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ShelleyBooksie Ohhh! I have 4 cats. I'll have to check this out. 3y
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I really enjoy animal memoirs. This was a fun one from the author of Homer‘s Odyssey (Homer was one of her cats.)

There are several separate stories about cat ownership, from adopting a new kitty to dealing with an antisocial feline to trying to take 3 cats to the vet on public transportation in NYC.

Funny, sweet, and achingly familiar to any cat lover, these stories will bring all the feels!

Soubhiville Read for #BBRC, Cats nap. 😸 @LibrarianRyan (edited) 5y
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Copious cat cuteness. It is a fun set of essays that many cat lovers can appreciate. Others may just ask “why?!”

Soubhiville This cat‘s eyes are so pretty! I just started this book. 5y
Honeybeebooks They are beautiful aren‘t they?! 5y
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📚 My Life in the Cat House
🎥: The Money Pit
🎵: Who Says You Can‘t Go Home (Bon Jovi)


JoScho I love the Money Pit! 5y
WanderingBookaneer @JoScho : I just realized The Money Pit is more appropriate for 🏚 5y
JoScho lol I didn‘t even know that was an emoji! 5y
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Cat People | Michael Korda, Margaret Korda
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@ReadingRover went above and beyond for the #stuffedstockingswap exchange! She sent me another package full of Mac and Cheese goodies after the opening date! I‘m in awe of your generosity and I absolutely LOVE everything. I have no idea how you knew I love Mac and Cheese so much but I‘m so happy you did! Voldemort is now my favorite Christmas ornament 🧙‍♂️ #sss

Mitch That is just the best themed box ever! 6y
squirrelbrain Who knew there was so much mac n cheese ‘stuff‘?! 🧀 6y
hermyknee Omg that voldemort 😍 6y
ReadingRover 😂 I did some hardcore reconnaissance to figure out the stuff you liked! The funny part is that I don‘t eat a lot of mac & cheese so I had a friend come to pick out the good ones! I feel like after this cheesy adventure I should introduce more of it into my regular diet 😆 6y
ReadingRover @hermyknee Isn‘t he so freakin adorable?!?! I couldn‘t resist! 6y
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As a mom of 3 cats I could relate to a lot of these stories. Although of course I think that *my* cats are the best and would never do some of the naughty things her cats did. Super cute, quick, feel good read for cat lovers. (Photos of my kitties of course)

Redwritinghood That one on the top right! 😂😂 6y
MelissaSue81 @Redwritinghood - she‘s so funny! She sleeps like this all the time! She is our little old lady, almost 13, with her 2 and 3 year old “brothers” who she would rather not have.. so when she sleeps like this we are always like “Ella can‘t even with these dummies” 6y
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Checking this short little #netgalley ARC off my TBR today. Super cute so far. I love kitties.

LauraBeth I read one of her other books this year and really enjoyed it 6y
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1st time I've had a wish granted on #NetGalley!

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Dolly Not all of us but I'm working on it. My Smirk was adopted as a feral adult. She's getting more friendly as time goes on but I can't help but think the hours spent with me she thinks of as work hours for her. After she punches out there is no overtime. Ever. So don't ask her. 😏 8y
mrsmamfa Haha I sometimes wonder that with cats too, if they could roll their eyes at us I'm pretty sure they would!! Everything is on their terms, when they want attention they'll get it and when they don't they'll make sure you know!! 😸 8y
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