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Cranford | Elizabeth Gaskell
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mcctrish Eating seed cake like a cow 🐮 that certainly sells it 14mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Thanks for the visual! I thought this chapter was hilarious. They‘re all so pretentious 😂 14mo
Morr_Books @Clare-Dragonfly I agree! This chapter is hilarious! I was laughing right at the beginning when it was mentioned how much they disliked the doctor's name, Hoggins, but that Piggins would have been worse. 🤣 14mo
Ruthiella The chapter really does underscore the absurdity of class hierarchies! 😂 Certainly Mrs. Jamison enjoys being a big fish in a very small pond. And of course they ate up all the food not because they were hungry but because they were “too genteel” to point out how low class the spread was by abstaining. (edited) 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly I feel like the narrator is telling us all this in a sly whisper out of the corner of her mouth. And she occasionally bursts into giggles because she just can‘t help herself. That‘s why there are so many funerals—so she isn‘t constantly laughing. 14mo
TheAromaofBooks I was also confused about the sedan chair being in the house! I always assumed they picked people up outside like a cab?? But apparently not! 😂 14mo
Bookwormjillk i also do not approve of capital letters ff 14mo
dabbe @Ruthiella a big “snoring“ fish ... 🤣🤣🤣 14mo
dabbe I just spit out what I was drinking reading through all of this: y'all were funnier than this chapter, and that's saying something! Starting with you @BarkingMadRead ... #welldone 🙌🤩💚 14mo
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