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“Sometimes [Vonnegut] illustrated these lighthearted discussions with simple drawings, which were pretty lousy but fun”
This passage makes me smile so much. I‘m a Vonnegut freak. I have two tattoos inspired by him. I visit the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library every year. I have his portrait on my car. 😂 You *might* call me obsessed. #kurtvonnegut #vonnegut #soitgoes

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Saw this on Instagram ❤️ posted by vonnegut_library
(My next post will be the caption they posted) #vonnegut #slaughterhousefive #soitgoes

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Not much reading for me today. Been out and about with the family. Proudly wearing my “So it goes” necklace as we head to an outdoor live music venue by the lake. Picnic with my favorites. Life is grand. 💚 #selfiesareweird #soitgoes #kurtvonnegut #KV

Trashcanman The 3 word equalizer. 6y
vivastory How was the concert? 6y
Reviewsbylola You look beautiful! 6y
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LeahBergen You look stunning. 😘 6y
CoffeeNBooks Slaughterhouse-Five is a great book- what a cool necklace! 6y
tammysue You look fabulous! 6y
britt_brooke @Trashcanman For sure. 💚 6y
britt_brooke @vivastory It was fun - thanks! They played for 3 hours like you had mentioned. I went with my older brother who also saw them in ‘97. The stage, lights, etc were absolutely stunning. And they played “Thirty-Three” which is my favorite of theirs, so I was pleased. (edited) 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola @LeahBergen @whatshesreadingnow You all are the sweetest - thanks! I actually fixed my hair today. 💁🏼‍♀️😆 6y
britt_brooke @CoffeeNBooks Thank you - I found it on Etsy. 💚 (edited) 6y
robinb Yellow is your color! ❤️☀️ 6y
CouronneDhiver Beautiful 6y
britt_brooke @robinb I was actually a little worried about the yellow (being blonde), so thanks so much. 💛💛💛 6y
britt_brooke @CouronneDhiver Thank you so much. I‘m blushing. ☺️ 6y
BarbaraBB You look beautiful 💛 6y
Sarah83 You look so pretty 💖 6y
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB @Sarah83 Thank you ☺️💚 6y
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Other People's Houses | Abbi Waxman
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#bookconnections #Litsybuddyread #Soitgoes
Love when other books are alluded to while reading a book. ❤️📚

britt_brooke YES! 🙌🏻 I almost posted this reference when I came across it. Made me super happy! 6y
Suet624 Awww, that‘s a lovely quote. (edited) 6y
kspenmoll @britt_brooke Thought of you right away!!! 6y
kspenmoll @Suet624 ❤️❤️ 6y
britt_brooke @kspenmoll Aw, you‘re the best! 💚 6y
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Kurt Vonnegut: Letters | Kurt Vonnegut
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Thank you SO much for the sweet card and amazing #Vonnegut #SoItGoes sticker @tjwill ❣️❣️ You totally made my day! And I love the term #Vonnegutians. 👏🏻 You are just the sweetest! 💚💚💚 #LitsyLove #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas

LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
OrangeMooseReads 😍😍 7y
tjwill Glad you like it! 7y
britt_brooke @tjwill Such a nice surprise. 💚 7y
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Day #5 of #NovemberbytheNumbers. I‘d be terribly remiss if I didn‘t make this book (which was my very first Vonnegut and remains my absolute favorite) my entry for today. The first time I read this book was in four hours on a bus ride from Boston to NYC.... and when I finished it, I immediately started reading it again. I‘ve read it at least a dozen times in the 14 years since then; I‘m due for a reread sometime soon. #pooteeweet #soitgoes

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Happy Birthday, Kurt Vonnegut. #tattoo #soitgoes I'm feeling that kind of numb sadness today which is the reason I got this tattooed on my wrist. It reminds me that I should never let the darkness overwhelm me, because it can never catch me by surprise.

britt_brooke 💙💙💙 8y
LiteraryinPA Did you just get the tattoo? It's a great reminder. 8y
PenguinInFlight 💜💜💜 love this. 8y
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mrsh62010 Happy birthday! ❤ 8y
haileybean I've wanted to get "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt," as a tattoo. I love Kurt Vonnegut 8y
ReadingEnvy It reminds me of a line from a guided meditation I do sometimes - "it's like this" 8y
sprainedbrain Love! 8y
RebeccaRenner @LiteraryinLititz No, I got it last year. It's a good reminder. 8y
readinginthedark I'm thinking of getting this now. 8y
KilgoreTrout I've got "everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" on my arm! ❤️ 8y
Kitta One of my favourite quotes. I'd love to get a Vonnegut tattoo. 8y
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A Man Without a Country | Kurt Vonnegut
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"I myself feel that our country ... might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened instead is that it was taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone-cops ..." As @KilgoreTrout wrote yesterday, I would love to know Vonnegut's thoughts if he was still alive, but I'm also glad he isn't alive to see what's happening #lazyphotochallenge Happy ??birthday Kurt. #soitgoes

britt_brooke This is arriving on my doorstep tomorrow! 8y
EnidBiteEm @britt_brooke Perfect timing! Hopefully it will give you a few laughs as well as a few groans 😭😀 8y
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Dark and creative tale that will have you thinking about war, death, fate, the universe and the concept of time. #BannedBook

britt_brooke Excellent book. 💙 #soitgoes 8y
Ericmanciniwriter Great quote! 8y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @britt_brooke Yes, it was a great book and it will be one I think about for a long time to come! 8y
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Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @Eamann I loved that quote so much the instant I read it! 8y
britt_brooke @Shelia I first read it about 5 years ago, but I'm planning to reread soon. I've been devouring his other books lately. Good stuff! 8y
I-read-and-eat "So it goes" . Great book which had a huge impact on me 8y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @britt_brooke and @I-read-and-eat I love books that give me an additional perspective on life, those are the ones I think about years later. It's why I read 👓📚📖 8y
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