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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I was a little confused at the beginning, mainly because of the characters that are introduced all at once, but once I got into the story it all became much clearer.

The plot of this book is just crazy and that‘s the genius of it. I don‘t know how Emily Bronte came up with this story but it‘s insane. The more I read, the wilder it got. My mind is still reeling

Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2023/10/07/review-wuthering-heights/

Tamra I adore this book! I know it‘s polarizing. (edited) 10mo
Monica5 I need to add this to my TBR list 10mo
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oddandbookish @Monica5 Hope you get to read it soon! 10mo
JenniferEgnor This will always be one of my favorites. The tragedy of it! Violence, obsession, ghosts. The most recent film adaptation was the best I‘ve seen. I have an old edition from B&N that you can‘t find anymore. The beautiful black & white photo of a man standing by one lone tree on the moors looking out has always stayed with me. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Who are the actors in that adaptation? I‘ve been thinking of watching a film adaptation. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Thanks! Will check it out! 10mo
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“He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine.”
~Emily Bronte
#wutheringheights #emilybronte #catherine #heathcliff #classic #vintage

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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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He‘s a true abusive asshole, and this book is not one of my favorites, but man I can‘t help but love old #heathcliff. @ErinSueG
#lovehate #wutheringheights #revengeporn

Erinsuereads My instructor just blew my mind. You know how much I hate this book. But she says “no reframe the whole story remembering that nelly dean is telling all of this and talking from the perspective of loving heathcliff and hating Catherine” 5y
WhiskeyMistress @ErinSueG honestly that‘s my favorite thing about this book. It‘s nelly deans story. And anything told by a third person is invariably skewed to their perspective. 5y
Erinsuereads I was so hung up on how much I hated the characters though that I never even considered it! 5y
readinginthedark @ErinSueG I can't believe I never thought of that! 5y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" Cathy

I am not a huge fan of classics but Wuthering Heights will always hold a special place in my heart. I have read it so many times and I am always swept away to the wild Yorkshire Moors ready for Heathcliff to steal my heart

This copy was just too hard to refuse. The cover is gorgeous and captures the mood of this tale perfectly

#BookNerd #Heathcliff #BeautifulCovers #Classics

Tamra Me too! 6y
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The House of Dead Maids | Clare B. Dunkle
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#marchMadness #CreepyCover @josteele
I have not yet read this myself yet the cover & title caught my eye as i was returning library books.

JoScho Very creepy cover 🖤 6y
Andrew65 @JoScho Definitely! 6y
TheQuietQuill Woah 😱 6y
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hermyknee That cover makes me so uncomfortable 😱 6y
Cathythoughts Spooky cover 6y
thereadingowlvina This is soooo creepy! 😨 6y
somebooksaround Super haunting 😳 thanks for sharing!! 6y
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The House of Dead Maids | Clare B. Dunkle
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I can‘t really think of a caption at the moment, I just liked this quote. #imjustbeinglazy #thehouseofdeadmaids #clarebdunkle #heathcliff #wutheringheights #emilybronte #bookstagram

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I skimmed most of the second half...got this as a gift and felt obligated to re-read Wuthering Heights before reading this as well. I just do not like Cathy and Heathcliff!!

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontee
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That's for sure.....#Catherine #Heathcliff #books

Mariposa_Bookworm I love this quote!💕 7y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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The House of Dead Maids | Clare B. Dunkle
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Today's #AllHallowsRead -photobombed by Trixie. A scary book that deserves more recognition imo
The child who will become Heathcliff is already a savage creature when Tabby arrives to be his nursemaid , but even more the ghost of the last maid will not leave her in peace, and her spirit is only one of many... A short delicious, creepy prequel to Wuthering Heights that will give you a whole new outlook on Heathcliff! I adore it. 👻👻👻

DebinHawaii Trixie looks a bit creeped out! 🐶❤️ 8y
JustTrish @DebinHawaii Trixie just doesn't think anything is more interesting than her! 🐶 8y
JustTrish @Soubhiville It is! Creepy ghosty girls abound inside 👻👻👻 8y
melbeautyandbooks Love Trixie's photobomb! 8y
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