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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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So I'm obviously behind on book reviews - expect a few of them today 😂

It had been a while since I picked up a thriller, and I had forgotten how addictive they can be. This one was quite pacey and engaging, and it wasn't until I was done reading that I looked a few things askance! While the twist at the end technically fit, I'm not sure I buy it based on the personalities of the people involved - it felt like a stretch to literally just say ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) “well this person was really good at acting.“ 🙄 Still, I did enjoy this one while I was reading it and even though Joe kept doing dumb stuff that made him look even more guilty (why, Joe, why) I still found myself rooting for him.

#RoaringWolf - Father @Roary47 @Littlewolf1
#JoysofJune (yeah that's how behind on reviews I am haha) - 1578/2000pgs @Andrew65
Roary47 Yay! 2y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Did I just stay up until 1 am to finish this? Yes. Yes I did. #wintergames2021 #tbrread #mistletoemaniacs @Clwojick

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Lies | T. M. Logan
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It‘s so nice here today that I read outside for close to two hours! Perfection!

Cupcake12 I‘m loving this chair 💕 3y
BarkingMadRead @Cupcake12 it‘s so comfy and it has cup holders and a place on each side to hold books! It‘s perfection! 3y
Kempfme i need this chair. 3y
BarkingMadRead @Kempfme I got it at Lowes 3y
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Lies | T.M. Logan

Next up!

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Lies | T. M. Logan
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The psychological Thriller with some twists. It was a good book to listen to.

Lies | TM Logan
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What if your whole life was based on lies?
What a ride! Such a fantastic read so twisty and the final twist was totally surprising.

SilversReviews His newest is just as good. Actually better. 😍 5y
suzie.reads @SilversReviews is that 29 seconds? 5y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Getting back in that #Netgalley review roll. While this thriller certainly didn‘t bring anything super new to the table, with all the domestic noir out, it was refreshing to read a thriller with a reliable narrator and no flashbacks! An easy breezy summer read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Book 19/30 for #BFCR2

Lies | TM Logan
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This audiobook had me hooked from Chapter One. There aren't any POV switching or flashback gimmicks or a need to rely on a spooky setting--it's a straightforward story told from beginning to end and that made it all the stronger. I was thrown by the twist as I thought this may have been more of a thriller of "how" instead of "who" (and the truth seemed slightly out of character), but I was addicted the last two days! 4.5 Stars!

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Lies | TM Logan
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Enticing enough to kept me going! Even though I figured out the plot half way through.
I'm looking forward to read more of TM Logan's work.

This is the first book in more than a month that I actually finished. Hopefully this awful reading slump is letting me go now.

Lies | T. M. Logan

The main character does so many stupid things. It doesn‘t matter if you are innocent. Lawyer up immediately. I don‘t know why he believes anything his wife says

Lies | TM Logan
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I was really excited when I first started this book, having not particularly enjoyed the last two books I read.

It started off great, it peaked my interest and was a page turner, well, to begin with anyway.

But then, as the story went on, I found it to be very far fetched, and found the main character to be very frustrating - it was like, "come on dude, when are you going to man up,"

Nonetheless, the twist at the end did surprise me!

Lies | T. M. Logan
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Bought a couple of books at Books-A-Million over the weekend. They were on sale! #BAMbooksale

Tamra The Sun Does Shine is more than a worthy read. 💜 6y
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Lies | TM Logan

I didn't bail, but only because I had the time over the Christmas period and someone had chosen this for our book club, so I needed to finish it to justify my opinion. Which is that this book is terrible. Not at all surprised T M Logan is a man. His main character is such an awful cliche of what men think women want. Short, cheaply cliff-hung chapters and a ridiculous, completely unoriginal storyline. Thrillers can be great fun, this was not.

Lies | TM Logan
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Day 21 #adventrecommends

I'm a day behind (Sorry)!

This was another good psychological thriller that I read this year. Joe confronts a family friend (Ben) after Joe sees him have an angry altercation with Joe's wife. The confrontation does not go well & then Ben goes missing immediately afterward.

There are twists & of course many lies. The primary thing I disliked was that tha character Joe was so unbelievably naive.

Lies | T. M. Logan
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#WorstReads all DNFs for one reason or another. 🙁

Lies | T. M. Logan
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I‘m glad I finished this book because the ending is the only redeeming feature. I didn‘t like the lead character and I‘m sure there are several holes in the plot, but I‘m possibly overthinking it. I‘d like to know if others have enjoyed this.

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Lies | TM Logan
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Fast paced but weak storyline. Makes you want to read just to see how it ends.

Lies | T. M. Logan
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T.M. Logan's debut psychological thriller, aptly titled, simply, Lies, is a fast-paced first-person narrative from Joe Lynch. Joe's stable, happy life is crumbling & he is desperate to save himself from being wrongly accused of a heinous crime. Who is setting him up? Why? And what would you do if you suddenly discovered your whole life was based on lies? ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Full review: https://tinyurl.com/y8drnr3m

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Lies | TM Logan
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Lies | TM Logan

Put my phone on silent for two hours to people wouldn't bother me while I finished this. Had to know what happened.


laurenlovesliterature Such a good book! 6y
JeaMar82 @laurenlovesliterature Yes it was 😊 6y
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Lies | TM Logan
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Started this book today and I'm finally using my other new book sleeve 😊

Book started really interesting.

Lies | TM Logan
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Went to the library on Saturday to return two books. Ended up picking up three more. 🙈 Lies will be my next book.

OutsmartYourShelf I have 8 library requests to pick up this week. I love collecting new tbr books. 6y
JeaMar82 @Deangirl I didn't have these on hold. 😂 I know that feeling though. 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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A great thriller that will have you thinking you know what‘s happening but the end will shock you!

Joe thinks his life is pretty perfect: great job, an amazing wife, and a wonderful son. One evening as Joe is driving his son home, they spot his wife‘s car and decide to follow her as a surprise. Little to Joe‘s knowledge is he‘s the one that is surprised; his wife is meeting another man. And so begins the lies…


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Lies | T. M. Logan
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I heard this book is quite the pager turner! @StMartinsPress

Lies | TM Logan
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1. My coworkers birthday is tomorrow so we decorated her office to surprise her today.
2. Three (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Twilight, Whiskey Dick)
3. Nope, I refuse.
4. Yes, but I wear my contacts 99.999% of the time
5. I could not get on board. There was tons of anticipation and very little action so I DNF‘d


SilversReviews Loved that book. 6y
ShananigansReads @SilversReviews yeah, I‘m definitely in the minority on this one. 6y
SilversReviews @Bookjunkie57 I have done that a few times this year with books...no sense reading something you aren‘t enjoying. 😊 6y
ShananigansReads @SilversReviews yep. Way too many books out there to deal with that. 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Reading a little while enjoying my favorite beer (Jack-o-Travelers). I don‘t drink often but I do when this beer is out for the season. 😍

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Lies | T. M. Logan
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It has taken me over a month BUT I‘ve finished my first book since I‘ve had Emmett. It was a very good read, I can‘t believe it took me so long to finish but motherhood will do that to a person I guess. Y‘all should definitely check this one out, I had ideas of how it would end, part of what I thought was right but the other half left me shocked.

Owlizabeth 😍😍😍 6y
ephemeralwaltz 😍😍😍😍😍👏 6y
LeahBergen Aww! ❤️ 6y
SilversReviews Adorable...yes...motherhood does cut into reading time. 😊LIES was GOOD. 6y
Peddler410 The first book I finished after my daughter was born was Zorgamazoo by Robert Paul Weston. I managed by reading it aloud to her. I figured, she needs to hear my voice, doesn‘t matter what I‘m reading 😊 6y
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Lies | TM Logan
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Lies is a twisty and edgy domestic thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed. I was hooked from the first few sentences and found it hard to put it down. And even though I expected the book to have many twists and did not trust any of the characters, the ending still surprised me. I didn't guess it at all. I definitely would recommend Lies to all domestic suspense lovers. #thriller #suspense #Liesbook

Lies | T. M. Logan
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Husband is working night shift thanks to hurricane Florence and the baby is already asleep, time for me to catch up on some reading! Loving this book so far.

Reviewsbylola Awww, look at that little sleepy head in the corner. 😍😍 6y
Jenni_Capps @Reviewsbylola I love it! 😍😍 6y
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Lies | TM Logan
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Training someone new at work (on my last day) means a free day, spent reading where I can be easily accessible to answer questions. Already finished one book and now on to this thriller.

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Lies | TM Logan
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Yep this is currently me! Partying it up! 😂🎉🤣🎉
Finishing up #Lies #NetGalley #stmartinspress
#wild #frederick #friday #wildnight #fridaynightfun #fridaynight #reading #booklover #bookobsession #kindle #bed

CoverToCoverGirl 🙋🏼‍♀️😊 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Ive been waiting for this one!! #Lies #ARC

Lies | T. M. Logan
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Currently reading Lies by T.M. Logan

#stmartinspress #netgalley #monday #rainyday

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Lies | TM Logan
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I tried hard to get this read before the release date but a busy summer kept me from that. This was a great read!! Kept me on the edge of my chair wanting to see what was going to happen next. I found myself shocked , angry and happy while reading this. Definitely recommend this thriller!!!

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Lies | T. M. Logan
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I got this bookmark in the mail yesterday. I can not wait to sit down and read this book!!! We will be making our voyage to Ohio in just one week. Then I will have more time to read and craft 😍
#lies #TMLogan #newbook #calitoohio

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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Mom is finally back from Arizona, but integrating my grandma‘s chihuahua into Bailey‘s household is not going well. Bailey and I are gated in my room and I think I‘ve been able to spend a grand total of an hour with my mom since she arrived yesterday. 😔 Reading the tagged book while it rains outside.
#SaturdaySnuggles #DogsOfLitsy #PitbullsOfLitsy #notanonlydoganymore #grumpydog

LauraBeth Poor Bailey ☹️ 6y
Tamra Oh dear. 😒 6y
TrishB Awww 🐶 6y
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DGRachel @LauraBeth @Tamra I think Scooter wants to be friends, but every time he gets too close to the baby gate, Bailey starts to growl. Scooter is so traumatized from the move and my grandmother‘s passing, that he‘s glued to Mom and if I leave Bailey alone in my room, she starts whining incessantly. So, she and I are trapped in my room, while Mom and Scooter are in the living room. Tropical Storm Florence isn‘t helping. 😔 6y
LauraBeth Hopefully, after a few days it will be normal with them. When we brought my Mom‘s dog over it was rough at first, but Bitsy came to accept him. 6y
LeahBergen Oh no! I hope they work it out soon. 😘 6y
DivineDiana Give them time. I feel is a lot of love in your house. ❤️ 6y
alisiakae How are you doing? I heard it‘s much worse in South Charlotte and Union County than here in N Meck. Hope you aren‘t impacted by the flooding! 6y
DGRachel @4thhouseontheleft I think the flooding is worse east of me. I haven‘t left my house, and probably won‘t until Tuesday (working from home tomorrow), but while my yard is a soggy, muddy mess, my street doesn‘t appear to have flooded. We never lost power for more than a couple of minutes, for which I am extremely grateful. How are you up there? 6y
alisiakae @DGRachel We‘re good. Very minimal flooding yesterday, we seem to have lucked out. 6y
minkyb Glad you are keeping dry even though confined! 6y
dsfisher I do think I will try to find the trainers name that I sent you and call tomorrow so we continue this on the right track and we don‘t get to anxious and screw things up. 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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If you haven't read LIES by T. M. Logan, you may want to after seeing this interview.


A friend, Yvonne, sent it to me. Her site is filled with mystery and intrigue if you want to stop by her blog.


RadicalReader @SilversReviews cannot wait to check out this incredible sounding novel love a good mystery suspense novel my favorites 6y
Betty Loved Lies. Waiting for 29 Seconds to come from Book Depository 6y
SilversReviews @RadicalReader ENJOY when you read it. Thanks for commenting. 6y
SilversReviews @Betty Oooo...FUN...thanks for commenting. 6y
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Lies | TM Logan
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Deceit, social media, and misdirection all make for an engaging read. Joe unexpectedly happens upon a situation one afternoon that sends his life into a tail spin. Is everything he believes to be true a lie? I liked Joe. This is a book you take for what it is-entertaining. I didn‘t find it to be anything earth shattering in its genre but still a fun read that grabbed me from the get go. Released today 🖤9/11
Thanks to #Netgalley for the arc. #lies

SilversReviews It was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the book. The ending was a surprise. 6y
JoScho @SilversReviews the ending surprised me too! 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Happy publishing day for this book! Crazy fun thrill ride. 🤓😱🌟🌟🌟🌟#liesbook

SilversReviews It was good. Happy Pub Day!! 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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🍭🍭🍭 review is up on my blog. Stop by and say hi! https://reecaspieces.com/2018/09/11/lies-by-t-m-logan/

tammysue Nice review Reeca! 6y
Gina Oooohhhh I am my mom's book scout and this fots the bill! 6y
Reecaspieces @whatshesreadingnow thank you so much! 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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Can lies be deadly? Can lies ruin your life? Can lies be undone?

I think we know the answer to those questions, and Joe definitely knew the answer to two of these questions. His life was turned upside down because of lies his wife was telling him and lies that someone else was spreading about him.

A slow start, but keep reading. The tension mounts with the turn of each page.


tammysue Great review Elizabeth! 6y
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Lies | TM Logan
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Fighting the Sunday Scaries and this week the very real Hurricane Florence anxiety by hopefully finishing the tagged book tonight. Hoping you are all having amazing bookish adventures. 🖤

heylaurenmack This Floridian is sending you positive vibes. Have you been through one before? 6y
JoScho @heyLM yes. Of course the worst was Hugo when I was a kid at Cat 4-pretty terrifying. The past two we stayed here in Charleston but they were only Cat 1 or 2 maybe. Fingers crossed it weakens. Thank you! 🖤 6y
heylaurenmack @JoScho Next time come evacuate to the Sunshine State and we can have ourselves a hurricane party 6y
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Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Stay safe! Positive vibes coming from Colorado. I grew up in Florida, hurricanes can be super scary, but hopefully this one passes you by safely. 💜 6y
jlondon1963 Went through Harvey last year here in Texas. Stay safe you will be in my thoughts and prayers. 6y
Eyelit 💜💜💜 6y
tammysue Stay safe! 🧡 6y
JoScho @heyLM sounds like a plan! 🤗❤️ 6y
JoScho @Eyelit 😊🖤 6y
tracey38 Yeah, looks like it's headed straight my way, and it's grown so much just today! 6y
JoScho @tracey38 yeah as soon as I saw the latest projection I thought of you. Do you guys have somewhere you can evacuate to? 6y
tracey38 @JoScho no. But we should be ok. Probably have power outages and I'm worried about trees falling as we have a ton. Probably flooding around, but I think our place will be ok. 6y
JoScho @tracey38 please stay safe. A category 4 is so scary. 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan

Welp, this was a DNF. I did not like the writing style. All the characters were beyond likable, they were just downright ignorant, childish, spoke to each other worse than 3 year olds. I‘ll pass on this one.

Read my 2-star review of Lies by T M Logan

Lies | TM Logan
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I received this as an ARC a while ago and really enjoyed it. It would make for a fun book club discussion. It comes on sale 9/11/18 so grab a copy! #lies #tmlogan #stmartinspress

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Lies | TM Logan
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The suspense starts early in this book and builds with each chapter. Is there no end to the depth of betrayal here? A real page turner! While the characters were not very well developed, this is still a compulsive read. If you were not wary of how technology can be used against you before reading this book, you will be when you complete this well written psychological thriller. Full review on www.facebook.com/groups/ReadingisMyPassion

Lies | TM Logan
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Image from lastlemon.com

Reviewsbylola Every single night! I can‘t sleep unless I read first. 6y
Eggs Every night! Happy place! 6y
JoScho @Reviewsbylola @Eggs yes! Every night! ❤️😴 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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I may be the only person on the planet that didn‘t love this book. I didn‘t even like it. Too much build up and not enough payout or maybe I didn‘t have enough patience 🤷🏾‍♀️

Lies | T. M. Logan

This book is so freaking good. I think I have said OH SHIT! Several times! Peanut does not care

MrBook Oh, #Peanut! 😆 6y
Reecaspieces @MrBook she is snoring..she is good..her 20th nap of the day...oh to be an elliott house dog! 😂😍 6y
MrBook 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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This book is so freaking good. I think I have said OH SHIT! Several times! Peanut does not care

PacingTheCage Gah!!! It's a #pugsoflitsy! !! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 6y
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Lies | T. M. Logan
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I have my review posted for Lies. Thank you @StMartinsPress for this review opportunity.