p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
People who include sightseeing in their travels can scarcely avoid visiting churches.
This is a really accessible yet info-packed read that I'd certainly recommend to anyone hoping to learn more about the history of White Christian Nationalism (which I wish wasn't yet again/still/[endlessly?!] such an urgent social problem, but here we are 🙃). Jemar Tisby is excellent wherever he writes/presents his ideas, including his Substack (jemartisby.substack.com). He narrates the audio beautifully, too.
A reminder that we are celebrating #Italy all year long with #foodandlit thanks to it being “Jubilee,“ a Holy Year celebrated by the Catholic Church, a year of hope and a time for reflection and forgiveness. Religious or not, every time you read about Italy or eat Italian food, we want you to celebrate it here! Post what you learn about Jubilee, Italy, the Roman Empire, etc! All other planned countries are still going forward.
New word alert- Homooussios is used to describe Jesus and God as one. Constantine the Great inserted this word into Christian doctrine at the Council of Nicaea to counter Aries of Alexandria who told followers Jesus is not God. #ashorthistoryofbyzantium #johnjuliusnorwich #councilofnicaea #constantinethegreat #byzantineempire #homoousios #arianism #christianity #churchhistory #worldhistory #europeanhistory #history
Repost for @TexReader & @catsandbooks
Hail all ye #FoodandLit lovers!
This year we are celebrating the “Jubilee“ in Italy, a Holy Year celebrated by the Catholic Church, a year of hope and a time for reflection and forgiveness. #Jubilee
See original post for more information: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2823834
Hail all ye #FoodandLit lovers!
This year we are celebrating the "Jubilee" in Italy, a Holy Year celebrated by the Catholic Church, a year of hope and a time for reflection and forgiveness. Religious or not, we want to celebrate Italy all year long! That‘s right! Every time you read about Italy or eat Italian food, we want you to celebrate it here! I‘m going to try to read 1 book and eat at least 1x or 10x Italian food each month. ⬇️
p. 25: 'By the eleventh century... the church congregation formed a similar grouping to that of its members' everyday lives. One often began, continued, and ended one's spiritual life in the local church. One went there with one's neighbors. Most churches would grow in size in later times, but the essential parish church community had now been created.'
Started. Looking forward very much to learning what church was like for my ancestors. Recommended to me by Tudor historian Norman Jones.
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead