They did pretty well with the flavors. The Thai tea needs improvement. 🧋
They did pretty well with the flavors. The Thai tea needs improvement. 🧋
4 ⭐Jane Yolen is a master storyteller. Along with the illustrator in less than 20 words, they can have a book from beginning to end. It‘s a perfect book for bedtime for that last push right before sleep.
Great way to work with kids on their rhyming skills
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
This book is a collection of nursery rhymes that are pleasing for children to listen to. Many of the stories are rhyming stories and are classics.
I realized almost none of my 360 students could recite a nursery rhyme. So I pulled all of my mother geese 😂 and we did some nursery rhyme nibbling. I took this home to study it more carefully as I am obsessed with the Opies. Each page is illustrated by a different artist making this an epic treasure. 🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
Most of the students loved Chester Van Chime, especially looking for the rhyming pictures throughout the book. But while reading, it became very apparent that they didn't know any nursery rhymes. So now we will be visiting Mother Goose. K-5 with one caveat: we will not discuss the inappropriate language out loud at school.