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Dearest Josephine | Caroline George
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Friends second time in a book we read that this is mentioned -I have never seen the show, (other than one episode or parts of …) but it sure is popular among teen girls CURRENTLY…I can‘t figure it out 😆
It‘s weird 😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️🤣😅

AmyG Friends is a great show. Well written, perfectly cast. And about young people and issues they deal with. 1y
IndoorDame I remember watching it when it was first aired, and it strikes a really rare balance of not overplaying either the wholesome nature of the friendships, or the gritty nature of the problems they face, so it felt really natural. 1y
vlwelser I think it's a fun show. Young people dealing with real or slightly ridiculous things. And it's funny. But there is something very 1990s about it. 1y
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CoffeeAndABook I‘m an absolute fan of the show. It‘s soooo 1990s and half of the jokes they could NOT get away with anymore. And the stupid laugh tracks 😝 But I‘ve watched and rewatched the show several times throughout my life and there‘s a warm, timeless quality to it all. So well written and cast. It helped get me through a terribly dark time as a young woman. In the midst of it all it still made me laugh or at least smile. I‘m eternally grateful 😌 (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @CoffeeAndABook Gilmore Girls -originally watched with my daughter and Fraiser for me .. but I‘m currently watching The Patridge family and am all nostalgic 🥰 I was working 60 plus hours a week in the 90s I missed a ton of tv .. 1y
mcctrish There was so much about Friends that was Great. High school acquaintances that find themselves meeting as adults and seeing the whole person instead of the identity assigned to them. The struggles to find a path. I especially liked that they approached childbirth from multiple viewpoints and they were all valid. There were dumb things too ( Fat Monica, celebrities who wanted to be on it) 1y
CoffeeNBooks I think my generation liked it when it originally aired because it was about our generation and what we were dealing with, and it wasn't over-the-top like Melrose Place. It gave us something to watch that acknowledged who we were, and also made us laugh. I do think some of it is outdated now. I was surprised when my 25yo daughter watched it a few years ago, and then decorated her kitchen in a Friends theme. 😆 @vlwelser - I agree, very 1990s! 1y
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I missed The Gilmore Girls when it came out, my husband hated it and I was having babies and only had so much tv time. But discussions about it were everywhere and when it was announced that they were doing a big 4 Season movie wrap up I went on a massive binge and watched it all so I‘d be ready #teamjess 1y
kspenmoll I watched it in the 90‘s until my son was born(1994) & recognized their struggles, enjoyed the comedy & its zaniness! 1y
DebinHawaii Friends is one of the shows I will put on when I am down & tired & need a laugh. Even though it‘s a bit dated now & not everything still works, some of the most humorous moments still hold up really well. One of my younger coworkers in her mid-twenties, just binged it a few months ago & enjoyed it. I missed the Gilmore Girls & have never watched it but I did go back & rewatch The Partridge Family & very dated but fun nostalgia. 😉 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii Gilmore girls was my daughter and I and we watched together had she not been a teenager at the time and is needing a time together and then seeing we were like the characters GASP.. I‘m not sure I would have caught it! ♥️🙃 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii Partridge Family is a hoot now. Fun. Although the women‘s rights episode EXACT SAME 🙄😝 1y
Catsandbooks I absolutely love when a book makes a reference to Friends! It is one of my all-time favorite shows. I honestly have no idea how many times I've rewatched it cause it has to be close to 100 by now. Obviously it's dated and some stuff makes me cringe now but the whole of it is just so great! I mean I love it so much my husband and I have "you're my lobster" engraved on our wedding rings ?? 1y
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks ♥️♥️🦞🦞 1y
megnews I saw bits and pieces of different episodes but it just didn‘t appeal to me. Two of my best friends can find a friends reference in most anything we say or do. 1y
TheBookHippie @megnews 🙃 solidarity!!!! I just don‘t get it. 1y
mollyrotondo I‘m with @megnews and @TheBookHippie I am not a Friends fan. It‘s Seinfeld for me all the way! 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm a fan. Sure there's some cringey stuff, but overall I liked it. 1y
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Yes!!! Taken from: RatherKeen on Instagram. She sells some awesome Gilmore Girls stuff.

Cupcake12 Living in the UK I‘d never heard of the Gilmore Girls until last year! That was until I watched every episode on Netflix ! 4y
Kimberlone #teamJess forever! 4y
rather_be_reading @Cupcake12 omg i never thought of tht!! thank goodness for netflix! 4y
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Gilmore Girls: .... Staffel 6 | Lauren Graham, Jamie Babbit, Alexis Bledel
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Jess reading 😍 #gilmoregirls

Clwojick 😍😍😍😍😍 5y
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xxjenadanxx #TeamLuke all the way 5y
Laughterhp 💚💚 5y
Kimberlone This episode 💔 5y
Boooooks Team Jess all the way!!! 5y
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Gilmore Girls: .... Staffel 6 | Lauren Graham, Jamie Babbit, Alexis Bledel
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So rude!!

thegirlwiththelibrarybag But kind of true 😂 5y
Kaila-ann I was never a big fan of Jess 🤔 5y
Books88 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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KathyWheeler I didn‘t watch The Gilmore Girls much, so Jared Padalecki is always Sam Winchester to me. I can‘t understand how anyone could not love him. 😄 (edited) 5y
crhealey ❤️❤️❤️ Jess forever! 5y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Nothing against these gents, but I'm Team Logan. 5y
CharismaRaven13 I feel the same way, he will always be Sam to me 😆 5y
jen_the_scribe Team Jess, so I love this lol 5y
Mamafoshay Team Logan all the way 5y
Cari_tsundoku What about Logan? 5y
EchoCharlie Team Jess 5y
Kaleidoscope_Eyes Don‘t even get me started on Logan 🤢 5y
rather_be_reading @Kaila-ann ya i always on the fence 5y
rather_be_reading @KathyWheeler haha i also LOVED him in tht show! 5y
rather_be_reading @Cari_tsundoku haha he didnt even make the list! 5y
rather_be_reading @Kaleidoscope_Eyes finally someone agrees w me! 5y
HonoraryGilmoreGirl Noooooo. Team Logan all the way!! 4y
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Feed | Mira Grant
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1. Milo Ventimiglia, Charlie Hunnam, Tyler Johnson, James Bay...i could go on. 😆
2. Purple
3. The Secret History by Donna Tartt (559 pages)
4. Great question! Shaun and Georgia from Feed, The Librarian from Discworld, and Captain Malcolm Renyolds from Firefly (they're releasing books based on the show..so he counts! )
5. 🕵
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro

jillannjohn Oh! I forgot about Charlie! ❤️❤️ 6y
Velvetsun @jillannjohn Never forget Charlie. 😍😊 6y
JennyBookworm I was going to say Capt. Reynolds, but I wasn't sure....so yes! Captain, my captain ❤️ 6y
MallenNC Charlie! 😍I wish he had another TV show. Maybe a less violent one! 6y
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1) Milo Ventimiglia
2) Robin Egg Blue
3 ) Everything Here Is Beautiful 🤔
4) Katniss Everdeen (she‘s strong and knows how to survive), Anne Shirley (she can handle whatever is thrown at her and she would keep things entertaining), Matilda Wormwood (the girl can move things with her mind, that could come in handy) and Mark Watney (he was left behind on Mars once and knows how to survive up there).
5) 🤔

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

JackOBotts Oooh...Milo Ventimiglia! 🙌🏼 #TeamJess #GilmoreGirls 😍 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego #teamjess4life also love his as Jack 💕 6y
readherwriteher @JackOBotts @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego YOU ARE MY TRIBE #teamjess4life And Jack Pearson has my freaking heart. ❤️ 6y
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ChelseaM6010 MILO!!!!! 💕💕💕 6y
readherwriteher @Chelsealpatt yesssss!! 😍😍😍 6y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Milo Ventimiglia is my one true celebrity crush! 💕💕💕 6y
Jess7 Aww —Jess!!! (Aka Milo) and now Jack!! 6y
Beck9lol Milo is my one and only celeb crush. Older Milo 😍hmm not going to be a productive day now. 😂 6y
Velvetsun Ahhh I picked Milo, too. 😍😍😍 He's my tv husband. 😚 6y
readherwriteher @MommyWantsToReadHerBook mine too. 😍😍😍 6y
readherwriteher @Jess7 I love that he seems to be a genuinely kind human beyond the amazing men he plays on T.V. that I LOVE. 6y
readherwriteher @Beck9lol Me too. He has aged so well. 6y
readherwriteher @Velvetsun I adore the men he plays on TV (Jess and Jack for life), but also love that he seems to be a genuinely kind and nice human. 6y
Jess7 True!!! 🤗🤗 6y
Thecoffeeqween Milo all day! 6y
Leahlori Milo 😍 6y
readherwriteher @Leahlori yes. Just yes. 😍 6y
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My love of bookmarks & GG blended into one. What more can I ask for?? #teamJess

bibliobliss Those Gilmore Girls bookmarks are 110% adorable!!! 😍 7y
Night_Reader @Readage Yes, I love them. 7y
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Someday, Someday, Maybe | Lauren Graham
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I've been in a Gilmore Girl mood the past couple days so have it playing in the background. It makes me want to read "Someday, Someday, Maybe" sooner than later. #teamjess

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I think this is my #mostanticipated for August. Been meaning to read it for å long time - it always makes me think about Jess from Gilmore Girls 😍 #backtoreading #teamjess #gilmoregirls #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

Leftcoastzen Read it a while back ,really liked it. 7y
HannaPolkadots Glad to hear it @Leftcoastzen !👍😀 7y
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