Some light summer reading 😭
Some light summer reading 😭
What to say, what to say. I am here all day for conversion camp horror, they are already horrific so makes sense to use them as settings for otherworldly horrors as well. I did struggle tracking characters in this one, sometimes having to go back and check whose perspective I was reading. Overall a worthwhile read and really some disgusting stuff.
I DNFd Manhunt a year or so ago, so when I put this on hold I actually almost cancelled the hold. But usually I try to give a new to me author a couple of tries before I decide we aren‘t soulmates and this one is SO GOOD
Rave rave rave! Loved it! Salem‘s Lot meets Rosemary‘s Baby in the blurb on the back is 100% accurate. This was basically a perfect horror book (imo) and if you‘re on the fence, my new fave description is human beings being used as juice boxes. Weird out of context but so apt in the moment. All the 🌟
Boy oh boy was I excited about this one, and then… it didn‘t work for me. Liked the first half, but it just left me wanting more. And, one thing that really drove me nuts was that it didn‘t seem like the house in the cover matched the house description. I know it‘s not like plot but I didn‘t love that. Anyways, it just made me want to reread The Haunting of Hill House. I wish the delivery had matched the promise of what it could have been.
What am I reading? Sorry to all the people who have this on hold. I only have a hundred pages left so you have to wait.
I don‘t think I have the words to express how much I disliked this book. I absolutely would have bailed but it was an audiobook and the narrator was decent. Boring characters, way too many separate plot lines. Felt like I was getting smacked with red herrings. Too maybe unreliable narrators and I thought it would never end. Definitely not for me, inwards and upwards. Cheers to the author and her many many fans but we are not meant to be.
Loved it! Book 74 in 2023. Gay conversion camp horror and it was SO GOOD! Very clever and never really expected what came next.
Rose Darling is a devout follower of her church in small town Montana. But she starts questioning her faith and seeing some pretty creepy shit.
I thought it was really clever and very well written! I‘ll definitely read more Chuck Tingle horror if it arrives. I would consider this horror lite. Not too spooky.
I had heard of Chuck Tingle but this is my first time reading and this is really good so far. Gay conversion camp horror. I am not a religious person, so I can‘t say with certainty but it sure seems like he‘s really hit all the right notes. Hoping to finish for the weekend!
I‘m so so excited! A day when my toughest choice is knitting or reading is a good day!
I am a huge fan of the classic disaster film The Poseidon Adventure, and this is a first time read for me. It is really good! Very well written so far.
This friggin dog better be okay. I swear, I will not be if something happens to the dog.
I got this for my birthday last year and just bought Holly so I am FINALLY going in. I‘ll see you all on the other side.
Books 65 and 66 I think? Bearskin is due back sooner so it jumps the queue. I started another but not sure we‘re vibing so I‘ll move on for now and see how they go. Hope everyone had a fruitful weekend full of books.
I read my first Peter Swanson book in early 2023 and I only have two more from the back catalogue to go! I love them. So clever. It‘s been a highlight of the year to discover a new author that I enjoy so much, I‘m sad it‘s almost over 😭
I like the kitty cuddles though 😍
Finally! I got locked out and due to some dramatic adult stuff didn‘t get my life together to get back my account until recently. Just in time to finish Tender is the Flesh and have a real nice, cozy existential crisis, because seriously. I was trying to explain this to my sister and said it‘s so horrific but so clinical. I think that‘s what made it so horrific for me. Future world where we breed humans for meat. NO THANK YOU
Excellent book
Found this masterpiece today at Value Village and then Whiskers cuddles with me for quite a while. Cozy!
This is the sweetest story! I‘ll put the link in the comments but I ordered his book. I love to see a little light in the world, and I also love serial killer books.
Hi, it‘s me, I‘m the problem. Currently reading 4 of these 5 books 🤣
I feel like it‘s going to be a big reading weekend!
Worked late yesterday so having a quiet coffee and getting some chapters in before work. Quiet in a theoretical, dog barks don‘t count kind of way not in the literal sense.
Why can‘t I finish my book? Hmmmm 🤔
I‘ve been meaning to read this forever! My sister said it was disgusting, I am 100% on board!
An enthusiastic yes! Also Alix and Tamra are two of the biggest yuck characters I have read in years. Awful. Boo, no sympathy.
After a black babysitter is accused of kidnapping her white charge, her life takes some unexpected turns culminating in the release of a video taken the night of the kidnapping accusation. Parts were uncomfortable to read, but I loved the end!
I love Maggie O‘Farrell but Instructions for a Heatwave and I were not vibing. And it came due at the library so it was sweet knowing you but I‘m going to have to pass.
Saving myself up to fangirl over The Marriage Portrait.
This makes book 2 of 2023 that I am reading as a library book but it also turns out that I own it 😑
Both Kobo copies and I‘m glad to support the authors but is this indicative of a problem? Think of the other books I could have bought!
Cat on lap and dog on legs. This is the universe‘s way of telling me to settle on with this book and I am here for it.
Enthusiastic pick! Super fun read about a woman who has a fling on her bachelorette weekend but the fling reappears before and after her wedding. Things go badly on the weird isolated honeymoon.
Bring me this author‘s backlist!
I didn‘t even realize this was the CBC Canada Reads Winner but deservedly so. And her first book! What.
Five Little Indians follows 5 children from a residential school. There is really nothing I can say that would come close to explaining how devastating this book is. It‘s such beautiful writing on such an atrocious topic. I think this one will stay with me for a long time. It was a really emotional read.
I loved it. So hard. Not Survive the Night hard but close. Casey Fletcher, widow and problematic drinker has been sent to her family‘s lake house to recoup/detox after the death of her husband. She saves the life of her model neighbour who is stuck in an unhappy marriage. Model neighbour disappears. Casey keeps drinking and makes questionable decisions. I thought I had figured out the twist but had not.
Pick with a caveat and 3.5/5 ⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️
To be honest, John Grisham could write only Jake Brigance stories for the rest of time and I would read and love each one. I also enjoyed the second story in here about a death row inmate. It was the title story that fell a bit flat for me, just the wrap up seemed a bit… I thought there would be more. But I did really enjoy the story just not the end. An overall pick and I remain a John Grisham fangirl.
Strong pick. Ike and Buddy Lee, both ex cons and fathers to gay sons who had been less than supportive of their kids. Their sons have been murdered and they are out to find out who hurt their kids. TW for homophobia, racism, transphobia
Loved it! A redemption story about two dads who are coming to terms with how their close mindedness cost them valuable time with their kids. Loved watching the relationship between them grow.
I give this book 4/5🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸
Dane, something of an outcast, ends up living in the wild with a wolf pack. A group of hunters decimate the wolf pack, unknowingly leaving one wolf alive. Dane and the wolf seek revenge, picking up Jenny on the way. I actually enjoyed this, hard to believe but it was better than the cover. Well written and some good gore. The book did show its age (tw racism) in spots. Dane‘s backstory was my favourite part!
Happy year end 2022! I‘ve been quietly lurking in the Litsy background mostly due to not reading so much and also work but I miss it. Reading this masterpiece that I got for Christmas and chapter 10 opens in my beautiful home province of Alberta!
Pick! Set in 1989, a reporter finds some related deaths including his wife‘s niece and starts investigating with his friend. Videotape located and creepiness ensues. I did not think that this was as scary as the American or Japanese movie versions which stand up today, but the original story is very good, and original. If you enjoyed either Ringu or The Ring, you should enjoy this.
I give this a begrudging so-so. I have heard wonderful things about this author and picked this up knowing nothing. I did not love it. The highlight of this book was that I got to read it camping and that it was not very long. Maeve (ballerina recovering from bad marriage) deserved better than this. I will definitely try another of her books though.
First time read for me, I loved the movie so I hope that I enjoy the book! Best read in daylight hours 🤣
Okay. I started this book and it was so good, I immediately decided I needed to read the first two books first. So I did and then it turns out that the third is the worst ☹️ it‘s not bad but the first two were SO GOOD that it‘s just like eh 🤷🏼♀️
And I could not stand the female characters. So there were some highlights but it just didn‘t stand up the books 1 and 2.
- fin -
My guy had emergency surgery this weekend, we still aren‘t sure what exactly happened but he is home and resting. Nothing like an emergency to remind you how much you love your baby. I‘m taking a couple of days to care for him, and I did manage to get some reading done in the middle of the night 😕 good book though.
Kind of a slog if I‘m being honest. I didn‘t dislike this but I love The Stepford Wives and this was clearly inspired by that one and that‘s really all you need to know. It‘s that but with a gender twist and the issue of course being the unsung and emotional labour of motherhood. I‘m a firm believer in that, don‘t get me wrong but this wasn‘t for me.
Reading with my number one guy this morning, he is only allowed on the bed with mom on weekends 😀
I had taken out so many library books, I had to make some tough calls, and return a handful unread. This made room for the 4 new ones I got yesterday! I am glad that I gave the tagged a chance, I was a bit in the fence but I‘m about halfway through and enjoying it though it is slightly range inducing at times.
Things have been crazy! I‘ve been watching a lot of reality tv 🫤 and reading a lot but not actually finishing any books. Thankfully this morning I was up early and picked up Long Bright River and read half of it! So good!
Lucy approves… of anytime I cuddle with her. It snowed here so bed is where I will stay for the foreseeable future.
I don‘t have enough words to express how much I disliked this well written book. Maybe it is a classic but maybe sometimes movies are better than books. I will remember a cast full of unlikeable characters, some good deaths, and too little shark. Hated it.