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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Read this one in a day - think Agatha Christie, with homage to Holmes and Watson. A locked room murder and a stranger that happens to visit on the same day leads to detection and red herrings galore. At first, I was not completely engaged, but as the clues progressed, I was hooked! Plus, I kept thinking about Winnie the Pooh while reading - I think I still like those stories by Milne a bit more. However, the dedication to his dad was sweet!

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 4y
batsy Sounds like my jam! And I like that cover. 4y
Librarybelle @batsy This is a copy I borrowed from my mom, which she got through a book club ages ago. I like the cover too! 4y
StayCurious Interesting! 4y
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Anne of Green Gables | L M Montgomery
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I loved this movie and the book doesn't disappoint either. Eventually I want to read or listen to the rest of the series.
#libby #audio
#bbrc #grownup #writtenbeforeyouwereborn

Paperback.Propensity I love this book, I really want to read the rest of the series. 4y
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I finished my reread of The Fellowship of the Ring. I love this book and especially the parts where they are still in the Shire 💚
#BBRC #GrowUp #WrittenBeforeYouWereBorn
@LibrarianRyan @RachelO
#Jennyis30 #Fantasy

Alora Love this edition! I have yet to read the books. I plan to one day! The shire is my favourite part of the movies as well! 4y
rockpools How lovely! I read this between school and college, and just discovered this week that my copy survived all of the dodgy damp/flooded accommodation I‘ve lived in (lots of books got thrown out over the years ☹️) I kind of feel like I might need to read it again now. 4y
LinesUponAPage Is that a leather edition???!!!! 4y
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LibrarianRyan Great selection. 4y
Kenyazero I really enjoyed the time spent in the Shire too! It made me miss the Shire almost as badly as the hobbits do as they go along their journey. 4y
BookwormAHN @Lifeisasnap I think it's a leather like edition 😸 4y
JazzFeathers I was trying to decide which part l liked the most, but l can't. I loved the Shire with its homy feeling. I totally loved the Old Forest and its mysteries. Brea and its diversity was fascinating. The Wilderness let everyone's quality come to the surface. Rivendell is just amazing, and l love Elrond. Moria, oh my! Besides l love anything Dwarves. Lorien was just heartbreaking, and the Anduin was revealing. I love EVERYTHING. 4y
LinesUponAPage @BookwormAHN very cool! I love the look of it and as a faux leather it would be inexpensive. Do you have the whole collection in that style? Are their illustrations included in this collection? (edited) 4y
Linsy The Shire parts are lovely! I want to take a long vacation there, just cozied up in a hobbit hole reading. 4y
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The Penguin Pool Murder | Stuart Palmer
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This has been on my TBR since @erzascarletbookgasm (I think! 😄) posted this article on female detectives. https://murder-mayhem.com/best-female-detectives
Miss Withers is a no-nonsense school teacher with a quick wit & a flare for detection. The mystery of the stockbroker in the penguin pool could not have been solved without her! This is the 1st in the series, published in 1931.
#wintergames #TeamFozziwig #tbrread #bbrc #writtenbeforeyouwereborn

BarkingMadRead Love it! 5y
LibrarianRyan very fun 5y
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Dune | Frank Herbert
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Every time I read this I love it 🥰. The ending always hits me though 😰🙌🏽 but overall a great read. 📖😋 #bbrc #grownup #writtenbeforeyouwereborn
 @LibrarianRyan (forgot to add the #)

DGRachel I really need to make this a priority to read. Two of my favorite sci-fi and fantasy authors list this as one of their absolute favorites. 5y
Ddzmini @DGRachel it‘s worth it 📖😋🙌🏽 5y
LibrarianRyan Love this book! 5y
Ddzmini @LibrarianRyan I reread it often 😝📖😋 5y
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