Spring in the Midwest means wearing a sweater but also having a blended latte because it is but isn‘t warm out 😆
Spring in the Midwest means wearing a sweater but also having a blended latte because it is but isn‘t warm out 😆
“‘I was right though, wasn‘t I,‘ said Granny. It wasn‘t a question.”
A biscuit sandwich, an iced black tea, and a couple chapters before going into the office
Relaxing Saturday with my favorite egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit, a mocha, and a book 📖
Autoimmune illness related fatigue plus daylight savings time has left me so exhausted this week that I‘ve been unable to run some needed errands. So I took a day off to get some extra sleep, pick up my prescription and some cat food, and get gas/go through the car wash. Break for a cappuccino and a biscuit sandwich and some work-adjacent reading.
More free books somehow found their way home with me today. April isn‘t judging me - she‘s too cozy! #CatsOfLitsy
The free book table at work has returned - this time with books that were previously used by the high school concurrent enrollment program. So a bit beat up, but still readable and FREE
No errands for once this weekend! But still decided to go out for lunch, including trying the new “Lucky Leprechaun” latte.
This was an enjoyable enough read and I‘ll probably read the sequel because I want to see how the story plays out, but it‘s not the best Romantasy I‘ve read. Its backstory as fanfic is pretty apparent (which isn‘t bad, but can be distracting) and the colonizer romance aspect is pretty cringe. I did like that it was more build up than spice (only one spicy scene that was over 80% in). And some of the descriptions of scenery were vividly rendered.
Back to my normal weekend routine after traveling last weekend. Starting a new book, having an egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit and a latte, and then going to Petsmart.
Birthday gifts from my mom (James) and sister (the third season of Twin Peaks - I already have the original series and Fire Walk with Me). We also went to see Dancing with the Stars Live today and will have cake in a bit 🎂 💃 📖 🦉
Lunch (egg and cheese ona cheddar chive biscuit and a gingerbread latte) and starting part II of this novel before running errands 📖
“‘The world is vast,‘ he finally told Sevraim. ‘We‘ll keep looking. We‘ll make it clear that any nation harboring our enemies will be crushed along with them.‘”
#AuldLangSpine adjacent because @BookmarkTavern had the most recent in the series on her list and this book has been on my TBR since it came out. I loved the concept and the dark fairy tale vibe, along with a murder mystery, a ragtag group of misfits who are out to solve it, and some legit representation (romantic asexual protagonist! I‘m aro-ace and ace rep is so rare so I get excited). I only wish it was longer! Looking forward to the next one!
A beautiful collection of works inspired by Harjo‘s ancestors‘ experience of the Trail of Tears, but covering far more ground than that from the deeply personal (the death of her mother) to the political to the invention of the saxophone. I found it accessible even as someone who hasn‘t read much poetry in the past couple years. And oddly hopeful and comforting despite its subject matter and our current political moment.
Beatrice #CatsOfLitsy
Probably my last #AuldLangSpine book this month (though others are on my TBR for later). This collection is proving to be beautiful, comforting, and timely all at the same time.
Enjoying a dirty chai latter and my usual egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit before going over to care for my neighbor‘s cats.
I liked this a lot. I loved the blend of fantasy/mythology (the Wild Hunt) with history and politics. The characters were well developed. I loved all of the protagonists (though they also sometimes frustrated me! but that‘s part of what made them feel real!). Also, so much queer rep! Sapphic romance! And multiple ace characters! If anything, I think the narrative dragged a bit, especially compared to her first book Sistersong, but a minor quibble.
My reading buddy for the day - Boston, one of the cats I‘m cat sitting. His sister Beatrice is more shy, and while she was happy to get treats, she didn‘t want to hang out. #CatsOfLitsy
Chai latte and an egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit and some reading after visiting a neighbor to meet his cats (I‘m cat sitting for him for the next couple weeks).
“‘I will walk, in that case.‘ Weariness still clings, but Ine straightens his shoulders. ‘Let another ride. I have slept enough.‘”
“‘It‘s fact.‘ Cædwalla‘s shield watches him from its place on the wall. ‘I want Dumnonia, or thought I did, but if this is the price, I have no wish to pay it. The Britons can keep their land and their birthright, and their memories of a king who was clearly a better one than I.‘”
Put my bookmark in. It has a ribbon. My bookmarked book is now a cat toy 😆 Whatever makes April happy #CatsOfLitsy
“Heart thundering in her chest, Æthel stares at him aghast, feeling she might be sick. She had not expected him to agree like that, so readily, as if he could not wait to be rid of her. She opens her mouth, but nothing emerges. He has entirely stripped her of words. So it is in silence that she stumbles out, all thoughts of Britons and wights and heathens gone. Her heart is in pieces . . .”
Usual weekend routine of an egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit, a caramel macchiato, and some reading time at my favorite cafe before going to Petsmart.
“About to follow, Herla stops. What is this? she asks her thumping heart. She is here for one purpose: Gwyn‘s spy. As soon as she finds them and shakes the truth out of them, she will no longer need to run around with mortals. Still she stands there, staring, long after the people return to their tasks and the streets teem again with the bustle of morning.”
This was a good fairy tale, and I enjoyed reading it, but never felt like I fully connected with it. Like, the writing was really good (Beagle can be very poetic at times but very humorous at other moments), but I never quite connected with the characters. Still a pick! Still a fun read! I just think it‘s a book I would‘ve enjoyed more when I was younger.
Second #AuldLangSpine book from @BookmarkTavern complete!
“The studio person started to read aloud something else from Wikipedia and Merritt thought she might excuse herself for a moment, but right then Harper Harper came strolling into the restaurant. She stopped on her way over to greet people at another table, but they saw her. They all saw her. She‘d made her entrance at last.”
Looking for a job this new year? I saw on LinkedIn this morning that Book of the Month is hiring for a freelance crime fiction reader. Thought it might be up the alley of some of the people here. More info: https://bookofthemonth.applytojob.com/apply/job_20241223170632_IGGO5NBCWXCAKBNV
Dentist appointment done and killing time until my haircut. Another #AuldLangSpine title, a caramel brûlée latte, and a tomato mozzarella sandwich.
First book of 2025 and #AuldLangSpine is complete! And what a fantastic way to begin my reading year. I wouldn‘t have heard of this one if not for the list from @BookmarkTavern which is why I like this event. This was lovely - both melancholic and hopeful. I liked the depth of the world building and the development of the relationship between Andres, Renee, and Liora. I thought the end twist was predictable, but made sense. I hope more discover it
New year, new me? Nah
New year, new book? Heck yeah! Starting my first #AuldLangSpine book 📖 with an eggnog latte and grilled cheese
First batch of library holds for #AuldLangSpine have come in! More should come in after the New Year. Also have Elatsoe on my Kindle app. Happy New Year everyone! Hope your 2025 is filled with good books.
“The Widow Botezatu, who had been observing this conversation between the priest and her pet foreigner with poorly hidden glee, was delighted at the prospect of feeding both at once, and readily agreed. We parted from Father Sebastian with a promise to see var in two days, and were finally allowed to leave the church and return to our usual week‘s degeneracy.”
Not yet time for #ALSpine2025 but I‘m getting into the spirit early with the sequel to What Moves the Dead (which both @BookmarkTavern and I had on our lists). Egg and cheese on a salt bagel with a Coke to go with it.
Continuing this book 📖 while enjoying a caramel macchiato and egg and cheese on a cheddar chive biscuit. Then running errands. It‘s a beautiful day here - low 50s and sunny!
Back home after my Christmas travels. April is very happy I‘m back, and I‘m enjoying the snuggles 🥰 #CatsofLitsy
A decently satisfying end to this series, although not nearly as strong as the previous book. As always, Nicola Barber‘s reading on the audiobook was excellent.
Merry Christmas! My family and I exchanged our gifts today because tomorrow we are driving up to visit relatives. My sister got me this book on sandwiches! 🥪 📖 And my mom got me a nice humidifier.
I made mac and cheese for dinner with some spaghetti squash as a side (the squash was from a coworker who loves to garden) and we have an ice cream cake for dessert.
Hope everyone has a happy holiday season!
Because of the hype, I probs wouldn‘t have read this if not for the #ALSpine list from @Lin3han but I am SO GLAD I did! I mean, the component parts aren‘t necessarily original but they are combined so well. I love Violet. And the invisible disability rep was *so* relatable (being annoyed with an uncooperative body, dealing with others‘ ableism and your own internalized ableism, being able to do what other do but with adaptations,etc.). Audio is 💯
It took me a bit to get used to the style of the story and it starts out a bit slow as we learn about the Only People and their lives/culture, but once Young Hunter set out on his journey, I was hooked. I especially loved his relationship with his dogs!
“Reed looked hard at Young Hunter as she spoke those last words and he felt a shiver go down his spine. He understood. He saw who the fire hunters were and the greatness of their danger to all the people. He saw that they were beings to be pitied and feared. He saw too that his own weak seeing was needed now to help these people of the Village Between the Hills, as well as his own Dawn Land People.”
“The dogs looked up at him and then turned to run back in the direction from which they had come. Young Hunter faced the west and began to make his way quickly down the hill, angling toward the headland where his uncle had taken him four autumns before. As he ran, a part of his divided mind retold him that story of the hunter and his dogs. The rhythm of his grandmother‘s voice speaking the tale blended with the soft beat of his running feet.”
“All of the fear that had edged close to him was gone now. One of the dogs in the lean-to behind him stretched its legs, pressing them against Young Hunter‘s back. He would not think of tomorrow now. He would hold the sweetgrass basket close to his face and smell it; he would enjoy the warmth of his fire, and soon, the taste of his food. It would be enough. For now, it would be enough. Tomorrow he would reach the village of the Salmon People.”
The ice from yesterday‘s snow has melted enough for me to get out of the house for bit and enjoy a cappuccino and a cinnamon roll and start a new book 📖 ☕️ Enjoying the book so far, but I‘ve only read the first chapter.
“He built the fire before the sun was rose.”
“We have to ask what is lost, who is harmed, and what should be forgotten with the embrace of artificial intelligence in decision making. It is of no collective social benefit to organize information resources on the web through processes that solidify inequality and marginalization - on that point I am hopeful many people will agree.”
Soft pick. It took me awhile to get into this one because I couldn‘t really connect with the characters (in particular Adequin Rake) but switching to audio helped. It‘s a very plot-focused space opera with lots of action, almost like watching a movie or TV series. However, the last 30% were gripping, and it set things up very well for a sequel, which I think could be even better (sort of like how Empire Strikes Back is even better than the OG SW).
Cafe au lait and a little reading time before going to Trader Joe‘s ☕️ 📖 🧛