Library Haul! Excited to get reading
Library Haul! Excited to get reading
My March TBR! Excited to get some Middle Grade books in this month! What are you reading?
My March TBR! Excited to get some Middle Grade books in this month! What are you reading?
Want to know why I think you should read this book? Check out my blog for my first Friday Recommends post.
Finished this 400+page book in 2 days because I couldn‘t believe what I was reading. This woman is horrible! If you like True Crime and aren‘t triggered by abuse (of all kinds) and murder, this is a must read. It does not read like Non-Fiction so very easy to stay interested.
January TBR. I am almost half way through the tagged booked, I can‘t put it down!
Sadly, I am not loving this like most people have. 100 pages in and I‘m not that inclined to pick it back up. I think I may have got my reading slump.... 😫
It‘s always so hard to rate a book when it deals with such hard topics. But ultimately this fell flat for me. There Were things that were done right and then things that were lacking.
If you are interested in my thoughts, check out my review on Goodreads
2.5 Stars
August wrap up. Everything was pretty average. Except Harry Potter, always 5 stars for me.
Check out my post if you want to read my thoughts on these.
Let me start off by saying I look forward to a Riley Sager book every summer. I was finally able to get my hands on this last week. I put everything else down so I could start this right way.
With that being said, sadly this missed the mark
Full review at http://thoughtstopages.home.blog
This was a fun read. Not my usual cup of tea, but I enjoyed it for the most part
For full review
This is a big nope for me.
If you want to read my review on how ridiculous this is, check out my blog. I promise it will be better than this book.
This stirred up a lot of emotions for me. Being a woman and watching this violent act happen and then watching the outcome of it was very hard. Unfortunately, in today‘s world, an individuals status in society, among peers, their capabilities to become someone of status, becomes more important than the crime they commit.
Full review at http://thoughtstopages.home.blog
July was an okay reading month. I had somewhat of a slump but managed to get in a few good reads.
July Wrap up is now live on my blog
Browsing through my library website for my next audiobook. Think I‘m going with The Death of Mrs. Westaway
What a disappointment. Nothing really happened in this book, though it had so much potential.
Full review on:
Just a pup and a book. But seriously, why have I left this book on my shelves untouched for so long? It is everything I needed to get out of this slump.
What do these books have in common? Check out my new blog post for the answer!
Hey Friends! After much thought and realizing how much I wanted to get back into writing, I took the plunge and started a blog. Somewhere where I can get all my thoughts out. If you are interested in seeing what I have to say, please follow! I‘d love to check your blogs out too!
Look forward to interacting more with everyone!
I love this time of year! It is when my city holds the Book Bonanza Sale! I am so excited for these finds!
With 2 days left of n the month, I am officially booked out.
3 ⭐️
A slight miss me for me. Was expecting more, but really, did anything even happen?
The only thing guaranteed to get me out of a slump
Whiny, annoying characters with unrealistic situations is all I need to DNF.
Read my 2-star review of My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan
Half way through and I‘m becoming more and more annoyed with Ella, the main character. This might be a DNF for me
Another great piece of work by someone who is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine.
Read my 4-star review of A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne
I enjoyed this one. Quick, fast paced read. Not without its flaws. But loved the idea behind this. Reminds me of Hocus Pocus but that‘s ok, since it is one of my favorites. This could be an annual October read for me.
When you have no idea what to read next. an anthology, an ARC and two YA novels you have been meaning to get to. Along with a shelf of over 100 books (and counting) left to read. Reading all the books is overwhelming 😫
This is what I have wanting in a thriller. I have been in such a dark, disturbed mood lately when it comes to what I choose to read and this fit the bill. And it did it so well. If you have been looking for a non typical thriller this is for you.
Release date Oct. 9 2018
ARC provided by Netgalley and Berkeley Publishing Group
Currently Reading
This is shaping up to be a great thriller.
ARC provided by NetGalley
Welp, this was a DNF. I did not like the writing style. All the characters were beyond likable, they were just downright ignorant, childish, spoke to each other worse than 3 year olds. I‘ll pass on this one.
Read my 2-star review of Lies by T M Logan
August Reading Wrap Up
2005 pages read
1 Audio
3 3 ⭐️
5 4 ⭐️
Favorite : The last time I lied and every heart a doorway
Least Favorite : Toil and Trouble
Not a bad reading month
When Barnes and Noble is having a sale. I have no chill and can‘t resist a book sale
Over 100 books on my shelf unread, but still have to get a #libraryhaul.
I loved this book. Finished the last 200 pages in one sitting, I could NOT put it down. I loved Final Girls, but dare I say it, I think I loved this one more.