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I received this one as a gift. Very insightful, it perfectly sums up everything you need to know about narcissists, how to recognize narcissism in men and women (yes, they tend to act differently), how to understand what triggers narcissistic behaviour, and thus learn how to successfully live and work with one. I'm happy I haven't identified such patterns in those close to me, it makes life easier :)

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A darker more deeply etched Big Little Lies
#relationships #abuse #narcissist #psychological #mustread #erotic

tammysue Welcome to Litsy!! 😊 7y
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A woman's struggle to break an obsessive bond with her yoga master
#psychological #erotic #narcissist #yoga #mustread #drama #relationships

RaimeyGallant This might be good research for a plot I'm considering writing. Thanks! 7y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀 Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
LunaSaintClaire Thank you, I've just joined and excited to be here. Thank you for following and welcoming me. @DebinHawaii @RaimeyGallant 7y
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RaimeyGallant Follow the people who are most recently liking the comments of others. They're more likely to follow you back because they're recently active. About a 50% follow-back rate if not higher. 7y
Oryx Welcome to Litsy! 7y
TrishB Hi 🙋 7y
FantasyChick Welcome to Litsy!!!!! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
LunaSaintClaire Hi all, glad to be here and following all of you 😘 7y
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Eh. I read this to try and figure out how to deal with my sister, but this was really geared towards people who are married to narcissists. I still got some good info though.

MyNamesParadise My father is a full blown narcissist (has the personality disorder) but he's not inherently a bad guy. It's just doesn't occur to him to imagine others feelings if he says or does something offensive or selfish. Having a dad like that though has helped me pick up on narcissism in other people, especially men. 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction Here. I'm tagging a book that helped me deal. Lots of strategies for narcissistic family. 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction Above all, Nonviolent Communication has helped me the most with dealing with ANYONE with any kind of selfish tendencies. 7y
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Being mindful means being aware of everything and certain of nothing.

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Love today's #OctPhotoChallenge theme of #90stoys. I LOVED the American girl dolls. I had Molly McIntire, because she was the most contemporary of the original five. I tried to find the photo of me and my Molly doll (who was sadly lost when my parents' basement flooded) in matching pajamas. I'm going to look for it later to share. I used to love to read Molly the books included in her box set, the first of which was Meet Molly.

Lacythebookworm Molly was my favorite! 8y
katedensen @Lacythebookworm You have excellent taste. 😉 8y
cariashley I was a Molly girl too!!! LOVE this! 8y
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katedensen @cariashley I really need to find the photo--I was eight and missing my two front teeth and it's adorable. 8y
PNWBookseller85 I had Samantha. And then later one of the look-alike dolls, which I named after myself. #narcissist 😂 8y
katedensen @BeckyMerilatt I had a lookalike doll that looked nothing like me because they didn't make dolls with curly hair. In hindsight, I'm surprised I named mine "Elizabeth," and not "Kate." I was a late narcissist bloomer, I guess. ? 8y
cariashley @BeckyMerilatt @katedfisher I'm so jealous of you both. I wanted a second doll so badly but my mother was adamant I couldn't have another since I was already spoiled enough as an only child 😤😒😇 and I'd love to see that photo! 8y
katedensen @cariashley Don't be too hard on your mom. You're probably a more well-adjusted adult than I am haha 8y
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