Imagine reading the tagged book while thinking about this face. It helps to recall the voice as well.
#currentlyreading #creepedout #fiction #novels #paperbacks #booksiown #ThomasHarris #TheSilenceoftheLambs
Imagine reading the tagged book while thinking about this face. It helps to recall the voice as well.
#currentlyreading #creepedout #fiction #novels #paperbacks #booksiown #ThomasHarris #TheSilenceoftheLambs
Surprisingly I haven't been #creepedout yet by my first Stephen King! #newyearnewyou @Eggs
#NewYearNewYou @Eggs
I gave not read this one, but have had several people tell me it is creepy.
Evil inhabits a custom-painted red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury named Christine and young Arnold Cunningham, who buys it. This vintage Stephen King came out in 1983 - the ‘80s and ‘90s being 2 decades where I gobbled up King‘s novels. But this one ...... completely #creepedout
Carter‘s books are gritty but this one was over the top. Sanding a victim‘s face was too gruesome for me. Child abuse is hard to take too. I enjoy reading but just can‘t get enjoyment out of this treatment. Sad to say, his books come from his memory of crimes he worked. Read his books if you have a strong stomach but be forewarned that they are gritty. Love the short chapters as the pages do fly. He doesn‘t waste words which is good too!
#NewYearNewYou Day 16: Chloe is #CreepedOut by Adrian Simcox who keeps claiming that he has a horse when it is clear that he does NOT. It took a short trip to the more disadvantaged side of town, led by Chloe‘s mother in the pretext of walking their dog, for Chloe to see beyond lies, half-truths, and the struggling dignity of someone who has nothing but their unbridled imagination to see him through. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-lkX
My husband is watching Sabrina on Netflix, it creeps me out! I may be moving out of this comfy chair and reading someplace else, as to not hear this in the background. #toopagan #creepedout #iamachicken
I am trying to take a nap before work tonight and this weirdo has been standing in my doorway for 10 minutes. Not coming in or leaving, just staring #creepedout #catsareweird
"Why anyone would even want a soundproof vault was a question that apparently did not occur to him." Yes, of course. Soundproof vault in a basement? Nothing strange about that. The more I read this, the more I realize just how nuts Holmes must've been to plan so thoroughly. #creepedout