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Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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Bookwormjillk Total Mrs J vibes. This is a very social war. 13mo
dabbe @Bookwormjillk I certainly had no idea war could be such fun! Yowza. 😃 13mo
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TheBookHippie @dabbe HA. I so agree. 13mo
dabbe But then I'm also reading WAR & PEACE at the same time, and it ain't so peaceful or as fun as VF! 🤣 13mo
mcctrish I‘m trying to remember history ( French wars aren‘t top of my brain) but vacations in Belgium don‘t seem that wise #finallyfacingmywaterloo I feel like Emmy faces her own Waterloo every day #whatsupwithbecky @dabbe you are a BOSS for taking on War & Peace 13mo
dabbe @mcctrish You are too kind. I almost “panned“ it until @Cuilin told me about a translation that she really liked. It made ALL the difference! VANITY FAIR and W&P will be my #Chunkster reads for the year! @Amiable--still plugging away! 🤩🤗😍 13mo
Cuilin Anybody else singing ABBA? Waterloo finally facing my Waterloo! No just me. OK. 13mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe I loved War & Peace but agree translation is key!!! 13mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin I am singing ABBA!! 13mo
Cuilin @dabbe your year of Napoleon reading https://youtu.be/OAZWXUkrjPc New Napoleon movie out this November! 13mo
Cuilin @TheBookHippie 🎵 yay 😁 13mo
mcctrish @Cuilin I need very little excuse to sing Abba songs 🤣 or quote them 13mo
Cuilin @mcctrish same!! 🎵 13mo
TheAromaofBooks I was cracking up with Joseph becoming the regiment's “elephant“ 😂 I admire his ability to be completely oblivious to the fact that people are making fun of him! 13mo
mcctrish @TheAromaofBooks Jos certainly marches to his own drum 🥁 13mo
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