2nd epoch, part 3: well, this took a turn #herewego #marianissupersick #thedociscalled #porkchopthinksheknowsmore #thedociaunthrilled #doctorporkchophireshisownnurse #thenhepissesofftherealdoc #docleaves #mrsmichelsoniasentonanerrand #thatsnotsus #shereturnsdayslater #marianisgoneoffwithporckchopanddeadeyes #lauraissuspicious #sheleavesthenextday #percypigsaysporkchopwillpickherup #lauraasksmrsVtomeetherinstead 🤞🏻 #mrsMfindsoutthetruth ⬇️⬇️⬇️
BarkingMadRead #marianneveverleft 😳 #theevilnursehadherinanotherwing #wtf #evilnursebails #percypigpitchesafitandthenheleaves #mrsMstayswithmarian #whereislaura #MBelievesporckchopisinnocent #innocentofwhat #thesuspenseiskillingme #ihopeitwilllast #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #whew 14h
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk @bklover @mcctrish @librarybelle @sace @clare-dragonfly @ruthiella @roary47 @elizamarie @quietjenn @dabbe @kwmg40 @rubyslippersreads 14h
BarkingMadRead @kao @barbarajean @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @samanne @kathywheeler @leftcoastzen @kspenmoll @graciouswarriorprincess @Morr_Books 14h
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Ruthiella I love how rain causes such illnesses in Regency/Victorian novels (see also Sense & Sensibility). 💧💧🤒 14h
mcctrish OMG the twists and the turns. Pork chop is a master manipulator #oceans11vibes Percy Pig is such a twat! Where the hell did typhus come from? I swear at this point I was thinking did the ‘private nurse‘ bring it? Or were they just one step away from typhus at this point in history despite being upper class and having household staff to clean up the lice, etc…? 14h
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish I was going to google it, but i was afraid to go down the rabbit hole 🤣 I am very suspicious of the whole thing though, like was it ever typhus? Did they pay that young doc to lie? So many questions! 14h
Bookwormjillk This section was bananas. What do we read tomorrow? The rest of Epoch 2? 14h
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk yes! It‘s only like 10 pages, how sweet is that?!? 14h
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead I feel like this entire book is a lesson in gaslighting #idontknowwhichendisup #trustnoone 14h
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead very sweet! @mcctrish yes on the gaslighting. I feel like Pork Chop is playing chess and Percy is playing checkers but they‘re both very effective in their manipulations. 13h
julieclair So much going on here!! I love it! But I‘m very afraid for Laura in London. 😬 7h
Leftcoastzen Didn‘t they mention that #countporkchop knew about poisoning? Some of course kill you , but others can make you sick. Though lady gets wet , gets a chill, gets real sick is common in these novels 6h
dabbe My lord, how women were at the mercy of men in this era. You're simply property, and that's it. Oh, and an apparent ATM for all of your debts. #percypig and #porkchop are beyond evil. So much melodrama! That's what Collins was known for, and he writes it well! What a soap opera this would be! 3h
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