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This book was amazing!!! I was immediately enthralled with the world and characters in this book. It is very well written and the author does such a great job developing a real sense knowing of all the characters involved. I was dying at the end, with all the feels. I cannot wait to continue the series! Thanks @GypsyKat for "tricking" me into reading this amazing story!?

GypsyKat Haha! I knew my deviousness would pay off! 😈😄 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Is that a table? It‘s beautiful!!! ❤️💚💗or something on the table?? (edited) 7y
TheWhiteHatter @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks its actually a table that my amazingly talented wife @GypsyKat refinished and mosiaced the top with tiles. Our house has several of her awesome pieces. 7y
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GypsyKat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheWhiteHatter Awe, thank you! 😊😊😊 7y
GypsyKat @Cinfhen would say that I should hashtag this #TablesOfLitsy am I right? 😉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GypsyKat ok wait!! Another #Litsycouple!! I somehow missed this!!! 💕 and it‘s beautiful ❤️❤️ @TheWhiteHatter 7y
GypsyKat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Haha! Thank you! And no worries! @TheWhiteHatter doesn‘t have the Litsy addiction as bad as I do, so it was probably easy to miss. 😉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GypsyKat 💗💗💗 I‘m glad I know!!! 7y
Cinfhen Hahaha!! Yes...and I never put the two of you together either @GypsyKat @TheWhiteHatter ❤️😊 7y
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Please excuse my non-book related post. This just came up in my Facebook memories, and I thought that @Cinfhen would get a kick out of it. You know that table that I'm often talking pictures of books on? Turns out that I finished it exactly one year ago today. 😊 #TablesOfLitsy

julesG Great table. Love the colours. 7y
GypsyKat @julesG Thank you! The details on the base are in a metallic gold, but I'm not sure it comes through in the pictures. 7y
julesG @GypsyKat Hard to see but I can imagine it. Wow! 7y
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DGRachel I especially love the table top! It's gorgeous! 7y
Cinfhen It's fabulous!!! And I didn't know that the legs are fuchsia 💗💗💗 7y
DebinHawaii Wow! Great job with it--you totally transformed it! 👍👍 7y
KarenUK Such a great transformation 💕 7y
LeahBergen So pretty!! 7y
GypsyKat @Cinfhen They're kind of a purpley fuchsia depending on the light. And thanks! 😊💗 7y
GypsyKat @DGRachel @DebinHawaii @KarenUK @LeahBergen Thank you all so much! 😊💗💗 7y
CouronneDhiver You're really talented - that's a beautiful creation! 7y
Lindy Love it! 7y
GypsyKat @CouronneDhiver @Lindy Thanks so much! This kind of thing is my favorite hobby... Well, other than reading. 😊 7y
kspenmoll It's beautiful! 7y
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It's killing me that I have to wait until September of 2018 to see how this series ends! #SequelPlease! #AprilBookShowers @RealLifeReading

GypsyKat @Cinfhen Haha! Thanks! How could I forget our new hashtags? 😄💗💗💗 7y
Erin01 I thought the pub date for the last Throne of Glass book was moved to May 2018, unless it's been moved again? 7y
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GypsyKat @Erin01 I hadn't heard it wasn't moved up! That's a little better, at least! 👍🏼 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Oh good one! 7y
Minispok Just started this series 😀 7y
GypsyKat @Minispok It's really good! Hope you enjoy it! 7y
Sarah1960 @Minispok I will jump on the record as saying I enjoyed the series so very much! Highly recommend! 7y
Mommamanzi I don't want to think about having to wait that long aaaahhhhhh noooooo 😭 7y
GypsyKat @Mommamanzi Possibly May of 2018, if that helps? But yeah, I'm with you. 7y
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Such a special book! This is a beautifully written memoir and authentic love story that I think I will pick up again and again. I tried to read this slowly in an attempt to absorb Hayes' words as well as his inspiring outlook on life. I smiled as I read, even through my tears at the end.

Immediately after finishing I read Gratitude- written by Hayes' partner and referenced in his book - and would recommend them both to anyone ❤

Cinfhen Is that a floor tile the books are on? It's amazing 😍and both books sound wonderful 7y
kspenmoll Loved Gratitude; will have to read Hayes now. Thx for recommendation. 7y
emilyhaldi @cinfhen it's our metal coffee table! Totally random vintage find. And both books really were wonderful, I didn't feel like I could do them justice in a short litsy post!! 7y
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emilyhaldi @kspenmoll if you loved Gratitude I think you will adore Insomnic City!!! Hope you enjoy ☺️ 7y
Jess Love, love, love Mr. Sachs. Insomniac City flew right under my radar. Adding to my TBR. Thanks! 7y
Cinfhen OMG, An entire coffee table....I need a full visual....I 💓it! Yesterday @GypsyKat posted her coffee table which was made from mosaic {{swoon}} see Litsy is more than just books & pets... 7y
GypsyKat @emilyhaldi Wow! I agree with @Cinfhen It looks gorgeous! I'm down for starting a new hashtag trend #BooksOnTables or #TablesOfLitsy haha 😊 7y
Cinfhen Love those hashtags ....I'll be using them @GypsyKat 💖 7y
Reviewsbylola Never heard of either of these but they sound good. 7y
emilyhaldi @Cinfhen @GypsyKat thank you! And I ❤ the hashtag idea. I will try to post a full pic sometime soon! 7y
emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola gratitude is only 45 pages so super quick! I liked reading it after knowing the story of Insomniac City so maybe you should try both... 7y
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