This book... Not my usual genre, but it sucked me in, and made me feel. Highly recommended.
This book... Not my usual genre, but it sucked me in, and made me feel. Highly recommended.
My find from Independent Bookstore Day. Can't wait to start it! #fables #fairytales #independentbookstoreday #unabridgedbookstorechicago #supportyourbookstore #buylocal #sickday #inbedallday
Bittersweet read of the year. #lastinaseries #KateDaniels #ilonaandrews #number10
I can't wait to start his book after hearing him speak! What an inspiration! ❤
Just received my copy of a new version of an old favorite.
Starting a new book mid-flight. Seems appropriate to start this one in the air. #shortstories #inflightreading #reroutedflight #somewhereoveriowa
The 1st book was ahhhhhhhhmazing. The 2nd book was good, but not as fantastic as the first. This one, the 3rd, is totally reeling me back in. More than half way through, I have all of my fingers and toes crossed, hoping upon hope that it doesn't disappoint in the end. #lastbook #trilogy #series #vampires #witches #daemons #magic
Other people's bookshelves are always so interesting. #bffbookshelf #bossbabes #womenrock #bestfriend #plantlady #pothos
I ate too much, I napped a bit, I knit, I read and I played with the pups. All in all, good 4th. 🎆🌽🍉🍪🍔📖🎇🐶🐕🇺🇸💤🎆
Some of the comics in here were so wonderful. A few made me cry, because of their beauty and their sadness. A lot of them highlighted the awful hatred in our society, while showing the amazing outpouring of love that often goes hand in hand with tragic events. But, as with many anthologies, they weren't consistently great, some were so-so, some didn't touch me the ways others did, and some just didn't resonate. Though, I'm still glad I read it.
Subway reading chasing away the Monday blues. #summerreads #cta #easyreading #relax #itsmonday
Break time reading.
Not sure why it took me so long to get around to reading this book, but glad I finally did.
What a great book (graphic novel) for this month's book club pick!!!
New book came today, just in time to kick off #LGBTPrideMonth
Getting ready for April... #nationalpoetrymonth2017
I often wish that my love for books would vanish before midnight... That way I would actually get some real sleep, as I wake up at 5:20am for work. 🌙✨📚😴📖🕑🌟
"It must just be some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise alone at night through shark-infested waters."
MDW >>>SFO in-flight reading. Loving it so far!!!!
Should stop reading... Should go to bed... Almost done with this #series
Finished the first in the series, on to the next. #readinsteadofsleep
Christmas gifts from people who know and love me!!! Starting out the new year the right way.
Inflight reading... LAX---->MDW #readingallthewayhome
Reading this book I haven't read in many, many (many) moons. Some words ring more true now than they did when I first read this book.
#LitsyRiotLive #brlive
My best friend catching up on our book club pick. A little quiet time amongst other bookworms. #brlive
Excited to share some of my favorite books tomorrow at #LitsyRiotLive! It's been so amazing spending time with like-minded book lovers, especially in the wake of all that is happening throughout the country. #BookRiotLive couldn't have come at a more perfect time!!!