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Murder Past Due | Miranda James
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Libby1 Awww! I‘m going to start this one soon, too! 😻 4y
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If It Bleeds | Stephen King
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TheAromaofBooks Glad I'm not the only one whose pets have a total disinterest in posing with books! 😂 4y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks yeah, Nala hates everyone and everything lol 4y
sharread 🙀💞 4y
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Everybody, please give your furbabies an extra hug and kiss for me tonight. My beautiful Nala baby passed away unexpectedly. She was the sweetest kitty and would be perfectly content to sit in my lap all day. This is the 2nd kitty I‘ve lost in six months. 😞


gradcat Oh, I‘m really, really sorry to hear this. I hope you will be okay, please stay in touch here if you need any kind words. I cannot stand the thought of your losing two in such short order. As my kitty lays in my lap, we are sending lots of hugs and love to you. Our condolences. 😢 5y
vumblereads Oh no I‘m so sorry to hear that. Is there a way to find out why and how it happened? 5y
Reagan So sorry for your loss 💔 5y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego So sorry to hear that. 💔❤ 5y
That-Bookish-Hiker I‘m apart for your loss. 😢 5y
LauraJ 😿 I‘m sorry you lost a furry member of the family. Sending hugs. 5y
marleed Ohh I‘m sorry. 5y
CarolynM I'm so sorry. Hugs to you. 5y
AnneCecilie I‘m so sorry 5y
julesG I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔 5y
Literary_Siren It‘s so hard to lose our fur babies! 😔 sending healing light and love to you! 5y
bullbunny Aww so very sorry for your loss 😔 5y
squirrelbrain So very sorry to hear this - sending love ❤️ 5y
LeahBergen Aww... I‘m so sorry. 💔 5y
NeedsMoreBooks Sending hugs. Sorry for your loss. 5y
TrishB So sorry 💔 5y
BookwormAHN I'm so sorry, sending hugs 💔 5y
TiredLibrarian I"m so sorry you lost that lovely girl. ? 5y
IndoorDame I‘m so sorry 💔 5y
kezzlou85 I'm so sorry for your loss. 5y
batsy I'm so sorry 😔 5y
KarenUK So sorry 💔Losing a fur baby is always so heartbreaking.... sending hugs 💕 5y
Wife A beautiful pic of the two of you. I‘m sorry for your loss 💔 5y
Moray_Reads So sorry, it's always awful to lose a member of the family 💔
mabell I am so sorry 😔 5y
Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 5y
sblbooks I'm sorry to hear that! She was a beautiful cat. 5y
Jadams89 So sorry for your loss. Losing a fur baby is so hard! 5y
Gissy I'm so sorry to hear that😢😔💔 5y
JulAnna So sorry 😔 5y
Soubhiville Oh honey I‘m so sorry. 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m so sorry, what a tragedy. ❤️ 5y
emtobiasz I‘m so sorry for your loss 5y
JenReadsAlot I'm so so sorry for your loss. 5y
Sleepswithbooks I‘m so sorry Jen 💔 5y
JessClark78 I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️ 5y
IamIamIam Oh no, I'm so sorry!! 5y
Dan_SpiderCrafts Sorry for your loss. 😔 5y
Megabooks Sending you hugs during this difficult time. 💜💜 I am so incredibly sorry. 5y
Jas16 I am so sorry 5y
rabbitprincess Sweet, lovely Nala 😢 I'm so sorry ♥️♥️ 5y
Meaw_catlady I‘m so sorry for your loss! Sending hugs and love ❤️ 5y
xicanti I‘m so sorry. 5y
youneverarrived So sorry 😢 5y
JenlovesJT47 @rabbitprincess @Meaw_catlady @xicanti @youneverarrived thank you all so much!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😿 and That-Bookish-Hiker and Clare-Dragonfly it wouldn‘t let me tag you guys. I love you all! 5y
DaveGreen7777 Oh, no! I‘m so sorry for your loss, Jen! It is so heartbreaking when we have to say goodbye to one of our fur-babies! 💔 5y
mrp27 Oh no!! So sorry. 5y
JenlovesJT47 @DaveGreen7777 @mrp27 thank you!! ❤️😘😘 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Sooo sooo sorry for your loss. 💔 😢{{{Hugs}}} 5y
CoffeeK8 So sorry for your loss 5y
quietjenn I am so very sorry. 💙 5y
Bookzombie I'm so sorry for your loss. 💙 5y
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Cats on Instagram | @Cats_of_instagram
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Happy National Cat Day! 😻 Top: Scarlett, Marnie with Maverick when he was a baby, Maverick. Middle: Marnie. Bottom: Nala. And taking up the largest space because he‘s my favorite (but don‘t tell the others!): Chipper. ❤️😻❤️



Sace 😻😻😻😻 6y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Zelma Omg, Maverick so is cute! Looks like my Toby. 6y
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JenlovesJT47 @Zelma thank you! Maverick is a perpetual teenage kitten. His growth was stunted due to malnourishment (my friend found him in the bushes at Starbucks), so he is cute and tiny and adorable. 😻❤️ 6y
AmyG 💕💕💕 6y
Bookzombie 💕🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 6y
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Came home to this lovely surprise from @ReadingRover 🤗 - can't wait to see what's in it!!


Moray_Reads Such stylish wrapping paper! 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
Tove_Reads I read “The World of Poop”... 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Tove_Reads 😅😅😅😅💩 6y
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Nala and I are ready for some late-night reading! I have so many good books to read right now, and even though this is a chunkster I'm super excited to dive into this, have heard so many great things about it. 💕Happy reading everyone!


Ashley_Nicoletto Such a great book! 6y
Megabooks Wonderful book! Cute cat! 6y
Periwinkle Love this book!! 6y
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The_Heeler_Booklife I‘ve been listening to the audiobook for this one. 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead It‘s great! I‘m 90% of the way through and LOVING it. I would never have picked this up if my own accord but I‘m glad I listened to all the buzz around here x 6y
eanderson Still talk and think about this book! 6y
Pamwurtzler I have that too but haven‘t started it yet. It sounds so good! 6y
Hazel0303 There are so many parts that are laugh out loud funny. This book really takes you all over the emotional spectrum. It‘s a great one! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Ashley_Nicoletto @Booksandcooks @Periwinkle @allthingskayla @LoveToReadLiveToRead @eanderson @Pamwurtzler @Hazel0303 I'm so happy to hear so many great things about it! I'm really enjoying it so far. ☺️ 6y
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Revival: A Novel | Stephen King
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Sorry for the delay in posting, but the random name generator has spoken, and the winner of the #SKGiveaway is @jessijames !! Congratulations! 🤗Please email me at JenlovesJT47swaps@gmail.com and send me your address. I'll have your book in the mail on Monday afternoon.

Many thanks from Nala and me to everyone who entered! 💚


jessijames What?! I never win anything! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I can‘t wait! Thanks!!! 6y
Kaye Congrats ♥️ 6y
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Revival: A Novel | Stephen King
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I was supposed to pick a winner for my #SKgiveaway last night but I had a pregnancy brain fart and totally forgot! 😱💨🤰🏻🤷🏻‍♀️So, I'm extending it for today. If you would like to win this brand new copy of Revival, simply comment below. For 2 extra entries, share this and tag me. A winner will be chosen by random draw at midnight eastern time tonight. Good luck!


RiotMom Lol I remember pregnancy brain! And I‘ll throw my name into the hat because I missed this somehow. Hope today is better! 6y
MicheleinPhilly 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
JenlovesJT47 @RiotMom lol you know it's funny, people think it's a joke but pregnancy brain is very real! 😅I can't believe how forgetful and spaced out I am sometimes, it is so not me. 🤰🏻🤷🏻‍♀️😅 6y
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SomedayAlmost I decided there is also "adoption brain." One's brain gets full of all the paperwork! ? (which is to totally worth it!) 6y
JenlovesJT47 @SomedayAlmost I bet! Probably information overload, right? Such an awesome thing for you to do and totally worth it! ☺️ 6y
jessijames I forgot everything when I was pregnant! I‘ve honestly never read a single Stephen King book so this would force me. I‘m a big chicken when it comes to scary stuff! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @jessijames SK is the best! I'm still slowly collecting his books and haven't read as many as I'd like to yet. If you want to start off with something easy and not too gory/scary, I would highly recommend Gwendy's Button Box. It's a novella that can be read in less than 2 hours and my absolute favorite read of 2017! I've already read it twice. Good luck with the giveaway and thanks for entering and reposting! 🤗💚 6y
jessijames @JenlovesJT47 I‘ll definitely give it a try! Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
shendrix413 Pregnancy brain is the worst! 😂 thanks for the giveaway! 6y
ChelseaM6010 😊🙋 6y
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Taking a short break from my required Litsy reading to jump into this beauty that was delivered from the library today. Looks pretty funny, and Nala approves! 👍🏻😅😸


Li_21 I heard this on audio and the texts for Medea made me laugh. For the emojis the narrator would say smiley smiley smiley 😂 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Li_21 lol can't wait!! 😅 6y
Melissa_J Most of the texts in the book went over my head, even in instances where I‘d read the book they were based on. 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit I absolutely LOVE this book! I was laughing out loud through the whole thing. Talking about it makes me want to reread it! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Melissa_J was not a fan of this either unfortunately 😞 6y
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Revival: A Novel | Stephen King
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Posting a reminder about my #SKGiveaway which ends March 1st. To enter, simply comment on this post with a book recommendation. To gain two extra entries, screenshot this picture and post a blurb with a book recommendation and the hashtag, and don't forget to tag me! Nala not included. 😅


TricksyTails Well if Nala‘s not included then how about Chipper? 6y
laundry_piles Nice giveaway! Here's my rec 6y
JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails Chipper is currently unavailable but I might be able to swap a Maverick for a Tanuki 😍 6y
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TricksyTails Done! 😻 6y
ACamelsDragon Anathem, Neal Stephenson 6y
TricksyTails I forgot to enter. 🙃 I recommend 6y
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