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#KindnessandPositivityWeek #day7 #LookingForward

🦃Looking forward to Thanksgiving & my husband‘s menu.
🦃Long walk tomorrow- temp still in high 40s
🦃 trimming tree
🦃 2 extra days off from work

I have so much to be grateful for! #30daysofgratitude

Andrew65 Sounds great 😊 4y
jb72 I‘m making jerk chicken for the first time! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 4y
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#kindnessandpositivityweek #day7

Thanks for the tag @Andrew65


I am looking forward to hopefully seeing the Musical Six in January 🤞📚📖

Andrew65 Hope you get to see them 🤞 4y
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#KindnessAndPositivityWeek #Day7 #LookingForward

Let everyone know about something you are looking forward to over the next week or month.

For me it‘s when lockdown ends (hopefully in a couple of weeks) when I can take a drive to the sea and soak up the atmosphere. Like a caged animal at the moment
Also start of #WinterGames on 1st December, and providing a magical Christmas for the children at school.

Tag Littens


EadieB I‘m looking forward to finishing my downsizing of books and material things and living more simply. Also looking forward to getting my library space painted and set-up again! I‘ve also have been sending books out to random people who need a bit of cheering up! 4y
TrishB Seeing my kids 😁 November will have been the first month ever I haven‘t seen either of them. Speak to them everyday but not the same. 4y
Andrew65 @TrishB No it‘s not, not seen our granddaughter for far too long 😢 (edited) 4y
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Andrew65 @EadieB Look forward to seeing some pictures. That‘s a nice gesture 😍 4y
Cathythoughts Cooking Christmas dinner for my family , the buzz in the house , sitting down together! Christmas Dinner ❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts I didn‘t know you had a granddaughter Andrew ! I hope you see her soon. 💕💕💕 We have a granddaughter, we are mad about her ❤️ 4y
Andrew65 @Cathythoughts Yes, 22 months old, and ditto. 😍 (edited) 4y
Cinfhen I understand how you‘re all feeling @Andrew65 @TrishB @Cathythoughts we NEED a return to normalcy 4y
TrishB @Andrew65 I hope you get to see her soon ❤️ 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts focus on that dinner ❤️❤️ 4y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen We do, hopefully the news about vaccines during the week is at least to quote Churchill ‘the end of the beginning‘ and a chink of light at the end of the Tunnel! (edited) 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen definitely. Worn out by it all. Everyone very grumpy and miserable now. 4y
Andrew65 @TrishB 🤞🤞🤞 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for thinking of me! 🤗😊 4y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks Trish ! And you will have you kids home ❤️❤️ 4y
Velvetfur Thanks for the tag Andrew! 👍🏻 4y
tracey38 A little late but I am looking forward to a 3 day work week and 4 day weekend this week and good food for Thanksgiving! ❤🍗 4y
Andrew65 @tracey38 Sounds great 😍 4y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 this week will be quiet, just hubby and I for thanksgiving , he got his temporary deep spine stimulator today, so we will know in a couple days if it's going to help reduce his debilitating pain. If so then he'll get permanent implant. I've just been caught up with stuff, and haven't been very engaged. Trying to get my groove back 4y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi November has been tricky for me. Hope the stimulator works 🤞🤞🤞 4y
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A sudden flu-incindent is giving me time to catch up on my #reading , meaning i #FINALLY get to start on #Resurrection 😍 (Only bought in i August🙄) It‘s book 10 in the #SkulduggeryPleasant series an a #book I‘ve been #lookingforward to for over a year🤤 Let‘s get to it!

#DerekLandy #fantasythriller

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Next month's musical 🎼 bookish photo challenge is featuring the innovative David Bowie, presented by @Marchpane and @Cinfhen ! 💕 #septembowie

#fallintobooks is a fun photo challenge hosted by our regular @RealLifeReading 🙂

#lookingforward #lovetoplaybutcreativeenoughiamnot

Marchpane Thanks for reposting! I love the graphic @RealLifeReading made - so pretty 🍁 7y
Sace I'm really looking forward to the Bowie pics. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks for the shoutout 😍give all the props to @Marchpane it's her awesome playlist 🙌🏻👂🏼🐛 7y
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