My #mostreadgenre was fantasy. 2017 was my best reading year EVER!! I'm going to post in a few days about my top 15 favorite books of the year! 😍🎄❄
My #mostreadgenre was fantasy. 2017 was my best reading year EVER!! I'm going to post in a few days about my top 15 favorite books of the year! 😍🎄❄
Surprise! My #mostreadgenre this year (and every year) is mystery! In fact I expected the number to be higher. #allthebooksof2017
😑an unexpected result from https://bookriot.com/2017/12/13/quiz-hogwarts-house/ given my #mostreadgenre this year (and every year, tbh) is fantasy. This series in particular is awesome and I've been waiting for the 4th book at our library for a while (close to simply buying it, but the library has all of the others...). There are dragons, magic languages, a mix of whodunit and world-changing fates... Pretty much my jam 😜 #allthebooksof2017
#allthebooksof2017 #mostreadgenre
I glanced through the list of books I‘ve read in the past six months - books I picked up on my own, not for book club reads - seems like I‘ve read quite a mixture of genres, except horror, maybe? And I don‘t read enough non-fictions and sci-fictions, too. 🤔
Some of my most read genre of the year: #series
#Mostreadgenre #Allthebooksof2017 @Annreads
After careful consideration (i.e. a quick glance at my "read" list on #Goodreads), I have determined that my #mostreadgenre is EVERYTHING.
See my last 30 reads above. I detect nonfiction (science, history, politics, sociology, memoir), mysteries, graphic novels, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, classics, humor, romance, even a children's book, and that's just these 30.
Overall my top genres are fantasy, classics and humor.
#AllTheBooksOf2017 #MostReadGenre
This one was hard! I‘ve read from just about every genre this year, but my greatest hits always seem to be historical fiction and fantasy. 😃
My #mostreadgenre of 2017 is Contemporary / Literary Fiction, probably followed by Nonfiction. There used to be a day when I didn't really like fiction and only enjoyed reading nonfiction and learning about real events (remember @Reviewsbylola ???). But the past year on litsy has changed all of that! 📚📚📚
According to my quick count, Fantasy comes in as my #mostreadgenre, with 57 books. And with great series like the ones above, I can't complain 👌
#allthebooksof2017 I read all over the map this year, thanks to lots of reading challenges but I think my #mostreadgenre was Historical fiction.... These are some standouts....