This little book of comics is so funny and very relatable, especially if you‘re an “adult” who is trying to figure out how to be a real adult!
This little book of comics is so funny and very relatable, especially if you‘re an “adult” who is trying to figure out how to be a real adult!
There‘s nothing better than a book haul from 2nd & Charles 📚
I finally read Rainbow Rowell‘s Runaways and obviously it was amazing
#RainbowRowell #Runaways #MarvelRunaways #Marvel #MarvelComics
Mornings are for coffee and The Raven Boys ☕️
Mug from RedBubble
#BooksAndCoffee #MaggieStiefvater #TheRavenBoys #TheRavenCycle #Books #YA #IReadYA
My paperback copy of The Raven King is here!! 😍
#TheRavenKing #TheRavenCycle #TheRavenBoys #MaggieStiefvater #YA #YoungAdultLiterature #IReadYA #Books #BookMail
There‘s no better way to spend a snow day ❄️
#HarryPotter #HarryPotterAndTheChamberOfSecrets #JKRowling #Scholastic #ScholasticPublishing #YA #YoungAdultLit #YoungAdultLiterature #ChildrensFiction #Books #CurrentlyReading
Absolutely love my new Peter Pan book sleeve! Now I can take my books with me wherever I go ✨
(Book Sleeve from Melvis Makes on Etsy)
#PeterPan #JMBarrie #MurderOnTheOrientExpress #AgathaChristie #CurrentlyReading #Books
The best part of 2017 was definitely the books I read 📚
#Books #YA #YALit #YALiterature #IReadYA #MaggieStiefvater #HarryPotter #JKRowling #RainbowRowell #AYearOfBooks #BooksOfInstagram #BooksOf2017 #2017Books
Snow Day = Reading Day ❄️📚
#MaggieStiefvater #Ballad #Lament #YA #YoungAdultLit #YoungAdultLiterature #YALit #IReadYA #Books #Bookstagram #Reading
My collection of hardcover Harry Potter books with new Slytherin dust jackets from Juniper Books is complete! 🖤🐍
#HarryPotter #JKRowling #Slytherin #SlytherinHouse #YA #YoungAdultLit #YoungAdultLiterature #Books #JuniperBooks
My copy of Almost Midnight by Rainbow Rowell is finally here! ✨
#AlmostMidnight #Midnights #KindredSpirits #RainbowRowell #SiminiBlocker #YA #YoungAdultLit #YoungAdultLiterature #Books #ShortStories
I don‘t know why it took me so long to read this book, but I am so happy I did! Maggie Stiefvater is one of my favorite authors and this book did not disappoint.
#TheRavenBoys #TheRavenCycle #MaggieStiefvater #YA #YoungAdultLit #YoungAdultLiterature #IReadYA #Books #Bookstagram #Gansey #Blue #Ronan #Noah #Adam
My new Dracula Funko is the perfect addition to my Dracula book collection 🖤
#Dracula #BramStoker #GothicLiterature #Literature #Classics #Books #BookStack #Bookstagram #Funko #FunkoPop
I pre-ordered my copy of Maggie Stiefvater‘s new book through Fountain Bookstore and it came in the mail a few days early 😍
#MaggieStiefvater #AllTheCrookedSaints #YA #YAFiction #YoungAdultLiterature #TeenFiction #FountainBookstore #Books
Friday the 13th wasn‘t so unlucky after all 📚 I got my signed copies of these two October YA new releases yesterday and I can‘t wait to read them!
#MaggieStiefvater #AllTheCrookedSaints #JohnGreen #TurtlesAllTheWayDown #YA #YoungAdultLiterature #Books #NewReleases #SignedEditions #TeenFiction #YAFiction
4.5/5 Stars
Much like everything else I've read by Rainbow Rowell, I loved Attachments! I wasn't sure what to expect with her adult fiction, but I was not disappointed! Attachments was a great book that kept me interested and it was a fairly quick read. I highly recommend this book (and literally everything else Rainbow Rowell's written)!
3/5 Stars
Jane, Unlimited was an interesting book that kind of fell flat to me. It started off really slow, got really good with section two, and then it was just okay and at times weird throughout the rest of the book. I did really enjoy most of the characters though, especially Jasper 🐶 Also, look at that cover, so pretty and colorful!
*I received an ARC of Jane, Unlimited through the bookstore I work for.
4.5/5 ⭐️
I absolutely LOVED Carry On by Rainbow Rowell! It started off a little slow, but it didn't take long for me to get hooked! This was the second book of Rainbow Rowell's that I have read and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend this book, especially if you liked Fangirl. It's been almost 3 full days since I finished Carry On and I'm still not over it 🖤
Much needed cup of coffee on this Saturday afternoon ☕️📚
#EdgarAllanPoe #PoeMeACup #BooksAndCoffee #Books #Literature #Coffee #Poe #Classics #GothicLiterature #Poetry
Wall goals 📚
I found some great deals at 2nd and Charles! They have an awesome selection of books and gifts, and I found another Harry Potter book to add to my collection ⚡️
#StillNotEnoughBooks #2ndandCharles #bookwall #books #usedbooks #usedbookstore #HarryPotter
When your TBR stack is getting out of control, but you decide to read Harry Potter again 🙃
P.S. How gorgeous are the house editions of the first book? Love my Slytherin edition 😍🐍
#HarryPotter20 #HarryPotter #PhilosophersStone #JKRowling #Slytherin #Bloomsbury
Happy 20th anniversary to the book that started it all! ⚡️ Harry Potter will always be my favorite 🖤
#HarryPotter20 #harrypotter #jkrowling #slytherin #sorcerersstone #harrypotterandthesorcerersstone
Hi Litsy! I just got Litsy so I'm playing around with it and figuring out how everything works!
I recently finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell so now I'm reading Carry On! I loved Fangirl so I'm excited to finish Carry On 🖤
#fangirl #carryon #rainbowrowell #simonsnow