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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

Yes, I've seen all of them. Some of them several times. Three highlights, because favourites are hard to nail down.

Interview with the Vampire - seen on my first student exchange trip to the UK

Terminator 1+2 - first video rental ever

Silence of the Lambs - one of the first films I recorded from TV and then watched obsessively

kspenmoll Impressive! 3w
dabbe The List Challenge 👑 goes to you! The first 100/100!!! #welldone 👏🤩🤗 Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
julesG @dabbe Thank you! 🤗 3w
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My Goodreads stats.Not my best year ever, I had many obstacles to keeping up and felt no shame adjusting the number down a bit, a suggestion from @dabbe Thanks ! 😁Funny that my longest was a reread I adjusted it up for 2024 because I can‘t learn a lesson.Average book, 288 pages.

vivastory Happy New Year, Linda! Hope that 2024 is a bit easier on you 💙 6mo
Leftcoastzen @vivastory right back at you! Let‘s hope 2024 is a better one for everybody. I love that you are posting some more lately. 👏 6mo
AnnR 90 books is impressive! Well done. 👏🎉 6mo
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dabbe You kicked my arse! #welldone! 🤩🤗😍 6mo
Ruthiella 90 books is fantastic! 👏👏👏 6mo
TieDyeDude 💪🎉 6mo
Leftcoastzen @dabbe I hope you made your goal ! 6mo
Leftcoastzen @AnnR thanks!my TBR calculator always says I need to live to be 436 years old to finish all the books!😂 6mo
dabbe @Leftcoastzen I read 62/50 books, so yes, I did! Thanks for asking! 🤩😍😘 6mo
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Cranford | Elizabeth Gaskell
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mcctrish Eating seed cake like a cow 🐮 that certainly sells it 14mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Thanks for the visual! I thought this chapter was hilarious. They‘re all so pretentious 😂 14mo
Morr_Books @Clare-Dragonfly I agree! This chapter is hilarious! I was laughing right at the beginning when it was mentioned how much they disliked the doctor's name, Hoggins, but that Piggins would have been worse. 🤣 14mo
Ruthiella The chapter really does underscore the absurdity of class hierarchies! 😂 Certainly Mrs. Jamison enjoys being a big fish in a very small pond. And of course they ate up all the food not because they were hungry but because they were “too genteel” to point out how low class the spread was by abstaining. (edited) 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly I feel like the narrator is telling us all this in a sly whisper out of the corner of her mouth. And she occasionally bursts into giggles because she just can‘t help herself. That‘s why there are so many funerals—so she isn‘t constantly laughing. 14mo
TheAromaofBooks I was also confused about the sedan chair being in the house! I always assumed they picked people up outside like a cab?? But apparently not! 😂 14mo
Bookwormjillk i also do not approve of capital letters ff 14mo
dabbe @Ruthiella a big “snoring“ fish ... 🤣🤣🤣 14mo
dabbe I just spit out what I was drinking reading through all of this: y'all were funnier than this chapter, and that's saying something! Starting with you @BarkingMadRead ... #welldone 🙌🤩💚 14mo
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BarkingMadRead I‘ve said this on a few posts by you Pemberlittens, I gave this a pick, but it‘s a soft pick. This could have been so much shorter and still conveyed everything George wanted to convey 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
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TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I agree, was it to make a point? We get it people are insufferable🤣😅😵‍💫👑😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙄😬 #WEDIDIT #WHERESOURTROPHY 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead Yes!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆for everyone! We earned them! 1y
ravenlee I think this was an ultramarathon, or one of those endurance trail run things! 1y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee in the ultra world there is a challenge called the Barkley Marathons. This was a Barkley for sure. 1y
Bookwormjillk Congrats all, and thanks @barkingmadread . I liked the beginning of this book so much better than the end. I think soft pick is a fair rating. 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I agree this was a Barkley 1y
ravenlee Wow, I‘ve never heard of the Barkley Marathons - which is funny, as I married a Barkley (no relation, I think) and my in-laws live in Tennessee. My SIL and her husband frequent Frozen Head on their hiking expeditions. Weird! 1y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead the Barkley is wild! 1y
CoffeeNBooks Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this book at this point. Parts of it were interesting, parts of it weren't. I have a lot of love for many of the classics, but this one not so much. @BarkingMadRead - I agree that Eliot could have made her point with a shorter book. 🤔 1y
TheAromaofBooks I would never have made it through without your hashtags @BarkingMadRead !!! I can see why this has never been as popular as Austen's novels. None of these characters were particularly likable or relatable - definitely don't see myself daydreaming about any of the men I met in these pages! 😂 1y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks not a Darcy to be found 🙄 I wouldn‘t want any of these dudes 🤣 1y
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Literally none! And honestly I didn't think any of the women were particularly prizes either! 😆 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I guess nobody loves Fred and Mary like I do? 😅 I definitely wouldn‘t say I love this book—Rosamond and Lydgate give me too much anxiety—but Fred and Mary!!! 1y
kwmg40 Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead! I loved the novel, as well as the commentary from everyone here. 1y
JamieArc Congrats to you all! 🎉🎉. I got quite behind when I didn‘t want to take this chunkster on vacation, but I will carry on and look forward to each chapter‘s post as a reward! 1y
BarkingMadRead @kwmg40 hooray!!!!! @JamieArc I wouldn‘t want to lug that thing anywhere either! 1y
Bklover Ahhhh, this was fun! And long. Really enjoyed reading this with all of you. And @BarkingMadRead ❤️❤️❤️❤️🏆 1y
TheBookHippie @Bklover So loooong.. 1y
TheBookHippie @JamieArc the posts are the best part 😅🤫🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
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Fingersmith | Sarah Waters
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" That bitch knew everything"

Rajea I did NOT see that coming👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #welldone 5y
KarenUK Best twist ever! 5y
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The Shadow Queen | CJ Redwine
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This was a really fun read. And a brilliant idea for an author to take these classic stories and re-work them. The dragon aspect was great - an all around enjoyable getaway. My favorite kind of book...❤️🤓 This was my choice for Fairytale Re-telling for #Booked2019 #welldone #greatread

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I haven't read too much Neil Gaiman, but I have really enjoyed what I have read. I bought this one to support my local indie & help them win a contest. I ended up standing in line for 8 hours to get him to sign my book. I honestly didn't realize how big he was! The man was a rockstar and signed books until 4am. #favoriteneilgaiman #photoadaynov16

CallMeIshmael Actually it's you who is the rockstar, because of people like you who wait in line for 8 hours for an author to simply sign....this makes people want to be authors and write amazing things that we love. So I tip my hat to you! #wellDone 8y
Faibka That's so awesome! 8y
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#thisismyvoterface Thank you to the women who came before me and gave me the right and the responsibility to get out and vote today. You are true heroes. #strongertogether #imwithher #welldone

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I like when I find books like this. Extremely well researched. When I went into care no one explained what was happening and when they did they used words I did not understand. Which can be extremely scary. I feel she's captured this really well. #wellresearched #fostercare #welldone

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