a lot of questions and does so in a way that is thoughtful, accessible and with personality. I definitely recommend it if you would like to know more, especially about the Ojibwe nation of which Treuer is a member. ⬇️ (continued in comments)

MeganAnn Treuer makes it clear these are his own answers and opinions, and that different tribes have very different cultures which I knew, but found it helpful to keep in mind while reading. During the author talk, he told us a little about himself and his work, then opened the floor up for lots of questions. He was charismatic, passionate and interesting to listen to, and made everyone feel like it was a safe space to ask, listen and learn. I loved it! (edited) 3y
DebinHawaii It sounds like a great event and book. Stacking! 📚 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Posting some book recs in honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day. 🧡

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I totally did not start this at lunch and then continued to read it at my desk by covering it up with reports. Not.at.all. 🤫😉😆

A cute, fast-paced novella-length romance. Bonus, it mentions quite a few romance books.

Book 4 for #AwesomeAugust

#integrateyourshelf POC author and MC + some LGBTQ+ representation in a minor character

julesG Just imagine you'd read it while on duty. Good thing you didn't do that. 😁😁😁 I'll have to stack it. 3y
TheSpineView I've never done that either! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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Andrew65 😂😂😂 👏👏👏 3y
tracey38 😂😂😂 3y
NikkiM5 😂 3y
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The Fire Next Time | James Baldwin
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Wow! What a powerful book and just as relevant now as it was then. Baldwin‘s perspective is sharp, clear and without reserve. Every American should read Baldwin, we are all better citizens and humans for doing so. #integrateyourshelf #Authoramonth @Soubhiville #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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I won this from BookishFirst. The excerpt I read on BookishFirst was intriguing, so I‘m interested in learning more.

I also read an interesting article on the WashPost about the use of the word “exotic” to describe food. A really enlightening read:


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