Enjoying this nonfiction title during a quiet day at work. Did the father in this story make anyone else discontented or frustrated?
#museum #work #nonfiction #schizophrenia #understanding #medical #mentalillness #spring #art #dysfunctional #family
Enjoying this nonfiction title during a quiet day at work. Did the father in this story make anyone else discontented or frustrated?
#museum #work #nonfiction #schizophrenia #understanding #medical #mentalillness #spring #art #dysfunctional #family
Now that it‘s over, there is a sense of relief. As much as I want to talk about victory, hope and gratitude, what comes to mind first and foremost is thoughts of peace and unity. It‘s a groundbreaking moment on many levels as we hold true to the promise and dream of fairness, equity and equality for all citizens of the United States of America. I hope that we find ourselves on surer footing. And I pray that we choose to be kind to one another!💕
I was quite surprised just how much I loved this. It‘s in a similar vein to Peter Reynolds‘ ‘Ish‘, but more so.
Niko loves to draw, but his work tends towards the abstract - he draws the hard work of the robin building its nest, rather than the robin itself. His family and friends don‘t get it. But the new girl next door sees the feelings in his pictures.
A sweet story about how art makes you feel (& how how you feel makes art) and friendship.
#NewYearNewYou Day 16: Chloe is #CreepedOut by Adrian Simcox who keeps claiming that he has a horse when it is clear that he does NOT. It took a short trip to the more disadvantaged side of town, led by Chloe‘s mother in the pretext of walking their dog, for Chloe to see beyond lies, half-truths, and the struggling dignity of someone who has nothing but their unbridled imagination to see him through. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-lkX
🎶Something in your eyes is makin' such a fool of me
When you hold me in your arms, you love me 'til I just can't see
But then you let me down, when I look around🎶
“The past is an inheritance, a gift and a burden. It can‘t be shirked. You carry it everywhere. There‘s nothing for it but to get to know it.”
-Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of the United States
#historybuff #history #historybooks #historynerd #igreads #bookworm #books #bookstagram #bookish #summerreading #summerreads #beachreads #bookstgrammer #bookspine #bookspines #compassion #understanding
Great children‘s book about siblings of autistic children. They are mostly 1 page articles, however there‘s pictures of the page opposite the stories.
#SpringIntoReading Day 19: There are a total of 28 poems in this amazing collection, all perfectly matched with Hines‘ painstakingly-meticulous quilts that are lovingly handcrafted. In each full-spread page of the quilt/artwork, the reader is immersed in patches of colours, circles of hope, and whispers of connectedness, hope, deliverance, and what it is like to #forgive. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-80h