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Anne Brontë (/ˈbrɒnti/, commonly /-teɪ/; 17 January 1820 – 28 May 1849) was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Brontë literary family.
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I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers, for the sleepers in that quiet earth.
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My bff is a total Swiftie (as am I) and she‘s constantly making Taylor-inspired friendship bracelets. “Dear Reader” is a song on her Midnights album and so I have a very fitting dear reader bracelet. I glanced down this morning and caught it peeking out of my sweater as I was reading. I thought Litsy would appreciate it ♥️

AmyG LOVE IT! 6mo
Clare-Dragonfly Is this a Taylor Swift thing? 😂 My friends made me a bunch of beaded bracelets to cheer me up as I fight cancer. 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it! 😍 6mo
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Chelsea.Poole @Clare-Dragonfly I‘m so so sorry to hear you‘re going through a battle. Sounds like you have some sweet friends to support you. 🫶Wishing you all the best. It may not be a Taylor Swift thing all the time, but these types of bracelets are blowing up right now thanks to her influence. 6mo
Reggie I know horror isn‘t your thing but there is this podcast called Books in the Freezer podcast and she did an episode where her and this guest did readalikes based on Taylor Swift songs and it tickled me how much they used actual lyrics to come up with horror books. 6mo
Chelsea.Poole @Reggie yeah, no horror for me. But now I‘m intrigued! There‘s also a huge trend in the romance genre (also not for me!) using her lyrics as titles here‘s one 6mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I was a little confused at the beginning, mainly because of the characters that are introduced all at once, but once I got into the story it all became much clearer.

The plot of this book is just crazy and that‘s the genius of it. I don‘t know how Emily Bronte came up with this story but it‘s insane. The more I read, the wilder it got. My mind is still reeling

Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2023/10/07/review-wuthering-heights/

Tamra I adore this book! I know it‘s polarizing. (edited) 10mo
Monica5 I need to add this to my TBR list 10mo
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oddandbookish @Monica5 Hope you get to read it soon! 10mo
JenniferEgnor This will always be one of my favorites. The tragedy of it! Violence, obsession, ghosts. The most recent film adaptation was the best I‘ve seen. I have an old edition from B&N that you can‘t find anymore. The beautiful black & white photo of a man standing by one lone tree on the moors looking out has always stayed with me. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Who are the actors in that adaptation? I‘ve been thinking of watching a film adaptation. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Thanks! Will check it out! 10mo
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I will be reading the tagged book, finish up the #wutheringheights #readalong, work on Sense and Sensibility, A Promised Land and Sunflower Sisters for #weekendreading #wanderingthroughwutheringheights

jessjess I had a couple of holds come in on Libby so I get to choose! I think I'll start with A Fire Story 2y
Andrew65 Have a great reading weekend. 2y
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I dislike Wuthering Heights and have no interest in reading a retelling but look at this cover! 👀💜 I'm tempted to get it just to look at it.

ravenlee Well, it almost has to be better, right? The only thing I liked about WH was the moor being almost its own character. 3y
bookandbedandtea @ravenlee Good point! It certainly couldn't worse! 3y
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Book 205/2021. Finished 23/8/21. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This edition is gorgeous

#arc #netgalley #wutheringheights