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So . Glad to have read this book. Very no-nonsense way of figuring this out. I am going to try to incorporate readings often for me to learn and try to figure it all out. In my head and all that good stuff. I think in time with practice I will get better :)


TheAromaofBooks On Instagram, Maggie Stiefvater recently did a tarot card each day, going through the whole deck & explaining what they mean & did a really good job contextualizing them, I thought. It's not for me, but it's interesting to see. 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks ooo thanks for that ! 4y
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So in reading the Minors I am noticing a lot of parallels with the cards we used to play with as kids and the Tarot. My grandmother had a tarot deck she played with but it was different. I wish we can find it (she had dementia prior to her death and hid all sorts of things everywhere. When my aunt finds her things she send them my way usually). Anyway the Mexican playing cards share a lot of parallels with the tarot. ⬇

ElizaMarie And I remember when we would play cards she would mutter little sayings about the card or the suit in Spanish and it was always really sweet. Awe I am so happy with this journeyI am taking into Tarot.



(edited) 4y
Chrissyreadit I love tarot. Is that your current deck pictured? 4y
sprainedbrain What a beautiful memory❤️ 4y
ElizaMarie @Chrissyreadit no.. This is a picture (stolen online) but this is a picture of Mexican Playing cards. These cards were cards I would use growing up. To play like Con Quien, Pairs, King's Corner stuff like that. but I had noticed such a relationship with the suits as the tarot cards. I will post a pic of my cards soon :) 4y
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So this book was good. but... I was looking for a more “self help“ type of book rather than her life story. But I am sure the antidotes will be in handy when I try to do some version of this.

Thoughts: 1. Budget? 2. 20% savings 3. 10% debt repayment? 4. Shopping ban?
I am buying a house so I need to buy furniture but... maybe shopping ban for others (or make a list of what is okay)

TheAromaofBooks Several years ago my husband & I took a Dave Ramsey class & even though we didn't have a bunch of debt or anything, it really did help us to be more purposeful with our money. Our biggest take away was that budgeting lets you decide where your money is going ahead of time instead of seeing where it already went!! It's been good to focus on saving money ahead before buying instead of paying stuff off after the purchase. 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks so I‘ve never really budgeted. I feel like maybe I should try to “review” my spending then try to see what I can trim. Or at least do a percentage to save and pay towards debt 4y
TheAromaofBooks So our income can vary a lot because of the way my husband gets paid (& I only work seasonally, so also irregular haha) & for us we figured out what we “have“ to spend (monthly bills, annual property tax, twice-yearly car insurance, etc) & divided it all out by week & started setting that money aside off the top. That meant we actually knew how much “extra“ money we had & could put it towards savings or vacation or fun each week. It sounds a ⬇ 4y
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TheAromaofBooks little silly, but we also give ourselves a weekly allowance & that money is for just legit whatever, Tom's video games or books for me (surprise surprise haha) but more or less “guilt free“ fun money. Anyway, there are loads of different ways to budget, I think the main key is just starting to really think about money & where you want it to go vs where it is actually going!! 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks Thank you for breaking that down for me. So as a nurse with shift type work my paychecks sometimes are not as consistent as they should be. So I was thinking that yeah, maybe I need to take inventory of what I spend my money on. Or at least my bills and then figure out what I used the “left over“ money on. Giving myself an allowance makes sense. have some guilt free money there. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've gotten weirdly nerdy about our budget over the years, so I tend to carried away when anyone brings up budgeting. 😂 But having an allowance has been one of my favorite parts. Like if it's something big that we'll both use - or even something bigger that one of us really, really wants - we'll usually take it from a different fund. But for fluffy stuff like Litsy swaps or a box of books from eBay, it's super nice to have money that doesn't ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks feel like I'm “stealing“ it from something more important haha 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks I love this! I will be really trying to do this. It sounds like something important that I should be doing! 4y
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So I had fallen behind on this #SundayBuddyRead (@AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks @TheBookHippie) because this was the type of book that (although I enjoyed it) I had a hard time finding time to actually want to read it. It was great. I enjoyed it when I finally got to it. but... I didn't want to read it everyday. But anyway I really enjoyed it!



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I am listing to this one (@jb72 didn't you recommend?) so that I can get some ideas for my #21for21 #NewYearNewYou . Not sure how much of these I will incorporate into some goals but.. its going to be some good inspiration :) #NonFicNovember2020

jb72 Yes I recommended it. I am working on my list too and thinking about that book (among others). 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I want to try to maybe put more into savings. But Also I am buying a house and want to explore my new state so I also want to have plenty of date nights and museum and all sorts of exploration which of course cost money! But maybe work on spending less than I need? Or something I don't know yet (also I have to buy winter clothing) 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I‘m sure you can accommodate all of those in your yearly goals. I definitely want to buy less and have more experiences. 4y
Cheshirecat913 This sounds like a good book to read. I have found through this pandemic that I have bought less stuff since I have stayed out of stores for the most part and I don't miss it. I want to do stuff instead of buy stuff. 4y
ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 the book was good but it was more her story about how she lived during that year and not as much of a “how to“ that I was expecting. But it was pretty interesting :) 4y
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Etiquette | Emily Post
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Been a fan for a while now but... I figured I would post this podcast as part of my #NonFicNovember2020 #NFN20 Challenges :)

I feel the world needs a little bit more Consideration!

SheReadsAndWrites Agreed!! 🙌🏼 4y
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rsteve388 This book and the movie were both so powerful. 4y
ElizaMarie @rsteve388 I CANT AGREE MORE! The book was so great, had more stories than the movie but the movie was so moving! I am lending the book to a coworker so she can experience it! 4y
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I devoured this book last week mostly physical but borrowed the audio from the library because of some pretty bad headaches. Anyway it was amazing ;)


britt_brooke So, so good! It changed me, honestly. Such an important read. 4y
ElizaMarie @britt_brooke I agree. I am lening it to a coworker but also plan on convincing the husband to read it too 4y
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I read this book a while back and really enjoyed it :) so I‘m working on the documentary and am already really enjoying it :)


Leftcoastzen I thought both were great! 4y
ElizaMarie @Leftcoastzen I really loved this book. But you are right they are both great (so far) 4y
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Comedy Queen | Jenny Jgerfeld
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Hey there Littens.... if you are joining me with these #CurrentlyWatching hashtags, then you should know it's a new month. November is Comedy Month. I would love to hear what types of movies and shows you will be watching this month!! What are you watching today?


@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72 @LapReader @Bookworm54 @ishan0986

jb72 Comedy: I always watch Christmas Vacation! 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 u start xmas early??? I dont like doing anything Christmassy until after Thanksgiving. 4y
jb72 @AkashaVampie 😂 I watch that movie all year long. It‘s one of my favorite funny movies. 4y
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AkashaVampie @jb72 haha. I'm not sure if I have watched the whole movie. I have seen bits and pieces of it. 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 I do like a bunch of Chevy Chase's movies. A couple would be The 3 Amigos and Funny Farm 4y
jb72 @AkashaVampie Yeah he‘s pretty funny. I love to watch funny movies. 4y
AkashaVampie @jb72 me too. Pretty much when it comes to watching and reading i gotta have comedy in it. 4y
ElizaMarie I am really not a “comedy“ type of person. But.. I like South Park, Simpson, Bobs Burgers and American Dad (so animation comedy is more my thing) ... I will probably watch some of those this month. But I am also going to be trying to do a #NonFicNovember2020 and watch some documentaries too 4y
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