Ch 53-54: Rawdon challenges Steyne to a duel 😳 #wesawthatcoming #rawdonsendsbeckyanotefromjail #beckysaysshewillmaybecometomorrow #rawdonwritestopitt #janerushesover #rawdongetssurprisedathome #steyneplannedthewholething #rawdonkicksbeckyout #theservantsgowild #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
BarkingMadRead @staycurious @indoordame @morr_books @cuilin @mcctrish @thebookhippie @allylu @bookwormjillk @julieclair @ruthiella @deblovestoread @eeclayton @dabbe @willaful @rubyslippersreads @librarybelle @covertocovergirl @bklover @riveted_reader_melissa @jamiearc @kwmg40 @thearomaofbooks @daisey @samanne @ann_reads @wordslinger42 2y
Cuilin The most exciting two chapters, loved #ThePunch #GunsAtDawn Becky #HowLowCanYouGo 2y
mcctrish I couldn‘t believe Becky was going to let him rot!!!! #ladyjanetotherescue ❤️ fucking sir Pitt when Rawdon goes to talk to him #ivegotnomoneyitsalltiedupintheestate #keepyourshirtonpitt #weknowallaboutyourmoney Rawdon went without so Becky could have whatever she wanted and she lets him rot ( AND he gave up his inheritance for her ) 🤬🤬 #themightywillfall where on earth is Dobbin? #ishelostatsea ? 2y
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TheBookHippie Becky … just wow I don‘t know whether to be in disgust, awe or wonder how the author writes her so very well 👀 #shesquitesomething #GUNSATDAWN 2y
Bookwormjillk Good chapters 2y
willaful I could not get over Becky protesting her innocence. SHE LEFT HIM TO ROT and partied while hoarding money! 2y
dabbe @TheBookHippie She is like Scarlett O'Hara to a tee. #badtothebone #funashelltowatchfromadistance 😃 2y
dabbe @willaful Like Mr. Rogers would say (or probably Murphy's Mr. Robinson): “Can you say 'narcissist'? I knew that you could. 🤣 2y
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