I put all the entries from the #STACKEDUP giveaway into the random name generator and @Samwise_Gamgee won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘
I put all the entries from the #STACKEDUP giveaway into the random name generator and @Samwise_Gamgee won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘
I've finished a few books this weekend, so here are the two that I'm working on right now. Thanks, Liberty!
I'm still in my funk from earlier and trying to catch up on Outlander but am diving in and out of other things. I've promised Thing 1 that I will finally read Gatsby before the end of the year so there's that. #stackedup
I'm all-over the place today! Shuffling between a few different things depending on my mood 😎 #stackedup
Rereading Mansfield Park with my mom! (Picture taken at my library with the Bronte background on my Nook.) #STACKEDUP
Currently reading and hopefully finishing tonight. It's so good! 💕 And I promise this is me not sucking up, @Liberty! 😂 #STACKEDUP
Starting this book next! Just finished Newt's Emerald this morning and after some exercise and lunch, time to read! #STACKEDUP
I'm reading THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE for a buddy read on BookTube! I'm also about halfway through FRIENDS FOR LIFE for my Meg Wolitzer backlist reading project. Looking forward to her new book out next year! #stackedup
Finished Just Listen and really enjoyed the light romance, just what I needed. Now I'm going to keep things light with Where the Sidewalk Ends! I haven't read this since I was in elementary, excited to read and consider them as an adult!