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Hey @guinsgirlreads ! I finally read the book you sent in our #hometownswap. YIKES! I was creeped out! Perfect for the season 🎃. I think that homeowner was nuts 🥜 for staying there with his family. I would have moved out ASAP! Did you know about the reputation of that house, or learn of it after the book was written? 2/5👿s

Hump Day | Rob Houglan, Holley Houglan
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1. Had a few but went with Buffy!
2. Too many - Christmas parties, NYE party, my dads bday, haircut, Christmas 🎄 but happily 11 days off from work!
3. Always looking for good historical fiction
4. Getting dressed for work
5. A new iPhone would be nice
@MinDea #humpdaypost

Susanita Try Geraldine Brooks or Fiona Davis for historical fiction 😀 6y
Jerdencon @Susanita I‘ve read Fiona Davis but never heard of Geraldine Brooks - going to have to check her out. Thx🙂 6y
Laughterhp I really like this series, but it‘s a little dark. 6y
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alisiakae For 3️⃣, I am really looking forward to reading the tagged book next year. Which I‘m pretty sure I received in the #HometownSwap from you, right? I really should write those things down! 🤣 6y
xicanti Yay Buffy! For historical fiction, I highly recommend 6y
Jerdencon @4thhouseontheleft yes! Let me know how it is! 6y
Jerdencon @Laughterhp @morayreads Thanks for the suggestions! 😀 6y
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My Hometown | Russell Griesmer
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@oOArankaOo I love that we had very different ideas of how to do this swap and everything that you sent. I cannot wait for it to cool down so I can try out the recipes! I have been trying to keep away from the sweets because they will go fast once I open them. Also, how did you know that I LOVE notebooks with graphs instead of lines?! I am super late posting this but so glad for all of it. Thanks @MicrobeMom @readinginthedark #hometownswap

Ranchan Yay, I'm so glad you like what I put together even though we had vastly different interpretations of the swap (have I mentioned how jealous I am of The Strand?! 🤩). Let me know how the dishes turn out! Also, the liquorice ones might not be to your liking - I know of exactly 1 foreigner who hasn't grown up with this flavour who likes it.. It's def a Dutch thing! 6y
TsundokuAleax @oOArankaOo this makes me so much more excited to try the licourice. And I get the jealousy over The Strand. I usually only get there every few years and plan to spend a few hours when I go. 6y
TsundokuAleax @oOArankaOo So I took the drops to knitting just so there could be a larger group and surprisingly a lot of the older ladies liked them. They compared them to Good and Plenty. Personally not my speed but now you know what to compare them too. 6y
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@rustoryhuf I am so sorry I am posting this late. My last two weeks were a 🤬show. #hometownswap I cannot wait to read this book, and now I want to go back to GA.

rustoryhuf Glad you like the swap. Come visit! 6y
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A House in the Sky: A Memoir | Amanda Lindhout, Sara Corbett
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@StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I LOVE how proud you are of your hometown, and I love the items you sent for #Hometownswap! I've only been to Canada once for a short visit, but I definitely want to see Calgary! I am excited about those chocolates! Thanks so much, and again, sorry for the delay.

@MicrobeMom And @readinginthedark Thanks for hosting!

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Yay! I'm glad you like everything. I'm definitely a proud Canadian. 😄🍁 6y
CouronneDhiver Calgary is fun ... just be super prepared if you go there in the winter - it‘s COLD! 6y
mabell Wow! What a lovely collection of goodies! 6y
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When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi
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Thank you so much for my #hometownswap package @goodbyefrancie So many books! I especially love the tote as well. I hope you like your package. 🤗

Great Swap @MicrobeMom @readinginthedark

goodbyefrancie Hooray, so glad you like it! My hometown is pretty boring, so I had to think bigger. 😊 6y
goodbyefrancie I loved that tote so much, I bought myself one! Cute tote, good cause. 6y
readinginthedark @goodbyefrancie I went the general Missouri route, too. 😆 Good idea to include a cookbook! I didn't think of that...something with barbecue would've been great! 6y
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The Eyre Affair: A Novel | Jasper Fforde
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@ReadingRover Your town sounds amazing! I've never thought about visiting that part of the country but now I've changed my mind. What you do at the animal rehab center is commendable to say the least!
Thank you for the books, bookmarks, my beautiful earrings, everything! The wait was well worth it 😍🤩🤗
@MicrobeMom @readinginthedark

JoRead The blue arrow is pointing to one of the best quotes ever and it came with that key. It says "If adventure will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." - Jane Austin 6y
ReadingRover @JoRead Isn‘t that great! I actually got it as a part of a subscription box and I thought it was perfect for this swap. 6y
JoRead @ReadingRover I think that's going to be my new life motto 😊😉 6y
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ReadingRover @JoRead I‘m interested to see if you like the sleepy Hollow book. It looked good. Totally up my alley. I think I may grab myself a copy. I have the Robert Durst book on audio. I‘m hoping to get it in by the end of the year. 6y
BookaholicNatty The Eyre affair is so so so good!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
JoRead @ReadingRover they both sound really good! 6y
JoRead @BookaholicNatty I've heard great things about it. I just need to make some time to read it 6y
ReadingRover @BookaholicNatty it‘s one of my favorite series! The audiobooks are great!!! 6y
readinginthedark Ooh! 😍 6y
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Hometown | Peter Davis
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It's here! Isn't that paper beautiful? And it smells so good! Every single item has a little note and I think that is the nicest thing ever. I almost don't want to unwrap them @ReadingRover 😉😊 Stick around because I will be unwrapping them soon!
@readinginthedark @MicrobeMom

ReadingRover I‘m so glad it finally got there. I really hope you enjoy all the books. I kind of went outside the box a bit 😝 6y
JoRead @ReadingRover They are perfect! Fiction might be my comfort zone but those books sound intriguing and so interesting! Thanks! 6y
ReadingRover @JoRead 👏 👏 👏 I was so worried after I started getting stuff and then reread your form. I read the local interests part but not the things you don‘t like then once I did I was like 😬 but I figured they‘re not too dull or educational without being interesting so it should work out 😝 6y
JoRead @ReadingRover Oh, don't you worry. I'm sure I'll enjoy them very much 😉 6y
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Perfect campfire snacks courtesy of @Mdargusch - cheddar cheese and caramel popcorn Ohio style. 👍🏼 #hometownswap

tammysue Yum! 😋 6y
Mitch @whatshesreadingnow it really is! It‘s one of those combinations that shouldn‘t work but really does! 6y
Kimberlone Camping reading is the best! 6y
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emilyhaldi How perfect!!! A very Ohio activity as well 🏕 enjoy!!! 6y
TheNerdyProfessor That is classic Chicago popcorn 😍😍 6y
Mdargusch Fun! I love to camp too. But not in a tent. 🐀🦔🐉🐿🐞🕷🐜 6y
MicrobeMom Looks great! Enjoy! 6y
CouronneDhiver 😎 Have a great time 6y
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Hometown | Peter Davis
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Now look at how awesome all the stuff inside my #hometownswap package is!!! @JoRead You did such a great job. I love everything! I‘ve been wanting that Die Hard book forever! I‘m going to an anniversary showing this year in a big theater 😝 The books are fabulous and I love the Kansas bookmark! And the Pisces bracelet!!! Ooommmggggg!!!!🐟♓️

JoRead I'm glad you like it. And that Die Hard book 😍 I'm getting one for myself because I thought it was so cool 🤩 6y
JoScho What an amazing package! 6y
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ReadingRover @JoRead it totally is! I‘m obsessed with Bruce Willis!!! I‘m really excited for the Mad King and the Doll maker of Krakow too. Great package. I can‘t wait till you get yours tomorrow. I hope you like it. 6y
ReadingRover @JoRead BTW super cool that the book The Forgers takes place in Montauk! I used to go out there for the summers all the time with my family. We have a friend who lives there. 6y
JoRead @ReadingRover How awesome is that! That book is going to have a different meaning for you since you know the area 6y
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