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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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IndoorDame For real? They just refuse to go upstairs? 😂 I‘m pretty sure this is a 3 story building, no? I mean if you‘re staying above the 10th floor I start to see sitting around waiting for the elevator to get fixed, but these women are able to walk so they can walk up 2 flights of stairs. 8h
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BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame right? Like walking up is some great expedition they may never return from 🤣 8h
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead yes, like an expedition, I love it! This book is its comic gold! I‘m totally still picturing the movie getting made 🤣 7h
Bookwormjillk This book is too funny. My favorite was the woman who traveled to a foreign country and complained that there were foreigners there. 7h
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk right?!? Who did she think she would see? 🤣🤣🙄🙄🤣🤣 6h
willaful I loved this chapter. Nothing happens, but everything happens! It's so evocative about peoples very weird feelings. 😁 5h
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk she reminded me of my in laws who always complain when they travel that there are too many tourists 🙄 5h
mcctrish @willaful as I read it it felt like mayhem was happening and yet nothing really was, beyond people having a sit in to protest a broken elevator ( that the kids broke ) 5h
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish yes 🤣🤣🤣 5h
willaful @mcctrish The social constraints were on the verge of snapping! A lady walked up the stairs! A gentleman ventured into thedrawing room to retrieve a pen! This could lead to dancing! 4h
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Untitled | Unknown
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It‘s boiling hot this weekend in Southern California, so this pool looks particularly inviting. 💦

I‘m still laboriously making my way through Parade‘s End. About halfway through. Everything else is a group read:

The Hotel for #HashtagBrigade ,
Spam Tomorrow for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub , and
Ghost Station for #LitsySciFiBookClub .

bookandbedandtea My closest friend lives a little north of San Diego and has been sharing the forecast with me. I'm horrified on her (and your!) behalf! 🥵 10h
Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea Looks like we‘ll get some relief by Tuesday. 🤞 10h
bookandbedandtea Thankfully there's an end in sight 🌡 3h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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My copy finally arrived! I did read the first chapter on Hoopla, but I dislike reading on my phone. Now to catch up! 😃

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! I don‘t know if we‘ve seen this cover yet! 2d
Ruthiella @BarkingMadRead I don‘t think we have! 2d
willaful I'm the same, so wish there was a way to get hoopla books onto an ereader! 1d
Ruthiella @willaful IKR? I can also use my tablet, but that‘s also unwieldy. 1d
willaful @Ruthiella yeah! I have a terrible old kindle fire, which is only marginally an improvement. 20h
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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BarkingMadRead Somehow I‘m a chapter ahead! So so sorry! 2d
willaful Oh phew, I thought I'd fallen behind somehow! 2d
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Cuilin Ok what is with the L-M‘s? It‘s like they wanted to bring a group up the mountain just so that he would have an audience for his story. Why is she afraid for him not to be happy? The kiss also disturbed them all. 1d
mcctrish @Cuilin I don‘t get it either! Is Mrs L-M more or less bizarre than her husband who makes animal noises to impress young women because she orchestrated settings so he can perform?! Also Veronica is quite mercurial with her affections! I imagine Hotel Portofino when I read this but then everyone is acting bizarrely so it wrecks my vibe 😆 10h
IndoorDame The L-M‘s are both giving me the creeps. I might be running off to #washmyhands with the first person who came along just to get away from them for a while. But if the kiss was so scandalous I can‘t figure out why Victor took her that far off but not actually out of sight of the group? 9h
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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I‘m in the minority of the #HashtagBrigade to say I liked the novel. Gaskell, whose husband was a Unitarian minister and lived near the factories and mills of England, sets as her MC a “fallen” woman and her path to redemption. This was a bit controversial at its initial publication, and it certainly is darker and more rooted in faith and redemption than her other novels. But, I get the sense that she is shaming her Victorian audience ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ for their judgement of character on someone who has lived through a perceived sinful time. Ruth, a truly good person whose naivety (and the Victorians of certain classes did shelter their daughters from the world, so think of this another moment of Gaskell pointing out the inconsistencies of morality) brought her down to a “bad sinner” level, shows the true Christian values, along with the Bensons. I think Gaskell is showing how quickly ⬇️ 3d
Librarybelle ⬆️ the populace tends to cast the first stone without knowing all the details or are quick to judge a good person for one bad action. There are the layers too of sympathy tugging at the reader, and I can almost see a Victorian reader wondering at how this sympathy changes their thoughts about a person they know in a similar situation. I do prefer Gaskell‘s more sweeping novels—North and South and her studies of Cranford—but kudos to her for this! 3d
Librarybelle Thanks for leading us through this, @BarkingMadRead #PemberLittens 3d
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Cuilin Wonderful review!!!! I agree I do think she is trying to shame Victorian readers into rethinking some of their belief systems. I also think that in order not to alienate her readers, she had to add penance. Our modern sensibilities struggle with this. 2d
Librarybelle Thanks, @Cuilin ! And yes…our modern sensibilities definitely struggle with this! 2d
dabbe A wowza review! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
julieclair Excellent review! I liked this novel, too, for a lot of the same reasons. 2d
quietjenn I completely agree! 2d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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mcctrish Victorian justice is a sham! #donneisadouche 3d
IndoorDame Somewhat surprised to learn he has no legal rights to the kid at this time. Still such a creep!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 2d
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Ruthiella But kudos to Mr. Benson for dressing Donne/Bellingham down and shutting the door in his face. I think Gaskell wrote the whole novel so she could get away with that condemnation of the penis that started it all. 2d
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 2d
Cuilin @Ruthiella Yes!!!! I loved the dress down!! 2d
Clare-Dragonfly @Ruthiella Hahaha, yes! Benson is perfection in this chapter. Still so sad though 😭😭😭 Definitely makes me want to read the rest of Gaskell‘s books—I‘ve only read two others. 2d
Bookwormjillk @Clare-Dragonfly me too. I think next year will be a Gaskell binge year for me. 2d
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk we will have to add some to next year‘s schedule 2d
dabbe I'm going to try to look at this positively. The hero of a story usually saves or changes the community for the better. Look what Ruth did and how her village changed because of her--even Bradshaw! Unfortunately, she was a sacrificial hero, but Leonard will be okay and turn out well. I hope. 🤞 2d
julieclair @dabbe I love your positivity! 😊 2d
dabbe @julieclair 🤩😂😘 2d
KAO Thanks to all for helping me to get through this one! The tragedy was almost too much to bear. @dabbe I like your take though! 2d
dabbe @KAO I tried, but I‘m still all 😭! 1d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Bookwormjillk This should be a movie 3d
mcctrish Can we talk about Mr Lee-Mittison? He likes young single women, not young marrieds or widows ( rather sad those ones) and he likes to entertain making animal noises. #cringe 3d
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BarkingMadRead @mcctrish so so cringe 3d
IndoorDame @mcctrish and his wife is just thrilled that he‘s so “popular” 😬 2d
mcctrish @IndoorDame they are soooo weird 2d
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk I suggest we start a campaign 2d
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin yes who should we talk to? 2d
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk Merchant Ivory? 😉 2d
julieclair That photo! Perfect! 2d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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A friend gifted me a ridiculous amount of hostas so my day of leisure reading blew up in my face as I wrangled 14 of the 17 into spots in my front yard. I was hot and filthy so I took my #hashtagbrigade reading to the tub and reset myself to rights

willaful Hope you had a nice loofah! 😁 3d
mcctrish @willaful I need to buy me a loofa 3d
julieclair I hope you didn‘t leave a dark ring around the tub. Or move the Shetlands. 2d
mcctrish @julieclair it‘s was actually funny, none of the dirt came off in the tub 😆 I wiped it all off with my towel which became a disaster and easier to clean 2d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Cuilin I want a movie made of this book just for that scene alone. Hilarious. I get Rev Eager vibes from a Room with a View. 3d
mcctrish HE USED THE LOOFA!!! #splishsplashiwastakingabath 3d
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mcctrish @Cuilin I was totaly thinking how did Merchant Ivory not make this into a film?! 3d
IndoorDame @Cuilin @mcctrish yes!!! I totally want to watch this scene in a movie version! It would become a priceless cult classic! 3d
Bookwormjillk Amazing. Maybe my favorite chapter of the year. I don‘t think this can be topped. 3d
peanutnine @mcctrish 🤣🤣🤣 so perfect! This chapter was a hoot! 3d
julieclair This chapter was hysterical! Four chapters in, and Elizabeth Bowen has catapulted to my list of best authors of all time. And yes, @mcctrish and @Cuilin , Merchant Ivory dropped the ball… they NEEDED to make a film version! 3d
Cuilin @julieclair @mcctrish @IndoorDame Surely there is someone we can write to due to this glaring oversight. We need a movie!! 🎥 🍿 2d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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willaful Soooooo depressing! Damn Victorians! 3d
rubyslippersreads I knew it was coming. There was no other way Ruth could atone for her “sins” in a book written during this era. 😠 3d
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Bookwormjillk So the man recovers and the woman dies after committing the same sin. Got it. (edited) 3d
mcctrish But #bellingshit gets to live #motherfucker Victorian morals are ridiculous #ffs 3d
rubyslippersreads @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish Boys will be boys. 🤬 3d
mcctrish @rubyslippersreads argh that saying infuriates me 3d
AllDebooks Not the ending we hoped for, but all saw coming. 🙄 3d
Clare-Dragonfly 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 3d
rubyslippersreads Someone needs to write fan fiction where Donne dies a horrible death, but not before being publicly shamed. 😏 3d
dabbe See? Just like Puritan philosophy. You died, so you must not be a witch. I mean whore. Whatever. I wish she had done to Donne what Tess did to the D'urberville dude. 😭 3d
Aimeesue @rubyslippersreads Yep. Still made me very sad though. 3d
julieclair Yup. Gaskell went there. As we all suspected she would but hoped she wouldn‘t. 😭 3d
IndoorDame I was so mad about the sermon at her funeral! She can be absolved and go to heaven, but only after she‘s died to pay for her crimes!? (and spent a dozen years living a ridiculously saint like life). WTF is that!? 2d
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